;;; clever compiler could optimize this into the obvious loop that
;;; everyone would write in assembly language.
-(define (append . lists) (%append lists))
-(define (append! . lists) (%append! lists))
-(define (%append lists)
- (let ((lists (reverse! lists)))
- (if (pair? lists)
- (let loop ((accum (car lists)) (rest (cdr lists)))
- (if (pair? rest)
- (loop (let ((l1 (car rest)))
- (cond ((pair? l1)
- (let ((root (cons (car l1) #f)))
- (let loop ((cell root) (next (cdr l1)))
- (cond ((pair? next)
- (let ((cell* (cons (car next) #f)))
- (set-cdr! cell cell*)
- (loop cell* (cdr next))))
- ((null? next)
- (set-cdr! cell accum))
- (else
- (error:not-a list? (car rest)
- 'append))))
- root))
- ((null? l1)
- accum)
- (else
- (error:not-a list? (car rest) 'append))))
- (cdr rest))
- accum))
- '())))
-(define (%append! lists)
- (if (pair? lists)
- (let loop ((head (car lists)) (tail (cdr lists)))
- (cond ((not (pair? tail))
- head)
- ((pair? head)
- (set-cdr! (last-pair head) (loop (car tail) (cdr tail)))
- head)
- (else
- (if (not (null? head))
- (error:not-a list? (car lists) 'append!))
- (loop (car tail) (cdr tail)))))
- '()))
+(define (%append-2 l1 l2)
+ (if (pair? l1)
+ (let ((root (cons (car l1) #f)))
+ (let loop ((cell root) (next (cdr l1)))
+ (if (pair? next)
+ (let ((cell* (cons (car next) #f)))
+ (set-cdr! cell cell*)
+ (loop cell* (cdr next)))
+ (begin
+ (if (not (null? next))
+ (error:not-a list? l1 'append))
+ (set-cdr! cell l2)
+ root))))
+ (begin (if (not (null? l1)) (error:not-a list? l1 'append))
+ l2)))
+(define append
+ (make-arity-dispatched-procedure
+ (named-lambda (append self . lists)
+ self
+ (let recur ((lists lists))
+ (if (pair? lists) ; Recursion limited by number of args.
+ (%append-2 (car lists) (recur (cdr lists)))
+ '())))
+ (lambda () '())
+ (lambda (l) l)
+ %append-2))
+(define (%append-2! l1 l2)
+ (if (pair? l1)
+ (begin (set-cdr! (last-pair l1) l2)
+ l1)
+ (begin (if (not (null? l1)) (error:not-a list? l1 'append!))
+ l2)))
+(define append!
+ (make-arity-dispatched-procedure
+ (named-lambda (append! self . lists)
+ self
+ (let recur ((lists lists))
+ (if (pair? lists) ; Recursion limited by number of args.
+ (%append-2! (car lists) (recur (cdr lists)))
+ '())))
+ (lambda () '())
+ (lambda (l) l)
+ %append-2!))
(define (reverse l) (reverse* l '()))
(define (reverse! l) (reverse*! l '()))