-(define (string->utf8 string #!optional start end)
- (guarantee string? string 'string->utf8)
- (let* ((end
- (if (default-object? end)
- (string-length string)
- (begin
- (guarantee index-fixnum? end 'string->utf8)
- (if (not (fix:<= end (string-length string)))
- (error:bad-range-argument end 'string->utf8))
- end)))
- (start
- (if (default-object? start)
- 0
- (begin
- (guarantee index-fixnum? start 'string->utf8)
- (if (not (fix:<= start end))
- (error:bad-range-argument start 'string->utf8))
- start))))
- (let ((buffer (allocate-bytevector (%count-utf8-bytes string start end))))
- (do ((from start (fix:+ from 1))
- (to 0
- (fix:+ to
- (char-utf8-bytes! buffer to (string-ref string from)))))
- ((not (fix:< from end))))
- buffer)))
-(define (%count-utf8-bytes string start end)
- (do ((index start (fix:+ index 1))
- (n-bytes 0
- (fix:+ n-bytes
- (char-utf8-byte-length (string-ref string index)))))
- ((not (fix:< index end)) n-bytes)))
+(define (string-encoder char-byte-length encode-char! caller)
+ (lambda (string #!optional start end)
+ (guarantee string? string caller)
+ (let* ((end
+ (if (default-object? end)
+ (string-length string)
+ (begin
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? end caller)
+ (if (not (fix:<= end (string-length string)))
+ (error:bad-range-argument end caller))
+ end)))
+ (start
+ (if (default-object? start)
+ 0
+ (begin
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? start caller)
+ (if (not (fix:<= start end))
+ (error:bad-range-argument start caller))
+ start))))
+ (let ((bytes
+ (allocate-bytevector
+ (let loop ((index start) (n-bytes 0))
+ (if (fix:< index end)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1)
+ (fix:+ n-bytes
+ (char-byte-length (string-ref string index))))
+ n-bytes)))))
+ (let loop ((from start) (to 0))
+ (if (fix:< from end)
+ (loop (fix:+ from 1)
+ (encode-char! bytes to (string-ref string from)))))
+ bytes))))
+(define string->utf8)
+(define string->utf16be)
+(define string->utf16le)
+(define string->utf32be)
+(define string->utf32le)
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! string->utf8
+ (string-encoder char-utf8-byte-length encode-utf8-char!
+ 'string->utf8))
+ (set! string->utf16be
+ (string-encoder char-utf16-byte-length encode-utf16be-char!
+ 'string->utf16be))
+ (set! string->utf16le
+ (string-encoder char-utf16-byte-length encode-utf16le-char!
+ 'string->utf16le))
+ (set! string->utf32be
+ (string-encoder char-utf32-byte-length encode-utf32be-char!
+ 'string->utf32be))
+ (set! string->utf32le
+ (string-encoder char-utf32-byte-length encode-utf32le-char!
+ 'string->utf32le))
+ unspecific))
-(define (utf8->string bytevector #!optional start end)
- (guarantee bytevector? bytevector 'utf8->string)
- (let* ((end
- (if (default-object? end)
- (bytevector-length bytevector)
- (begin
- (guarantee index-fixnum? end 'utf8->string)
- (if (not (fix:<= end (bytevector-length bytevector)))
- (error:bad-range-argument end 'utf8->string))
- end)))
- (start
- (if (default-object? start)
- 0
- (begin
- (guarantee index-fixnum? start 'utf8->string)
- (if (not (fix:<= start end))
- (error:bad-range-argument start 'utf8->string))
- start))))
- (%utf8->string bytevector start end)))
-(define (%utf8->string bytevector start end)
- (let ((string (make-string (%count-utf8-chars bytevector start end))))
- (let loop ((from start) (to 0))
- (define-integrable (get-byte offset)
- (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector (fix:+ from offset)))
- (define-integrable (put-char! cp)
- (string-set! string to (integer->char cp)))
- (if (fix:< from end)
- (let ((b0 (get-byte 0)))
- (cond ((fix:< b0 #x80)
- (put-char! b0)
- (loop (fix:+ from 1) (fix:+ to 1)))
- ((fix:< b0 #xE0)
- (put-char! (decode-utf8-2 b0 (get-byte 1)))
- (loop (fix:+ from 2) (fix:+ to 1)))
- ((fix:< b0 #xF0)
- (put-char! (decode-utf8-3 b0 (get-byte 1) (get-byte 2)))
- (loop (fix:+ from 3) (fix:+ to 1)))
- (else
- (put-char!
- (decode-utf8-4 b0 (get-byte 1) (get-byte 2) (get-byte 3)))
- (loop (fix:+ from 4) (fix:+ to 1)))))))
- string))
-(define (%count-utf8-chars bytevector start end)
- (let loop ((index start) (n-chars 0))
- (if (fix:< index end)
- (let ((b0 (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector index)))
- (let ((index*
- (fix:+ index
- (cond ((fix:< b0 #x80) 1)
- ((fix:< b0 #xE0) 2)
- ((fix:< b0 #xF0) 3)
- (else 4)))))
- (if (not (fix:<= index* end))
- (error "Truncated UTF-8 sequence:"
- (bytevector-copy bytevector index end)))
- (loop index* (fix:+ n-chars 1))))
- n-chars)))
-(define (decode-utf8-2 b0 b1)
- (if (not (and (fix:> b0 #xC1)
- (trailing-byte? b1)))
- (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1))
- (fix:or (extract b0 #x1F 6)
- (extract b1 #x3F 0)))
-(define (decode-utf8-3 b0 b1 b2)
- (if (not (and (or (fix:> b0 #xE0) (fix:> b1 #x9F))
- (trailing-byte? b1)
- (trailing-byte? b2)))
- (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1 b2))
- (let ((cp
- (fix:or (fix:or (extract b0 #x0F 12)
- (extract b1 #x3F 6))
- (extract b2 #x3F 0))))
- (if (surrogate? cp)
- (error "Code point is a UTF-16 surrogate:" cp))
- (if (non-character? cp)
- (error "Code point is a non-character:" cp))
- cp))
-(define (decode-utf8-4 b0 b1 b2 b3)
- (if (not (and (or (fix:> b0 #xF0) (fix:> b1 #x8F))
- (trailing-byte? b1)
- (trailing-byte? b2)
- (trailing-byte? b3)))
- (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1 b2 b3))
- (let ((cp
- (fix:or (fix:or (extract b0 #x07 18)
- (extract b1 #x3F 12))
- (fix:or (extract b2 #x3F 6)
- (extract b3 #x3F 0)))))
- (if (not (fix:< cp #x110000))
- (error "Value is not a code point:" cp))
- (if (non-character? cp)
- (error "Code point is a non-character:" cp))
- cp))
-(define-integrable (extract b m n)
- (fix:lsh (fix:and b m) n))
-(define-integrable (trailing-byte? b)
- (fix:= (fix:and #xC0 b) #x80))
-(define-integrable (surrogate? cp)
- (and (fix:<= #xD800 cp) (fix:< cp #xDFFF)))
-(define-integrable (non-character? cp)
- (or (and (fix:<= #xFDD0 cp) (fix:< cp #xFDF0))
- (fix:= (fix:and #xFFFE cp) #xFFFE)))
\ No newline at end of file
+(define (bytes-decoder getter initial->length char-length decode-char step noun
+ caller)
+ (lambda (bytevector #!optional start end)
+ (guarantee bytevector? bytevector caller)
+ (let* ((end
+ (if (default-object? end)
+ (bytevector-length bytevector)
+ (begin
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? end caller)
+ (if (not (fix:<= end (bytevector-length bytevector)))
+ (error:bad-range-argument end caller))
+ end)))
+ (start
+ (if (default-object? start)
+ 0
+ (begin
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? start caller)
+ (if (not (fix:<= start end))
+ (error:bad-range-argument start caller))
+ start)))
+ (truncated
+ (lambda (index)
+ (error (string "Truncated " noun " sequence:")
+ (bytevector-copy bytevector
+ index
+ (fix:min (fix:+ index 4) end))))))
+ (let ((string
+ (make-string
+ (let loop ((index start) (n-chars 0))
+ (if (fix:<= (fix:+ index step) end)
+ (let ((n (initial->length (getter bytevector start))))
+ (let ((index* (fix:+ index n)))
+ (if (not (fix:<= index* end))
+ (truncated index))
+ (loop index* (fix:+ n-chars 1))))
+ (begin
+ (if (fix:< index end)
+ (truncated index))
+ n-chars))))))
+ (let loop ((from start) (to 0))
+ (if (fix:< from end)
+ (let ((char (decode-char bytevector start)))
+ (string-set! string to char)
+ (loop (fix:+ from (char-length char))
+ (fix:+ to 1)))))
+ string))))
+(define utf8->string)
+(define utf16be->string)
+(define utf16le->string)
+(define utf32be->string)
+(define utf32le->string)
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! utf8->string
+ (bytes-decoder bytevector-u8-ref initial-byte->utf8-char-length
+ char-utf8-byte-length decode-utf8-char 1 "UTF-8"
+ 'utf8->string))
+ (set! utf16be->string
+ (bytes-decoder bytevector-u16be-ref initial-u16->utf16-char-length
+ char-utf16-byte-length decode-utf16be-char 1 "UTF-16BE"
+ 'utf16be->string))
+ (set! utf16le->string
+ (bytes-decoder bytevector-u16le-ref initial-u16->utf16-char-length
+ char-utf16-byte-length decode-utf16le-char 1 "UTF-16LE"
+ 'utf16le->string))
+ (set! utf32be->string
+ (bytes-decoder bytevector-u32be-ref initial-u32->utf32-char-length
+ char-utf32-byte-length decode-utf32be-char 1 "UTF-32BE"
+ 'utf32be->string))
+ (set! utf32le->string
+ (bytes-decoder bytevector-u32le-ref initial-u32->utf32-char-length
+ char-utf32-byte-length decode-utf32le-char 1 "UTF-32LE"
+ 'utf32le->string))
+ unspecific))
\ No newline at end of file
(%make-char (char-code char)
(fix:andc (char-bits char) bits)))
-(define (unicode-char? object)
- (and (char? object)
- (legal-code-32? (char->integer object))))
-(define-guarantee unicode-char "a Unicode character")
-(define (unicode-scalar-value? object)
- (and (index-fixnum? object)
- (fix:< object char-code-limit)
- (not (surrogate? object))
- (not (non-character? object))))
-(define-guarantee unicode-scalar-value "a Unicode scalar value")
-(define (unicode-char->scalar-value char)
- (let ((cp (char->integer char)))
- (if (not (legal-code-32? cp))
- (error:not-unicode-char char 'char-utf8-byte-length))
- cp))
-(define-integrable (legal-code-32? pt)
- (and (fix:< pt char-code-limit)
- (not (surrogate? pt))
- (not (non-character? pt))))
-(define-integrable (legal-code-16? pt)
- (and (not (surrogate? pt))
- (not (non-character? pt))))
-(define-integrable (surrogate? pt)
- (and (fix:<= #xD800 pt) (fix:< pt #xDFFF)))
-(define-integrable (non-character? pt)
- (or (and (fix:<= #xFDD0 pt) (fix:< pt #xFDF0))
- (fix:= (fix:and #xFFFE pt) #xFFFE)))
(define (8-bit-char? object)
(and (char? object)
- (fix:< (char->integer object) 256)))
+ (fix:< (char->integer object) #x100)))
(define (guarantee-8-bit-char object #!optional caller)
(define (char-ascii? char)
(let ((n (char->integer char)))
- (and (fix:< n 256)
+ (and (fix:< n #x100)
(define (char->ascii char)
(char->integer char))
(define (ascii->char code)
- (guarantee-limited-index-fixnum code 256 'ASCII->CHAR)
+ (guarantee-limited-index-fixnum code #x100 'ASCII->CHAR)
(%make-char code 0))
(define (chars->ascii chars)
(map char->ascii chars))
-;;;; UTF-{8,16,32} encoders
-(define (char-utf8-byte-length char)
- (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
- (cond ((fix:< sv #x00000080) 1)
- ((fix:< sv #x00000800) 2)
- ((fix:< sv #x00010000) 3)
- (else 4))))
-(define (char-utf8-bytes! bytes index char)
- (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
- (define-integrable (initial-byte n-bits offset)
- (fix:or (fix:and (fix:lsh #xFF (fix:+ n-bits 1)) #xFF)
- (fix:lsh sv (fix:- 0 offset))))
- (define-integrable (trailing-byte offset)
- (fix:or #x80 (fix:and (fix:lsh sv (fix:- 0 offset)) #x3F)))
- (cond ((fix:< sv #x00000080)
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index sv)
- (fix:+ index 1))
- ((fix:< sv #x00000800)
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte 5 6))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte 0))
- (fix:+ index 2))
- ((fix:< sv #x00010000)
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte 4 12))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte 6))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 2) (trailing-byte 0))
- (fix:+ index 3))
- (else
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte 3 18))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte 12))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 2) (trailing-byte 6))
- (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 3) (trailing-byte 0))
- (fix:+ index 4)))))
-(define (char-utf16-byte-length char)
- (if (fix:< (unicode-char->scalar-value char) #x00010000) 2 4))
-(define (char-utf16be-bytes! bytes index char)
- (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
- (cond ((fix:< sv #x10000)
- (bytevector-u16be-set! bytes index sv)
- (fix:+ index 2))
- (else
- (receive (h l) (split-into-utf16-surrogates sv)
- (bytevector-u16be-set! bytes index h)
- (bytevector-u16be-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) l))
- (fix:+ index 4)))))
-(define (char-utf16le-bytes! bytes index char)
- (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
- (cond ((fix:< sv #x10000)
- (bytevector-u16le-set! bytes index sv)
- (fix:+ index 2))
- (else
- (receive (h l) (split-into-utf16-surrogates sv)
- (bytevector-u16le-set! bytes index l)
- (bytevector-u16le-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) h))
- (fix:+ index 4)))))
-(define (char-utf32-byte-length char)
- (if (fix:< (unicode-char->scalar-value char) #x00010000) 2 4))
-(define (char-utf32be-bytes! bytes index char)
- (bytevector-u32be-set! bytes index (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
-(define (char-utf32le-bytes! bytes index char)
- (bytevector-u32le-set! bytes index (unicode-char->scalar-value char)))
(define (char=? x y)
(fix:= (char->integer x) (char->integer y)))
(define char-bit:meta #x01)
(define char-bit:control #x02)
(define char-bit:super #x04)
-(define char-bit:hyper #x08)
\ No newline at end of file
+(define char-bit:hyper #x08)
+;;;; Unicode characters
+(define (unicode-char? object)
+ (and (char? object)
+ (legal-code-32? (char->integer object))))
+(define (unicode-scalar-value? object)
+ (and (index-fixnum? object)
+ (legal-code-32? object)))
+(define-guarantee unicode-char "a Unicode character")
+(define-guarantee unicode-scalar-value "a Unicode scalar value")
+(define (unicode-char->scalar-value char #!optional caller)
+ (let ((cp (char->integer char)))
+ (if (not (legal-code-32? cp))
+ (error:not-a unicode-char? char caller))
+ cp))
+(define-integrable (legal-code-32? cp)
+ (and (fix:< cp char-code-limit)
+ (not (utf16-surrogate? cp))
+ (not (non-character? cp))))
+(define (legal-code-16? pt)
+ (and (not (utf16-surrogate? pt))
+ (not (non-character? pt))))
+(define-integrable (utf16-surrogate? cp)
+ (fix:= #xD800 (fix:and #xF800 cp)))
+(define-integrable (utf16-high-surrogate? cp)
+ (fix:= #xD800 (fix:and #xFC00 cp)))
+(define-integrable (utf16-low-surrogate? cp)
+ (fix:= #xDC00 (fix:and #xFC00 cp)))
+(define-integrable (non-character? cp)
+ (or (and (fix:<= #xFDD0 cp) (fix:< cp #xFDF0))
+ (fix:= #xFFFE (fix:and #xFFFE cp))))
+(define-integrable (guarantee-cp-is-character cp)
+ (if (non-character? cp)
+ (error "Code point is a non-character:" cp)))
+(define-integrable (guarantee-cp-in-range cp)
+ (if (not (fix:< cp char-code-limit))
+ (error "Value is not a code point:" cp)))
+(define-integrable (guarantee-cp-not-utf16-surrogate cp)
+ (if (utf16-surrogate? cp)
+ (error "Code point is a UTF-16 surrogate:" cp)))
+(define-integrable (extract-bits word mask shift)
+ (fix:lsh (fix:and word mask) shift))
+(define-integrable (insert-bits word mask shift)
+ (fix:and (fix:lsh word shift) mask))
+;;;; UTF-{8,16,32} encoders
+(define (char-utf8-byte-length char)
+ (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char 'char-utf8-byte-length)))
+ (cond ((fix:< sv #x80) 1)
+ ((fix:< sv #x800) 2)
+ ((fix:< sv #x10000) 3)
+ (else 4))))
+(define (encode-utf8-char! bytes index char)
+ (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char 'encode-utf8-char!)))
+ (define-integrable (initial-byte leader offset)
+ (fix:or leader (fix:lsh sv offset)))
+ (define-integrable (trailing-byte offset)
+ (fix:or #x80 (insert-bits sv #x3F offset)))
+ (cond ((fix:< sv #x00000080)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index sv)
+ (fix:+ index 1))
+ ((fix:< sv #x00000800)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte #xC0 -6))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte 0))
+ (fix:+ index 2))
+ ((fix:< sv #x00010000)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte #xE0 -12))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte -6))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 2) (trailing-byte 0))
+ (fix:+ index 3))
+ (else
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes index (initial-byte #xF0 -18))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 1) (trailing-byte -12))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 2) (trailing-byte -6))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bytes (fix:+ index 3) (trailing-byte 0))
+ (fix:+ index 4)))))
+(define (char-utf16-byte-length char)
+ (if (fix:< (unicode-char->scalar-value char 'char-utf16-byte-length) #x10000)
+ 2
+ 4))
+(define (utf16-char-encoder setter caller)
+ (lambda (bytes index char)
+ (let ((sv (unicode-char->scalar-value char caller)))
+ (cond ((fix:< sv #x10000)
+ (setter bytes index sv)
+ (fix:+ index 2))
+ (else
+ (let ((n (fix:- sv #x10000)))
+ (setter bytes index
+ (fix:or #xD800 (insert-bits n #x3FF -10)))
+ (setter bytes (fix:+ index 2)
+ (fix:or #xDC00 (insert-bits n #x3FF 0))))
+ (fix:+ index 4))))))
+(define encode-utf16be-char!
+ (utf16-char-encoder bytevector-u16be-set! 'encode-utf16be-char!))
+(define encode-utf16le-char!
+ (utf16-char-encoder bytevector-u16le-set! 'encode-utf16le-char!))
+(define (char-utf32-byte-length char)
+ (unicode-char->scalar-value char 'char-utf32-byte-length)
+ 4)
+(define (utf32-char-encoder setter caller)
+ (lambda (bytes index char)
+ (setter bytes index (unicode-char->scalar-value char caller))))
+(define encode-utf32be-char!
+ (utf32-char-encoder bytevector-u32be-set! 'encode-utf32be-char!))
+(define encode-utf32le-char!
+ (utf32-char-encoder bytevector-u32le-set! 'encode-utf32le-char!))
+;;;; UTF-{8,16,32} decoders
+(define (initial-byte->utf8-char-length byte)
+ (guarantee byte? byte 'initial-byte->utf8-char-length)
+ (cond ((utf8-initial-byte-1? byte) 1)
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-2? byte) 2)
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-3? byte) 3)
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-4? byte) 4)
+ (else (error "Illegal UTF-8 initial byte:" byte))))
+(define (decode-utf8-char bytes index)
+ (integer->char
+ (let ((b0 (bytevector-u8-ref bytes index)))
+ (cond ((utf8-initial-byte-1? b0)
+ b0)
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-2? b0)
+ (decode-utf8-2 b0
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 1))))
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-3? b0)
+ (decode-utf8-3 b0
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 1))
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 2))))
+ ((utf8-initial-byte-4? b0)
+ (decode-utf8-4 b0
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 1))
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 2))
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bytes (fix:+ index 3))))
+ (else
+ (error "Illegal UTF-8 initial byte:" b0))))))
+(define (decode-utf8-2 b0 b1)
+ (if (not (and (fix:> b0 #xC1)
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b1)))
+ (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1))
+ (fix:or (extract-bits b0 #x1F 6)
+ (extract-bits b1 #x3F 0)))
+(define (decode-utf8-3 b0 b1 b2)
+ (if (not (and (or (fix:> b0 #xE0) (fix:> b1 #x9F))
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b1)
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b2)))
+ (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1 b2))
+ (let ((cp
+ (fix:or (fix:or (extract-bits b0 #x0F 12)
+ (extract-bits b1 #x3F 6))
+ (extract-bits b2 #x3F 0))))
+ (guarantee-cp-not-utf16-surrogate cp)
+ (guarantee-cp-is-character cp)
+ cp))
+(define (decode-utf8-4 b0 b1 b2 b3)
+ (if (not (and (or (fix:> b0 #xF0) (fix:> b1 #x8F))
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b1)
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b2)
+ (utf8-trailing-byte? b3)))
+ (error "Ill-formed UTF-8 sequence:" b0 b1 b2 b3))
+ (let ((cp
+ (fix:or (fix:or (extract-bits b0 #x07 18)
+ (extract-bits b1 #x3F 12))
+ (fix:or (extract-bits b2 #x3F 6)
+ (extract-bits b3 #x3F 0)))))
+ (guarantee-cp-in-range cp)
+ (guarantee-cp-is-character cp)
+ cp))
+(define-integrable (utf8-initial-byte-1? byte)
+ (fix:= #x00 (fix:and #x80 byte)))
+(define-integrable (utf8-initial-byte-2? byte)
+ (fix:= #xC0 (fix:and #xE0 byte)))
+(define-integrable (utf8-initial-byte-3? byte)
+ (fix:= #xE0 (fix:and #xF0 byte)))
+(define-integrable (utf8-initial-byte-4? byte)
+ (fix:= #xF0 (fix:and #xF8 byte)))
+(define-integrable (utf8-trailing-byte? byte)
+ (fix:= #x80 (fix:and #xC0 byte)))
+(define (initial-u16->utf16-char-length u16)
+ (guarantee u16? u16 'initial-u16->utf16-char-length)
+ (if (utf16-high-surrogate? u16) 4 2))
+(define (utf16-char-decoder getter)
+ (lambda (bytes index)
+ (let ((d0 (getter bytes index)))
+ (if (utf16-low-surrogate? d0)
+ (error "Ill-formed UTF-16 sequence:" d0))
+ (let ((cp
+ (if (utf16-high-surrogate? d0)
+ (let ((d1 (getter bytes (fix:+ index 2))))
+ (if (not (utf16-low-surrogate? d1))
+ (error "Ill-formed UTF-16 sequence:" d0 d1))
+ (fix:+ (fix:or (extract-bits d0 #x3FF 10)
+ (extract-bits d1 #x3FF 0))
+ #x10000))
+ d0)))
+ (guarantee-cp-in-range cp)
+ (guarantee-cp-is-character cp)
+ (integer->char cp)))))
+(define decode-utf16be-char
+ (utf16-char-decoder bytevector-u16be-ref))
+(define decode-utf16le-char
+ (utf16-char-decoder bytevector-u16le-ref))
+(define (initial-u32->utf32-char-length u32)
+ (guarantee u32? u32 'initial-u32->utf32-char-length)
+ 4)
+(define (utf32-char-decoder getter)
+ (lambda (bytes index)
+ (let ((u32 (getter bytes index)))
+ (if (not (< u32 char-code-limit))
+ (error "Value is not a code point:" u32))
+ (guarantee-cp-not-utf16-surrogate u32)
+ (guarantee-cp-is-character u32)
+ (integer->char u32))))
+(define decode-utf32be-char
+ (utf32-char-decoder bytevector-u32be-ref))
+(define decode-utf32le-char
+ (utf32-char-decoder bytevector-u32le-ref))
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