(define (make-method:modify! compute-hash! key=? entry-type)
(declare (integrate-operator compute-hash! key=? entry-type))
(define (method:modify! table key default procedure)
- (let ((hash (compute-hash! table key)))
- (let loop ((p (vector-ref (table-buckets table) hash)) (q #f))
- (if (pair? p)
- (call-with-entry-key&datum entry-type (car p)
- (lambda (key* datum barrier)
- (declare (integrate key* datum barrier))
- (if (key=? key* key)
- (let ((datum* (procedure datum)))
- (without-interruption
- (lambda ()
- (set-entry-datum! entry-type (car p) datum*)))
- (barrier)
- datum*)
- (loop (cdr p) p)))
- (lambda () (loop (cdr p) p)))
- (let ((datum (procedure default)))
- (without-interruption
- (lambda ()
- (let ((r (cons (make-entry entry-type key datum) '())))
- (if q
- (set-cdr! q r)
- (vector-set! (table-buckets table) hash r)))
- (increment-table-count! table)
- (maybe-grow-table! table)))
- datum)))))
+ (let restart ((has-value? #f) (value #f))
+ (let ((hash (compute-hash! table key)))
+ (let loop ((p (vector-ref (table-buckets table) hash)) (q #f))
+ (if (pair? p)
+ (call-with-entry-key&datum entry-type (car p)
+ (lambda (key* datum barrier)
+ (declare (integrate key* datum barrier))
+ (if (key=? key* key)
+ (let ((datum* (procedure datum)))
+ (without-interruption
+ (lambda ()
+ (set-entry-datum! entry-type (car p) datum*)))
+ (barrier)
+ datum*)
+ (loop (cdr p) p)))
+ (lambda () (loop (cdr p) p)))
+ ;; If there's no entry, we have to create a new one. But calling
+ ;; PROCEDURE potentially modifies TABLE, so we can't assume that Q
+ ;; or the bucket are valid when it returns. Instead, re-start the
+ ;; loop, and if there's still no entry, we can then safely add the
+ ;; previously computed value.
+ (if (not has-value?)
+ (restart #t (procedure default))
+ (begin
+ (without-interruption
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((r (cons (make-entry entry-type key value) '())))
+ (if q
+ (set-cdr! q r)
+ (vector-set! (table-buckets table) hash r)))
+ (increment-table-count! table)
+ (maybe-grow-table! table)))
+ value)))))))
(define (make-method:remove! compute-hash! key=? entry-type)