--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: syncproc.scm,v 1.1 1999/01/29 22:45:54 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;;; Synchronous Subprocess Support
+;;; package: (runtime synchronous-subprocess)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-structure (subprocess-context
+ (keyword-constructor make-subprocess-context)
+ (conc-name subprocess-context/))
+ ;; Where to get input data to send to the subprocess. Either an
+ ;; input port, or #F meaning that nothing is to be sent.
+ (input #f read-only #t)
+ ;; How to do line translation on data sent to the subprocess.
+ (input-line-translation 'DEFAULT read-only #t)
+ ;; Where to put output data that is received from the subprocess.
+ ;; Either an output port, or #F meaning to discard any output.
+ (output (current-output-port) read-only #t)
+ ;; How to do line translation on data received from the subprocess.
+ (output-line-translation 'DEFAULT read-only #t)
+ ;; A thunk that is periodically called while the subprocess is
+ ;; running, to allow the calling program to notice output from the
+ ;; subprocess and show it to the user. Can also be #F.
+ (redisplay-hook #f read-only #t)
+ ;; An environment to pass to the subprocess. Usually #F.
+ (environment #f read-only #t)
+ ;; A working directory for the subprocess. #F means current working
+ ;; directory.
+ (working-directory #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Whether to use PTYs to talk to the subprocess (if supported by
+ ;; the operating system).
+ (use-pty? #f read-only #t)
+ ;; The name of the shell interpreter.
+ (shell-file-name (os/shell-file-name) read-only #t))
+(define (run-shell-command command #!optional context)
+ (let ((context
+ (if (or (default-object? context) (not context))
+ (make-subprocess-context)
+ context)))
+ (run-synchronous-process (subprocess-context/shell-file-name context)
+ (os/form-shell-command command)
+ context)))
+(define (run-synchronous-process program arguments #!optional context)
+ (let* ((context
+ (if (or (default-object? context) (not context))
+ (make-subprocess-context)
+ context))
+ (directory (subprocess-context/working-directory context))
+ (process #f))
+ (bind-condition-handler '()
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (if (and process (not (eq? process 'DELETED)))
+ (begin
+ (subprocess-delete process)
+ (set! process 'DELETED)))
+ (signal-condition condition))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! process
+ ((if (and (subprocess-context/use-pty? context)
+ ((ucode-primitive have-ptys? 0)))
+ start-pty-subprocess
+ start-pipe-subprocess)
+ (os/find-program program directory)
+ (list->vector (cons (file-namestring program) arguments))
+ (let ((environment (subprocess-context/environment context)))
+ (if directory
+ (cons environment (->namestring directory))
+ environment))))
+ (let loop ()
+ (let* ((status (synchronous-process-wait process context))
+ (reason (subprocess-exit-reason process)))
+ (subprocess-delete process)
+ (set! process 'DELETED)
+ (case status
+ (if (not (eqv? 0 reason))
+ (error:subprocess-exited process reason)))
+ (error:subprocess-signalled process reason))
+ (subprocess-kill process)
+ (subprocess-wait process)
+ (error:subprocess-stopped process reason))
+ (loop))
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown subprocess status:" status)))))))))
+(define condition-type:subprocess-abnormal-termination
+ (make-condition-type 'SUBPROCESS-ABNORMAL-TERMINATION condition-type:error
+ #f))
+(define (abnormal-termination-type name message)
+ (make-condition-type name
+ condition-type:subprocess-abnormal-termination
+ '()
+ (lambda (condition port)
+ (write-string "Subprocess " port)
+ (write (access-condition condition 'SUBPROCESS) port)
+ (write-string " " port)
+ (write-string message port)
+ (write-string " " port)
+ (write (access-condition condition 'REASON) port)
+ (write-string "." port))))
+(define condition-type:subprocess-stopped
+ (abnormal-termination-type 'SUBPROCESS-STOPPED "stopped with signal"))
+(define error:subprocess-stopped
+ (condition-signaller condition-type:subprocess-stopped
+ standard-error-handler))
+(define condition-type:subprocess-signalled
+ (abnormal-termination-type 'SUBPROCESS-SIGNALLED "terminated with signal"))
+(define error:subprocess-signalled
+ (condition-signaller condition-type:subprocess-signalled
+ standard-error-handler))
+(define condition-type:subprocess-exited
+ (abnormal-termination-type 'SUBPROCESS-EXITED "exited abnormally with code"))
+(define error:subprocess-exited
+ (condition-signaller condition-type:subprocess-exited
+ standard-error-handler))
+(define (synchronous-process-wait process context)
+ ;; Initialize the subprocess line-translation appropriately.
+ (subprocess-i/o-port process
+ (subprocess-context/output-line-translation context)
+ (subprocess-context/input-line-translation context))
+ (let ((redisplay-hook (subprocess-context/redisplay-hook context)))
+ (call-with-input-copier process
+ (subprocess-context/input context)
+ (subprocess-context/output context)
+ 512
+ (lambda (copy-input)
+ (call-with-output-copier process
+ (subprocess-context/output context)
+ (subprocess-context/input context)
+ 512
+ (lambda (copy-output)
+ (if copy-input
+ (if copy-output
+ (begin
+ (if redisplay-hook (redisplay-hook))
+ (let loop ()
+ (copy-input)
+ (let ((n (copy-output)))
+ (cond ((not n)
+ (loop))
+ ((> n 0)
+ (if redisplay-hook (redisplay-hook))
+ (loop))))))
+ (do () ((eqv? (copy-input) 0))))
+ (if copy-output
+ (begin
+ (if redisplay-hook (redisplay-hook))
+ (do ()
+ ((= (copy-output) 0))
+ (if redisplay-hook (redisplay-hook)))))))))))
+ (subprocess-wait process))
+(define (call-with-input-copier process process-input nonblock? bsize receiver)
+ (let ((port (subprocess-output-port process)))
+ (let ((output-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-OUTPUT)))
+ (if process-input
+ (handle-broken-pipe process
+ (lambda ()
+ (if nonblock?
+ ((port/operation port 'SET-OUTPUT-BLOCKING-MODE)
+ (receiver
+ (let ((buffer (make-string bsize)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (port/with-input-blocking-mode process-input 'BLOCKING
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n
+ (input-port/read-string! process-input buffer)))
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (output-port/write-substring port buffer 0 n)
+ (begin
+ (output-port/close port)
+ 0))))))))))
+ (begin
+ (output-port/close port)
+ (receiver #f))))))
+(define (handle-broken-pipe process thunk)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (continuation)
+ (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:system-call-error)
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (if (and (eq? 'WRITE (system-call-name condition))
+ (eq? 'BROKEN-PIPE (system-call-error condition)))
+ (continuation (subprocess-wait process))))
+ thunk))))
+(define system-call-name
+ (condition-accessor condition-type:system-call-error 'SYSTEM-CALL))
+(define system-call-error
+ (condition-accessor condition-type:system-call-error 'ERROR-TYPE))
+(define (call-with-output-copier process process-output nonblock? bsize
+ receiver)
+ (let ((port (subprocess-input-port process)))
+ (let ((input-port/open? (port/operation port 'INPUT-OPEN?))
+ (input-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-INPUT)))
+ (if process-output
+ (let ((buffer (make-string bsize)))
+ (let ((copy-output
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n (input-port/read-string! port buffer)))
+ (if (and n (> n 0))
+ (port/with-output-blocking-mode process-output
+ (lambda ()
+ (output-port/write-substring
+ process-output buffer 0 n))))
+ n))))
+ (if nonblock? (port/set-input-blocking-mode port 'NONBLOCKING))
+ (let ((status (receiver copy-output)))
+ (if (and nonblock? (input-port/open? port))
+ (begin
+ (port/set-input-blocking-mode port 'BLOCKING)
+ (do () ((= (copy-output) 0)))
+ (input-port/close port)))
+ status)))
+ (receiver #f)))))
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