#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Header: /Users/cph/tmp/foo/mit-scheme/mit-scheme/v7/src/compiler/machines/i386/lapopt.scm,v 1.2 1992/02/28 20:22:42 jinx Exp $
+$Id: lapopt.scm,v 1.3 1997/10/22 06:47:47 adams Exp $
-Copyright (c) 1992 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
MIT in each case. |#
;;;; LAP Optimizer for Intel i386.
+;;; package: (compiler lap-optimizer)
(declare (usual-integrations))
(define (optimize-linear-lap instructions)
- instructions)
\ No newline at end of file
+ (rewrite-lap instructions))
+;; i386 LAPOPT uses its own pattern matcher because we want to match
+;; patterns while ignoring comments.
+(define (comment? thing)
+ (and (pair? thing) (eq? (car thing) 'COMMENT)))
+(define (match pat thing dict) ; -> #F or dictionary (alist)
+ (if (pair? pat)
+ (if (eq? (car pat) '?)
+ (cond ((assq (cadr pat) dict)
+ => (lambda (pair)
+ (and (equal? (cdr pair) thing)
+ dict)))
+ (else (cons (cons (cadr pat) thing) dict)))
+ (and (pair? thing)
+ (let ((dict* (match (car pat) (car thing) dict)))
+ (and dict*
+ (match (cdr pat) (cdr thing) dict*)))))
+ (and (eqv? pat thing)
+ dict)))
+(define (match-sequence pats things dict comments success fail)
+ ;; SUCCESS = (lambda (dict* comments* things-tail) ...)
+ ;; FAIL = (lambda () ...)
+ (define (eat-comment)
+ (match-sequence pats (cdr things) dict (cons (car things) comments)
+ success fail))
+ (cond ((not (pair? pats)) ; i.e. null
+ (if (and (pair? things)
+ (comment? (car things)))
+ (eat-comment)
+ (success dict comments things)))
+ ((not (pair? things))
+ (fail))
+ ((comment? (car things))
+ (eat-comment))
+ ((match (car pats) (car things) dict)
+ => (lambda (dict*)
+ (match-sequence (cdr pats) (cdr things) dict* comments
+ success fail)))
+ (else (fail))))
+ (rule)
+ name ; used only for information
+ pattern ; INSNs (in reverse order)
+ predicate ; (lambda (dict) ...) -> bool
+ constructor) ; (lambda (dict) ...) -> lap
+(define *rules* '())
+(define (define-lapopt name pattern predicate constructor)
+ (set! *rules*
+ (cons (make-rule name
+ (reverse! pattern)
+ (if ((access procedure? system-global-environment)
+ predicate)
+ predicate
+ (lambda (dict) dict #T))
+ constructor)
+ *rules*))
+ name)
+;; Rules are tried in the reverse order in which they are defined.
+;; Rules are matched against the LAP from the bottom up.
+;; Once a rule has been applied, the rewritten LAP is matched again,
+;; so a rule must rewrite to something different to avoid a loop.
+;; (One way to ensure this is to always rewrite to fewer instructions.)
+(define (rewrite-lap lap)
+ (let loop ((unseen (reverse lap)) (finished '()))
+ (if (null? unseen)
+ finished
+ (if (comment? (car unseen))
+ (loop (cdr unseen) (cons (car unseen) finished))
+ (let try-rules ((rules *rules*))
+ (if (null? rules)
+ (loop (cdr unseen) (cons (car unseen) finished))
+ (let ((rule (car rules)))
+ (match-sequence
+ (rule-pattern rule)
+ unseen
+ '(("empty")) ; initial dict, distinct from #F and ()
+ '() ; initial comments
+ (lambda (dict comments unseen*)
+ (let ((dict (alist->dict dict)))
+ (if ((rule-predicate rule) dict)
+ (let ((rewritten
+ (cons
+ `(COMMENT (LAP-OPT ,(rule-name rule)))
+ (append comments
+ ((rule-constructor rule) dict)))))
+ (loop (append (reverse rewritten) unseen*)
+ finished))
+ (try-rules (cdr rules)))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (try-rules (cdr rules)))))))))))
+;; The DICT passed to the rule predicate and action procedures is a
+;; procedure mapping pattern names to their matched values.
+(define (alist->dict dict)
+ (lambda (symbol)
+ (cond ((assq symbol dict) => cdr)
+ (else (error "Undefined lapopt pattern symbol" symbol dict)))))
+(define-lapopt 'PUSH-POP->MOVE
+ `((PUSH (? reg1))
+ (POP (? reg2)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((MOV W ,(dict 'reg2) ,(dict 'reg1)))))
+(define-lapopt 'PUSH-POP->NOP
+ `((PUSH (? reg))
+ (POP (? reg)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ dict
+ `()))
+;; The following rules must have the JMP else we don't know if the
+;; register that we are avoiding loading is dead.
+ ;; Note that reg1 must match a register because of the PUSH insn.
+ `((MOV W (? reg1) (? ea/value))
+ (PUSH (? reg1))
+ (POP (R ,ecx))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 (? hook-offset))))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((MOV W (R ,ecx) ,(dict 'ea/value))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 ,(dict 'hook-offset))))))
+ `((MOV W (? reg) (? ea/value))
+ (MOV W (@r ,esp) (? reg))
+ (POP (R ,ecx))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 (? hook-offset))))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((MOV W (R ,ecx) ,(dict 'ea/value))
+ (ADD W (R ,esp) (& 4))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 ,(dict 'hook-offset))))))
+ `((MOV W (@RO B ,esp (? stack-offset)) (? ea/value))
+ (ADD W (R ,esp) (& (? stack-offset)))
+ (POP (R ,ecx))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 (? hook-offset))))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((MOV W (R ,ecx) ,(dict 'ea/value))
+ (ADD W (R ,esp) (& ,(+ 4 (dict 'stack-offset))))
+ (JMP (@RO B 6 ,(dict 'hook-offset))))))
+;; The following rules recognize arithmetic followed by tag injection,
+;; and fold the tag-injection into the arithmetic. We can do this
+;; because we know the bottom six bits of the fixnum are all 0. This
+;; is particularly crafty in the generic arithmetic case, as it does
+;; not mess up the overflow detection.
+;; These patterns match the code generated by subtractions too.
+(define fixnum-tag (object-type 1))
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-ADD-CONST-TAG
+ `((ADD W (R (? reg)) (& (? const)))
+ (OR W (R (? reg)) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (R (? reg)) (& 6)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((ADD W (R ,(dict 'reg)) (& ,(+ (dict 'const) fixnum-tag)))
+ (ROR W (R ,(dict 'reg)) (& 6)))))
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-ADD-REG-TAG
+ `((ADD W (R (? reg)) (R (? reg-2)))
+ (OR W (R (? reg)) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (R (? reg)) (& 6)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((LEA (R ,(dict 'reg)) (@ROI B ,(dict 'reg) ,fixnum-tag ,(dict 'reg-2) 1))
+ (ROR W (R ,(dict 'reg)) (& 6)))))
+(define-lapopt 'GENERIC-ADD-TAG
+ `((ADD W (R (? reg)) (& (? const)))
+ (JO (@PCR (? label)))
+ (OR W (R (? reg)) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (R (? reg)) (& 6)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((ADD W (R ,(dict 'reg)) (& ,(+ (dict 'const) fixnum-tag)))
+ (JO (@PCR ,(dict 'label)))
+ (ROR W (R ,(dict 'reg)) (& 6)))))
+;; If the fixnum tag is even, the zero LSB works as a place to hold
+;; the overflow from addition which can be discarded by masking it
+;; out. We must arrange that the constant is positive, so we don't
+;; borrow from the tag bits.
+(if (even? fixnum-tag)
+ (define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-ADD-CONST-IN-PLACE
+ `((SAL W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width))
+ (ADD W (? reg) (& (? const)))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ (let ((const (sar-32 (dict 'const) scheme-type-width))
+ (mask (make-non-pointer-literal
+ fixnum-tag
+ (-1+ (expt 2 scheme-datum-width)))))
+ (let ((const
+ (if (negative? const)
+ (+ const (expt 2 scheme-datum-width))
+ const)))
+ `(,(if (= const 1)
+ `(INC W ,(dict 'reg)) ; shorter instruction
+ `(ADD W ,(dict 'reg) (& ,const)))
+ (AND W ,(dict 'reg) (& ,mask))))))))
+;; Similar tag-injection combining rule for fix:or is a little more
+;; general.
+(define (or-32-signed x y)
+ (bit-string->signed-integer
+ (bit-string-or (signed-integer->bit-string 32 x)
+ (signed-integer->bit-string 32 y))))
+(define (ror-32-signed w count)
+ (let ((bs (signed-integer->bit-string 32 w)))
+ (bit-string->signed-integer
+ (bit-string-append (bit-substring bs count 32)
+ (bit-substring bs 0 count)))))
+(define (sar-32 w count)
+ (let ((bs (signed-integer->bit-string 32 w)))
+ (bit-string->signed-integer (bit-substring bs count 32))))
+(define-lapopt 'OR-OR
+ `((OR W (R (? reg)) (& (? const-1)))
+ (OR W (R (? reg)) (& (? const-2))))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((OR W (R ,(dict 'reg))
+ (& ,(or-32-signed (dict 'const-1) (dict 'const-2)))))))
+;; These rules match a whole fixnum detag-AND/OR-retag operation. In
+;; principle, these operations could be done in rulfix.scm, but the
+;; instruction combiner wants all the intermediate steps.
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-OR-CONST-IN-PLACE
+ `((SAL W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& (? const)))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((OR W ,(dict 'reg)
+ (& ,(careful-object-datum
+ (sar-32 (dict 'const) scheme-type-width)))))))
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-AND-CONST-IN-PLACE
+ `((SAL W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width))
+ (AND W (? reg) (& (? const)))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((AND W ,(dict 'reg)
+ (& ,(make-non-pointer-literal
+ fixnum-tag
+ (careful-object-datum
+ (sar-32 (dict 'const) scheme-type-width))))))))
+;; FIXNUM-NOT. The first (partial) pattern uses the XOR operation to
+;; put the tag bits in the low part of the result. This pattern
+;; occurs in the hash table hash functions, where the OBJECT->FIXNUM
+;; has been shared by CSE.
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-NOT-TAG
+ `((NOT W (? reg))
+ (AND W (? reg) (& #x-40))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ (let ((magic-bits (+ (* -1 (expt 2 scheme-type-width)) fixnum-tag)))
+ `((XOR W ,(dict 'reg) (& ,magic-bits))
+ (ROR W ,(dict 'reg) (& ,scheme-type-width))))))
+(define-lapopt 'FIXNUM-NOT-IN-PLACE
+ `((SAL W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width))
+ (NOT W (? reg))
+ (AND W (? reg) (& #x-40))
+ (OR W (? reg) (& ,fixnum-tag))
+ (ROR W (? reg) (& ,scheme-type-width)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((XOR W ,(dict 'reg) (& ,(-1+ (expt 2 scheme-datum-width)))))))
+;; This rule recognizes code duplicated at the end of the CONS-CLOSURE
+;; and CONS-MULTICLOSURE and the following CONS-POINTER. (This happens
+;; because of the hack of storing the entry point as a tagged object
+;; in the closure to allow GC to work correctly with relative jumps in
+;; the closure code. A better fix would be to alter the GC to make
+;; absolute the addresses during closure transport.)
+;; The rule relies on the fact the REG-TEMP is a temporary for the
+;; expansions of CONS-CLOSURE and CONS-MULTICLOSURE, so it is dead
+;; afterwards, and is specific in matching because it is the only code
+;; that stores an entry at a negative offset from the free pointer.
+(define-lapopt 'CONS-CLOSURE-FIXUP
+ `((LEA (? reg-temp) (@RO UW (? regno-closure) #xA0000000))
+ (MOV W (@RO B ,regnum:free-pointer -4) (? regno-temp))
+ (LEA (? reg-object) (@RO UW (? regno-closure) #xA0000000)))
+ #F
+ (lambda (dict)
+ `((LEA ,(dict 'reg-object) (@RO UW ,(dict 'regno-closure) #xA0000000))
+ (MOV W (@RO B ,regnum:free-pointer -4) ,(dict 'reg-object)))))