(declare (usual-integrations))
-(define hook/interned-symbol)
-(define hook/procedure-unparser)
-(define string-quoted)
-(define non-canon-symbol-quoted)
-(define canon-symbol-quoted)
-(define system-global-unparser-table)
(define *unparse-abbreviate-quotations?* #!default)
(define *unparse-compound-procedure-names?* #!default)
(define *unparse-primitives-by-name?* #!default)
(define *unparser-list-depth-limit* #!default)
(define *unparser-radix* #!default)
(define *unparser-string-length-limit* #!default)
-(define *unparser-table* #!default)
(define param:unparse-abbreviate-quotations?)
(define param:unparse-compound-procedure-names?)
(define param:unparser-list-depth-limit)
(define param:unparser-radix)
(define param:unparser-string-length-limit)
-(define param:unparser-table)
-(define param:char-set)
-(define param:default-unparser-state)
-(define param:dispatch-table)
-(define param:environment)
-(define param:list-depth)
-(define param:output-port)
-(define param:slashify?)
-;; Dynamically bound to #t if we are already unparsing a bracketed
-;; object so we can avoid nested brackets.
-(define param:unparsing-within-brackets?)
-(define (initialize-package!)
- (set! hook/interned-symbol unparse-symbol)
- (set! hook/procedure-unparser #f)
- (set! string-quoted
- (char-set-union char-set:not-graphic (char-set #\\ #\" #\|)))
- (set! non-canon-symbol-quoted
- (char-set-union char-set/atom-delimiters char-set/symbol-quotes))
- (set! canon-symbol-quoted
- (char-set-union non-canon-symbol-quoted char-set:upper-case))
- (set! system-global-unparser-table (make-system-global-unparser-table))
- (set! param:unparse-abbreviate-quotations?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-compound-procedure-names?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #t
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-primitives-by-name?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-streams?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #t
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-uninterned-symbols-by-name?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-with-datum?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparse-with-maximum-readability?
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- boolean-converter))
- (set! param:unparser-list-breadth-limit
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- limit-converter))
- (set! param:unparser-list-depth-limit
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- limit-converter))
- (set! param:unparser-radix
- (make-unsettable-parameter 10
- radix-converter))
- (set! param:unparser-string-length-limit
- (make-unsettable-parameter #f
- limit-converter))
- (set! param:unparser-table
- (make-unsettable-parameter system-global-unparser-table
- unparser-table-converter))
- (set! param:char-set (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:default-unparser-state (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:dispatch-table (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:environment (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:list-depth (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:output-port (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:slashify? (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- (set! param:unparsing-within-brackets? (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
- unspecific)
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! param:unparse-abbreviate-quotations?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-compound-procedure-names?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #t
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-primitives-by-name?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-streams?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #t
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-uninterned-symbols-by-name?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-with-datum?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparse-with-maximum-readability?
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ boolean-converter))
+ (set! param:unparser-list-breadth-limit
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ limit-converter))
+ (set! param:unparser-list-depth-limit
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ limit-converter))
+ (set! param:unparser-radix
+ (make-unsettable-parameter 10
+ radix-converter))
+ (set! param:unparser-string-length-limit
+ (make-unsettable-parameter #f
+ limit-converter))
+ unspecific))
(define (boolean-converter value)
(guarantee-boolean value)
(if (not (memv value '(2 8 10 16)))
(error "Invalid unparser radix:" value))
-(define (unparser-table-converter value)
- (guarantee-unparser-table value)
- value)
(define (resolve-fluids param fluid)
(if (default-object? fluid)
(define (get-param:unparser-string-length-limit)
(resolve-fluids param:unparser-string-length-limit
-(define (get-param:unparser-table)
- (resolve-fluids param:unparser-table
- *unparser-table*))
-(define (make-system-global-unparser-table)
- (let ((table (make-unparser-table unparse/default)))
- (for-each (lambda (entry)
- (unparser-table/set-entry! table (car entry) (cadr entry)))
- `((ASSIGNMENT ,unparse/assignment)
- (BIGNUM ,unparse/number)
- (BYTEVECTOR ,unparse/bytevector)
- (CHARACTER ,unparse/character)
- (COMPILED-ENTRY ,unparse/compiled-entry)
- (COMPLEX ,unparse/number)
- (CONSTANT ,unparse/constant)
- (DEFINITION ,unparse/definition)
- (ENTITY ,unparse/entity)
- (EXTENDED-PROCEDURE ,unparse/compound-procedure)
- (FLONUM ,unparse/flonum)
- (INTERNED-SYMBOL ,unparse/interned-symbol)
- (LAMBDA ,unparse/lambda)
- (LIST ,unparse/pair)
- (NEGATIVE-FIXNUM ,unparse/number)
- (FALSE ,unparse/false)
- (POSITIVE-FIXNUM ,unparse/number)
- (PRIMITIVE ,unparse/primitive-procedure)
- (PROCEDURE ,unparse/compound-procedure)
- (PROMISE ,unparse/promise)
- (RATNUM ,unparse/number)
- (RECORD ,unparse/record)
- (RETURN-ADDRESS ,unparse/return-address)
- (STRING ,unparse/string)
- (TAGGED-OBJECT ,unparse/tagged-object)
- (UNINTERNED-SYMBOL ,unparse/uninterned-symbol)
- (VARIABLE ,unparse/variable)
- (VECTOR ,unparse/vector)
- (VECTOR-1B ,unparse/bit-string)))
- table))
-;;;; Unparser Table/State
-(define-structure (unparser-table (constructor %make-unparser-table)
- (conc-name unparser-table/))
- (dispatch-vector #f read-only #t))
-(define-guarantee unparser-table "unparser table")
-(define (make-unparser-table default-method)
- (%make-unparser-table
- (make-vector (microcode-type/code-limit) default-method)))
-(define (unparser-table/copy table)
- (%make-unparser-table (unparser-table/dispatch-vector table)))
-(define (unparser-table/entry table type-name)
- (vector-ref (unparser-table/dispatch-vector table)
- (microcode-type type-name)))
-(define (unparser-table/set-entry! table type-name method)
- (vector-set! (unparser-table/dispatch-vector table)
- (microcode-type type-name)
- method))
-(define-structure (unparser-state (conc-name unparser-state/))
- (port #f read-only #t)
- (list-depth #f read-only #t)
- (slashify? #f read-only #t)
- (environment #f read-only #t))
-(define-guarantee unparser-state "unparser state")
-(define (with-current-unparser-state state procedure)
- (guarantee-unparser-state state 'WITH-CURRENT-UNPARSER-STATE)
- (parameterize* (list (cons param:default-unparser-state state))
+(define-record-type <context>
+ (make-context port mode environment list-depth in-brackets?
+ list-breadth-limit list-depth-limit)
+ context?
+ (port context-port)
+ (mode context-mode)
+ (environment context-environment)
+ (list-depth context-list-depth)
+ (in-brackets? context-in-brackets?)
+ (list-breadth-limit context-list-breadth-limit)
+ (list-depth-limit context-list-depth-limit))
+(define (context-down-list context)
+ (make-context (context-port context)
+ (context-mode context)
+ (context-environment context)
+ (+ 1 (context-list-depth context))
+ (context-in-brackets? context)
+ (context-list-breadth-limit context)
+ (context-list-depth-limit context)))
+(define (context-in-brackets context)
+ (make-context (context-port context)
+ (context-mode context)
+ (context-environment context)
+ 0
+ #t
+ within-brackets:list-breadth-limit
+ within-brackets:list-depth-limit))
+(define within-brackets:list-breadth-limit 5)
+(define within-brackets:list-depth-limit 3)
+(define (context-slashify? context)
+ (eq? 'normal (context-mode context)))
+(define (context-char-set context)
+ (textual-port-char-set (context-port context)))
+(define (make-unparser-state port list-depth slashify? environment)
+ (guarantee output-port? port)
+ (guarantee environment? environment)
+ (guarantee exact-nonnegative-integer? list-depth)
+ (make-context port
+ (if slashify? 'normal 'display)
+ environment
+ list-depth
+ #f
+ (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)
+ (get-param:unparser-list-depth-limit)))
+(define (with-current-unparser-state context procedure)
+ (parameterize* (list (cons initial-context context))
(lambda ()
- (procedure (unparser-state/port state)))))
+ (procedure (context-port context)))))
+(define initial-context)
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! initial-context (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
+ unspecific))
;;;; Top Level
-(define (unparse-char state char)
- (guarantee-unparser-state state 'UNPARSE-CHAR)
- (write-char char (unparser-state/port state)))
-(define (unparse-string state string)
- (guarantee-unparser-state state 'UNPARSE-STRING)
- (write-string string (unparser-state/port state)))
-(define (unparse-object state object)
- (guarantee-unparser-state state 'UNPARSE-OBJECT)
- (unparse-object/internal object
- (unparser-state/port state)
- (unparser-state/list-depth state)
- (unparser-state/slashify? state)
- (unparser-state/environment state)))
(define (unparse-object/top-level object port slashify? environment)
- (let ((state (param:default-unparser-state)))
- (unparse-object/internal
- object
- port
- (if state
- (unparser-state/list-depth state)
- 0)
- slashify?
- (if (or (default-object? environment)
- (unparser-table? environment))
- (if state
- (unparser-state/environment state)
- (nearest-repl/environment))
- (begin
- (guarantee-environment environment #f)
- environment)))))
-(define (unparse-object/internal object port list-depth slashify? environment)
- (parameterize* (list (cons param:list-depth list-depth)
- (cons param:output-port port)
- (cons param:slashify? slashify?)
- (cons param:environment environment)
- (cons param:dispatch-table
- (unparser-table/dispatch-vector
- (let ((table (get-param:unparser-table)))
- (guarantee-unparser-table table #f)
- table)))
- (cons param:char-set
- (textual-port-char-set port)))
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object object))))
-(define-integrable (invoke-user-method method object)
- (method (make-unparser-state (param:output-port)
- (param:list-depth)
- (param:slashify?)
- (param:environment))
- object))
-(define (*unparse-object object)
- ((vector-ref (param:dispatch-table)
+ (guarantee output-port? port)
+ (if (not (default-object? environment))
+ (guarantee environment? environment))
+ (*unparse-object object
+ (top-level-context port
+ (if slashify? 'normal 'display)
+ environment)))
+(define (top-level-context port mode environment)
+ (let ((context (initial-context)))
+ (if context
+ (make-context port
+ mode
+ (if (default-object? environment)
+ (context-environment context)
+ environment)
+ (context-list-depth context)
+ (context-in-brackets? context)
+ (context-list-breadth-limit context)
+ (context-list-depth-limit context))
+ (make-context port
+ mode
+ (if (default-object? environment)
+ (nearest-repl/environment)
+ environment)
+ 0
+ #f
+ (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)
+ (get-param:unparser-list-depth-limit)))))
+(define (unparser-mode? object)
+ (or (eq? 'normal object)
+ (eq? 'display object)))
+(define (unparse-char context char)
+ (guarantee context? context 'unparse-char)
+ (write-char char (context-port context)))
+(define (unparse-string context string)
+ (guarantee context? context 'unparse-string)
+ (write-string string (context-port context)))
+(define (unparse-object context object)
+ (guarantee context? context 'unparse-object)
+ (*unparse-object object context))
+(define (*unparse-object object context)
+ ((vector-ref dispatch-table
((ucode-primitive primitive-object-type 1) object))
- object))
+ object
+ context))
+(define-integrable (invoke-user-method method object context)
+ (method context object))
+(define dispatch-table)
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! dispatch-table
+ (make-vector (microcode-type/code-limit) unparse/default))
+ (for-each (lambda (entry)
+ (vector-set! dispatch-table
+ (microcode-type (car entry))
+ (cadr entry)))
+ `((ASSIGNMENT ,unparse/assignment)
+ (BIGNUM ,unparse/number)
+ (BYTEVECTOR ,unparse/bytevector)
+ (CHARACTER ,unparse/character)
+ (COMPILED-ENTRY ,unparse/compiled-entry)
+ (COMPLEX ,unparse/number)
+ (CONSTANT ,unparse/constant)
+ (DEFINITION ,unparse/definition)
+ (ENTITY ,unparse/entity)
+ (EXTENDED-PROCEDURE ,unparse/compound-procedure)
+ (FLONUM ,unparse/flonum)
+ (INTERNED-SYMBOL ,unparse/interned-symbol)
+ (LAMBDA ,unparse/lambda)
+ (LIST ,unparse/pair)
+ (NEGATIVE-FIXNUM ,unparse/number)
+ (FALSE ,unparse/false)
+ (POSITIVE-FIXNUM ,unparse/number)
+ (PRIMITIVE ,unparse/primitive-procedure)
+ (PROCEDURE ,unparse/compound-procedure)
+ (PROMISE ,unparse/promise)
+ (RATNUM ,unparse/number)
+ (RECORD ,unparse/record)
+ (RETURN-ADDRESS ,unparse/return-address)
+ (STRING ,unparse/string)
+ (TAGGED-OBJECT ,unparse/tagged-object)
+ (UNINTERNED-SYMBOL ,unparse/uninterned-symbol)
+ (VARIABLE ,unparse/variable)
+ (VECTOR ,unparse/vector)
+ (VECTOR-1B ,unparse/bit-string)))))
;;;; Low Level Operations
-(define-integrable (*unparse-char char)
- (output-port/write-char (param:output-port) char))
-(define-integrable (*unparse-string string)
- (output-port/write-string (param:output-port) string))
+(define-integrable (*unparse-char char context)
+ (output-port/write-char (context-port context) char))
-(define-integrable (*unparse-substring string start end)
- (output-port/write-substring (param:output-port) string start end))
+(define-integrable (*unparse-string string context)
+ (output-port/write-string (context-port context) string))
-(define-integrable (*unparse-datum object)
- (*unparse-hex (object-datum object)))
+(define-integrable (*unparse-substring string start end context)
+ (output-port/write-substring (context-port context) string start end))
-(define (*unparse-hex number)
- (*unparse-string "#x")
- (*unparse-string (number->string number 16)))
+(define-integrable (*unparse-datum object context)
+ (*unparse-hex (object-datum object) context))
-(define-integrable (*unparse-hash object)
- (*unparse-string (number->string (hash object))))
+(define (*unparse-hex number context)
+ (*unparse-string "#x" context)
+ (*unparse-string (number->string number 16) context))
-(define (*unparse-readable-hash object)
- (*unparse-string "#@")
- (*unparse-hash object))
+(define-integrable (*unparse-hash object context)
+ (*unparse-string (number->string (hash object)) context))
-(define (allowed-char? char)
- (char-in-set? char (param:char-set)))
+(define (*unparse-readable-hash object context)
+ (*unparse-string "#@" context)
+ (*unparse-hash object context))
-;; Values to use while unparsing within brackets.
-(define within-brackets-list-breadth-limit 5)
-(define within-brackets-list-depth-limit 3)
+(define (allowed-char? char context)
+ (char-in-set? char (context-char-set context)))
-(define (*unparse-with-brackets name object thunk)
+(define (*unparse-with-brackets name object context procedure)
(if (or (and (get-param:unparse-with-maximum-readability?) object)
- (param:unparsing-within-brackets?))
+ (context-in-brackets? context))
(*unparse-readable-hash object)
- (parameterize*
- (list (cons param:unparsing-within-brackets? #t)
- (cons param:unparser-list-breadth-limit
- (if (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)
- (min (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)
- within-brackets-list-breadth-limit)
- within-brackets-list-breadth-limit))
- (cons param:unparser-list-depth-limit
- (if (get-param:unparser-list-depth-limit)
- (min (get-param:unparser-list-depth-limit)
- within-brackets-list-depth-limit)
- within-brackets-list-depth-limit)))
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-string "#[")
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-string "#[" context)
+ (let ((context* (context-in-brackets context)))
(if (ustring? name)
- (*unparse-string name)
- (*unparse-object name))
+ (*unparse-string name context*)
+ (*unparse-object name context*))
(if object
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-hash object)))
- (if thunk
- (begin
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (limit-unparse-depth thunk))
- (if (get-param:unparse-with-datum?)
- (begin
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-datum object))))
- (*unparse-char #\])))))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-hash object context*)))
+ (cond (procedure
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (procedure context*))
+ ((get-param:unparse-with-datum?)
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-datum object context*))))
+ (*unparse-char #\] context))))
;;;; Unparser Methods
-(define (unparse/default object)
+(define (unparse/default object context)
(let ((type (user-object-type object)))
(case (object-gc-type object)
- (*unparse-with-brackets type object #f))
+ (*unparse-with-brackets type object context #f))
- (*unparse-with-brackets type object
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-datum object))))
+ (*unparse-with-brackets type object context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-datum object context*))))
- (*unparse-with-brackets type #f
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-datum object)))))))
+ (*unparse-with-brackets type #f context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-datum object context*)))))))
(define (user-object-type object)
(let ((type-code (object-type object)))
-(define (unparse/false object)
- (if (eq? object #f)
- (*unparse-string "#f")
- (unparse/default object)))
-(define (unparse/constant object)
- (cond ((null? object) (*unparse-string "()"))
- ((eq? object #t) (*unparse-string "#t"))
- ((default-object? object) (*unparse-string "#!default"))
- ((eof-object? object) (*unparse-string "#!eof"))
- ((eq? object lambda-tag:aux) (*unparse-string "#!aux"))
- ((eq? object lambda-tag:key) (*unparse-string "#!key"))
- ((eq? object lambda-tag:optional) (*unparse-string "#!optional"))
- ((eq? object lambda-tag:rest) (*unparse-string "#!rest"))
- ((eq? object unspecific) (*unparse-string "#!unspecific"))
- (else (unparse/default object))))
-(define (unparse/return-address return-address)
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'RETURN-ADDRESS return-address
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (return-address/name return-address)))))
-(define (unparse/interned-symbol symbol)
- (hook/interned-symbol symbol))
+(define (unparse/false object context)
+ (if (eq? object #f)
+ (*unparse-string "#f" context)
+ (unparse/default object context)))
+(define (unparse/constant object context)
+ (let ((string
+ (cond ((null? object) "()")
+ ((eq? object #t) "#t")
+ ((default-object? object) "#!default")
+ ((eof-object? object) "#!eof")
+ ((eq? object lambda-tag:aux) "#!aux")
+ ((eq? object lambda-tag:key) "#!key")
+ ((eq? object lambda-tag:optional) "#!optional")
+ ((eq? object lambda-tag:rest) "#!rest")
+ ((eq? object unspecific) "#!unspecific")
+ (else #f))))
+ (if string
+ (*unparse-string string context)
+ (unparse/default object context))))
+(define (unparse/interned-symbol symbol context)
+ (unparse-symbol symbol context))
-(define (unparse/uninterned-symbol symbol)
+(define (unparse/uninterned-symbol symbol context)
(if (get-param:unparse-uninterned-symbols-by-name?)
- (unparse-symbol symbol)
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'UNINTERNED-SYMBOL symbol
- (lambda ()
- (unparse-symbol symbol)))))
+ (unparse-symbol symbol context)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'UNINTERNED-SYMBOL symbol context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (unparse-symbol symbol context)))))
-(define (unparse-symbol symbol)
+(define (unparse-symbol symbol context)
(if (keyword? symbol)
- (unparse-keyword-name (keyword->string symbol))
- (unparse-symbol-name (symbol-name symbol))))
+ (unparse-keyword-name (keyword->string symbol) context)
+ (unparse-symbol-name (symbol-name symbol) context)))
-(define (unparse-keyword-name s)
- (case (get-param:parser-keyword-style (param:environment))
+(define (unparse-keyword-name s context)
+ (case (get-param:parser-keyword-style (context-environment context))
- (*unparse-char #\:)
- (unparse-symbol-name s))
+ (*unparse-char #\: context)
+ (unparse-symbol-name s context))
- (unparse-symbol-name s)
- (*unparse-char #\:))
+ (unparse-symbol-name s context)
+ (*unparse-char #\: context))
- (*unparse-string "#[keyword ")
- (unparse-symbol-name s)
- (*unparse-char #\]))))
+ (*unparse-string "#[keyword " context)
+ (unparse-symbol-name s context)
+ (*unparse-char #\] context))))
-(define (unparse-symbol-name s)
+(define (unparse-symbol-name s context)
(if (and (fix:> (ustring-length s) 0)
(not (ustring=? s "."))
(not (ustring-prefix? "#" s))
(char-in-set? (ustring-ref s 0) char-set:symbol-initial)
- (ustring-every (symbol-name-no-quoting-predicate) s)
- (not (case (get-param:parser-keyword-style (param:environment))
+ (ustring-every (symbol-name-no-quoting-predicate context) s)
+ (not (case (get-param:parser-keyword-style
+ (context-environment context))
((PREFIX) (ustring-prefix? ":" s))
((SUFFIX) (ustring-suffix? ":" s))
(else #f)))
(not (string->number s)))
- (*unparse-string s)
+ (*unparse-string s context)
- (*unparse-char #\|)
- (ustring-for-each unparse-string-char s)
- (*unparse-char #\|))))
+ (*unparse-char #\| context)
+ (ustring-for-each (lambda (char)
+ (unparse-string-char char context))
+ s)
+ (*unparse-char #\| context))))
-(define (symbol-name-no-quoting-predicate)
+(define (symbol-name-no-quoting-predicate context)
(conjoin (char-set-predicate
- (if (get-param:parser-fold-case? (param:environment))
+ (if (get-param:parser-fold-case? (context-environment context))
- allowed-char?))
+ (lambda (char)
+ (allowed-char? char context))))
-(define (unparse/character char)
- (if (param:slashify?)
+(define (unparse/character char context)
+ (if (context-slashify? context)
- (*unparse-string "#\\")
+ (*unparse-string "#\\" context)
(if (and (char-in-set? char char-set:normal-printing)
- (allowed-char? char))
- (*unparse-char char)
- (*unparse-string (char->name char))))
- (*unparse-char char)))
+ (allowed-char? char context))
+ (*unparse-char char context)
+ (*unparse-string (char->name char) context)))
+ (*unparse-char char context)))
-(define (unparse/string string)
- (if (param:slashify?)
+(define (unparse/string string context)
+ (if (context-slashify? context)
(let* ((end (ustring-length string))
(let ((limit (get-param:unparser-string-length-limit)))
(if limit
(min limit end)
- (*unparse-char #\")
+ (*unparse-char #\" context)
(do ((index 0 (fix:+ index 1)))
((not (fix:< index end*)))
- (unparse-string-char (ustring-ref string index)))
+ (unparse-string-char (ustring-ref string index) context))
(if (< end* end)
- (*unparse-string "..."))
- (*unparse-char #\"))
- (*unparse-string string)))
+ (*unparse-string "..." context))
+ (*unparse-char #\" context))
+ (*unparse-string string context)))
-(define (unparse-string-char char)
+(define (unparse-string-char char context)
(case char
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\a))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\a context))
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\b))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\b context))
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\n))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\n context))
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\r))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\r context))
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\t))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\t context))
((#\\ #\" #\|)
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char char))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char char context))
(if (and (char-in-set? char char-set:normal-printing)
- (allowed-char? char))
- (*unparse-char char)
+ (allowed-char? char context))
+ (*unparse-char char context)
- (*unparse-char #\\)
- (*unparse-char #\x)
- (*unparse-string (number->string (char->integer char) 16))
- (*unparse-char #\;))))))
+ (*unparse-char #\\ context)
+ (*unparse-char #\x context)
+ (*unparse-string (number->string (char->integer char) 16) context)
+ (*unparse-char #\; context))))))
-(define (unparse/bit-string bit-string)
- (*unparse-string "#*")
+(define (unparse/bit-string bit-string context)
+ (*unparse-string "#*" context)
(let loop ((index (fix:- (bit-string-length bit-string) 1)))
(if (fix:>= index 0)
- (*unparse-char (if (bit-string-ref bit-string index) #\1 #\0))
+ (*unparse-char (if (bit-string-ref bit-string index) #\1 #\0) context)
(loop (fix:- index 1))))))
-(define (unparse/vector vector)
+(define (unparse/vector vector context)
(let ((method (unparse-vector/unparser vector)))
(if method
- (invoke-user-method method vector)
- (unparse-vector/normal vector))))
+ (invoke-user-method method vector context)
+ (unparse-vector/normal vector context))))
(define (unparse-vector/unparser vector)
(and (fix:> (vector-length vector) 0)
(structure-tag/entity-unparser-method (safe-vector-ref vector 0)
-(define (unparse-vector/normal vector)
- (limit-unparse-depth
- (lambda ()
- (let ((length (vector-length vector)))
- (if (fix:> length 0)
- (begin
- (*unparse-string "#(")
- (*unparse-object (safe-vector-ref vector 0))
- (let loop ((index 1))
- (cond ((fix:= index length)
- (*unparse-char #\)))
- ((let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
- (and limit (>= index limit)))
- (*unparse-string " ...)"))
- (else
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-object (safe-vector-ref vector index))
- (loop (fix:+ index 1))))))
- (*unparse-string "#()"))))))
+(define (unparse-vector/normal vector context)
+ (limit-unparse-depth context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (let ((end (vector-length vector)))
+ (if (fix:> end 0)
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-string "#(" context*)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-vector-ref vector 0) context*)
+ (let loop ((index 1))
+ (if (fix:< index end)
+ (if (let ((limit (context-list-breadth-limit context*)))
+ (and limit
+ (>= index limit)))
+ (*unparse-string " ...)" context*)
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-vector-ref vector index)
+ context*)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1))))))
+ (*unparse-char #\) context*))
+ (*unparse-string "#()" context*))))))
(define (safe-vector-ref vector index)
(if (with-absolutely-no-interrupts
(error "Attempt to unparse partially marked vector."))
(map-reference-trap (lambda () (vector-ref vector index))))
-(define (unparse/bytevector bytevector)
- (limit-unparse-depth
- (lambda ()
- (let ((length (bytevector-length bytevector)))
- (if (fix:> length 0)
- (begin
- (*unparse-string "#u8(")
- (*unparse-object (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector 0))
- (let loop ((index 1))
- (cond ((fix:= index length)
- (*unparse-char #\)))
- ((let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
- (and limit (>= index limit)))
- (*unparse-string " ...)"))
- (else
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-object (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector index))
- (loop (fix:+ index 1))))))
- (*unparse-string "#u8()"))))))
-(define (unparse/record record)
- (cond ((ustring? record) (unparse/string record))
- ((uri? record) (unparse/uri record))
+(define (unparse/bytevector bytevector context)
+ (limit-unparse-depth context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (let ((end (bytevector-length bytevector)))
+ (if (fix:> end 0)
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-string "#u8(" context*)
+ (*unparse-object (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector 0) context*)
+ (let loop ((index 1))
+ (if (fix:< index end)
+ (if (let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
+ (and limit
+ (>= index limit)))
+ (*unparse-string " ...)" context*)
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-object (bytevector-u8-ref bytevector index)
+ context*)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1))))))
+ (*unparse-char #\) context*))
+ (*unparse-string "#u8()" context*))))))
+(define (unparse/record record context)
+ (cond ((ustring? record) (unparse/string record context))
+ ((uri? record) (unparse/uri record context))
- (*unparse-readable-hash record))
- (else (invoke-user-method unparse-record record))))
+ (*unparse-readable-hash record context))
+ (else (invoke-user-method unparse-record record context))))
-(define (unparse/uri uri)
- (*unparse-string "#<")
- (*unparse-string (uri->string uri))
- (*unparse-string ">"))
+(define (unparse/uri uri context)
+ (*unparse-string "#<" context)
+ (*unparse-string (uri->string uri) context)
+ (*unparse-string ">" context))
-(define (unparse/pair pair)
+(define (unparse/pair pair context)
(cond ((unparse-list/prefix-pair? pair)
- => (lambda (prefix) (unparse-list/prefix-pair prefix pair)))
+ => (lambda (prefix) (unparse-list/prefix-pair prefix pair context)))
((unparse-list/unparser pair)
- => (lambda (method) (invoke-user-method method pair)))
+ => (lambda (method) (invoke-user-method method pair context)))
((and (get-param:unparse-streams?) (stream-pair? pair))
- (unparse-list/stream-pair pair))
+ (unparse-list/stream-pair pair context))
- (unparse-list pair))))
-(define (unparse-list list)
- (limit-unparse-depth
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-char #\()
- (*unparse-object (safe-car list))
- (unparse-tail (safe-cdr list) 2)
- (*unparse-char #\)))))
-(define (limit-unparse-depth kernel)
- (let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-depth-limit)))
- (if limit
- (let ((depth (param:list-depth)))
- (parameterize* (list (cons param:list-depth (1+ depth)))
- (lambda ()
- (if (> (1+ depth) limit)
- (*unparse-string "...")
- (kernel)))))
- (kernel))))
-(define (unparse-tail l n)
+ (unparse-list pair context))))
+(define (unparse-list list context)
+ (limit-unparse-depth context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-char #\( context*)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-car list) context*)
+ (unparse-tail (safe-cdr list) 2 context*)
+ (*unparse-char #\) context*))))
+(define (limit-unparse-depth context kernel)
+ (let ((context* (context-down-list context))
+ (limit (context-list-depth-limit context)))
+ (if (and limit
+ (> (context-list-depth-limit context*) limit))
+ (*unparse-string "..." context*)
+ (kernel context*))))
+(define (unparse-tail l n context)
(cond ((pair? l)
(let ((method (unparse-list/unparser l)))
(if method
- (*unparse-string " . ")
- (invoke-user-method method l))
+ (*unparse-string " . " context)
+ (invoke-user-method method l context))
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-object (safe-car l))
- (if (let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-car l) context)
+ (if (let ((limit (context-list-breadth-limit context)))
(and limit
(>= n limit)
(pair? (safe-cdr l))))
- (*unparse-string " ...")
- (unparse-tail (safe-cdr l) (+ n 1)))))))
+ (*unparse-string " ..." context)
+ (unparse-tail (safe-cdr l) (+ n 1) context))))))
((not (null? l))
- (*unparse-string " . ")
- (*unparse-object l))))
+ (*unparse-string " . " context)
+ (*unparse-object l context))))
(define (unparse-list/unparser pair)
(let ((tag (safe-car pair)))
(define (unparse-list/entity-unparser pair)
(structure-tag/entity-unparser-method (safe-car pair) 'LIST))
-(define (unparse-list/prefix-pair prefix pair)
- (*unparse-string prefix)
- (*unparse-object (safe-car (safe-cdr pair))))
+(define (unparse-list/prefix-pair prefix pair context)
+ (*unparse-string prefix context)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-car (safe-cdr pair)) context))
(define (unparse-list/prefix-pair? object)
(and (get-param:unparse-abbreviate-quotations?)
(else #f))))
-(define (unparse-list/stream-pair stream-pair)
- (limit-unparse-depth
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-char #\{)
- (*unparse-object (safe-car stream-pair))
- (unparse-stream-tail (safe-cdr stream-pair) 2)
- (*unparse-char #\}))))
+(define (unparse-list/stream-pair stream-pair context)
+ (limit-unparse-depth context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-char #\{ context*)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-car stream-pair) context*)
+ (unparse-stream-tail (safe-cdr stream-pair) 2 context*)
+ (*unparse-char #\} context*))))
-(define (unparse-stream-tail tail n)
+(define (unparse-stream-tail tail n context)
(cond ((not (promise? tail))
- (*unparse-string " . ")
- (*unparse-object tail))
+ (*unparse-string " . " context)
+ (*unparse-object tail context))
((not (promise-forced? tail))
- (*unparse-string " ..."))
- (else (let ((value (promise-value tail)))
- (cond ((empty-stream? value))
- ((stream-pair? value)
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-object (safe-car value))
- (if (let ((limit
- (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
- (and limit
- (>= n limit)))
- (*unparse-string " ...")
- (unparse-stream-tail (safe-cdr value) (+ n 1))))
- (else
- (*unparse-string " . ")
- (*unparse-object value)))))))
+ (*unparse-string " ..." context))
+ (else
+ (let ((value (promise-value tail)))
+ (cond ((empty-stream? value))
+ ((stream-pair? value)
+ (*unparse-char #\space context)
+ (*unparse-object (safe-car value) context)
+ (if (let ((limit (context-list-breadth-limit context)))
+ (and limit
+ (>= n limit)))
+ (*unparse-string " ..." context)
+ (unparse-stream-tail (safe-cdr value) (+ n 1) context)))
+ (else
+ (*unparse-string " . " context)
+ (*unparse-object value context)))))))
(define (safe-car pair)
(map-reference-trap (lambda () (car pair))))
;;;; Procedures
-(define (unparse-procedure procedure usual-method)
- (let ((method
- (and hook/procedure-unparser
- (hook/procedure-unparser procedure))))
- (cond (method (invoke-user-method method procedure))
- ((generic-procedure? procedure)
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'GENERIC-PROCEDURE procedure
- (let ((name (generic-procedure-name procedure)))
- (and name
- (lambda () (*unparse-object name))))))
- (else (usual-method)))))
-(define (unparse/compound-procedure procedure)
- (unparse-procedure procedure
+(define (unparse-procedure procedure context usual-method)
+ (if (generic-procedure? procedure)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'GENERIC-PROCEDURE procedure context
+ (let ((name (generic-procedure-name procedure)))
+ (and name
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object name context*)))))
+ (usual-method)))
+(define (unparse/compound-procedure procedure context)
+ (unparse-procedure procedure context
(lambda ()
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'COMPOUND-PROCEDURE procedure
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'COMPOUND-PROCEDURE procedure context
(and (get-param:unparse-compound-procedure-names?)
(lambda-components* (procedure-lambda procedure)
(lambda (name required optional rest body)
required optional rest body
(and (not (eq? name lambda-tag:unnamed))
- (lambda () (*unparse-object name))))))))))
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object name context*))))))))))
-(define (unparse/primitive-procedure procedure)
- (unparse-procedure procedure
+(define (unparse/primitive-procedure procedure context)
+ (unparse-procedure procedure context
(lambda ()
(let ((unparse-name
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (primitive-procedure-name procedure)))))
+ (lambda (context)
+ (*unparse-object (primitive-procedure-name procedure) context))))
(cond ((get-param:unparse-primitives-by-name?)
- (unparse-name))
+ (unparse-name context))
- (*unparse-readable-hash procedure))
+ (*unparse-readable-hash procedure context))
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'PRIMITIVE-PROCEDURE #f
- unparse-name)))))))
-(define (unparse/compiled-entry entry)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'PRIMITIVE-PROCEDURE #f context
+ unparse-name)))))))
+(define (unparse/compiled-entry entry context)
(let* ((type (compiled-entry-type entry))
(procedure? (eq? type 'COMPILED-PROCEDURE))
(lambda ()
(*unparse-with-brackets (if closure? 'COMPILED-CLOSURE type)
- (lambda ()
+ context
+ (lambda (context*)
(let ((name (and procedure? (compiled-procedure/name entry))))
- (with-values
- (lambda () (compiled-entry/filename-and-index entry))
- (lambda (filename block-number)
- (*unparse-char #\()
- (if name
- (*unparse-string name))
- (if filename
- (begin
- (if name
- (*unparse-char #\space))
- (*unparse-object (pathname-name filename))
- (if block-number
- (begin
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-hex block-number)))))
- (*unparse-char #\)))))
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-hex (compiled-entry/offset entry))
+ (receive (filename block-number)
+ (compiled-entry/filename-and-index entry)
+ (*unparse-char #\( context*)
+ (if name
+ (*unparse-string name context*))
+ (if filename
+ (begin
+ (if name
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*))
+ (*unparse-object (pathname-name filename) context*)
+ (if block-number
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-hex block-number context*)))))
+ (*unparse-char #\) context*)))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-hex (compiled-entry/offset entry) context*)
(if closure?
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-datum (compiled-closure->entry entry))))
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-datum entry))))))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-datum (compiled-closure->entry entry)
+ context*)))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-datum entry context*))))))
(if procedure?
- (unparse-procedure entry usual-method)
+ (unparse-procedure entry context usual-method)
;;;; Miscellaneous
-(define (unparse/assignment assignment)
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'ASSIGNMENT assignment
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (assignment-name assignment)))))
+(define (unparse/return-address return-address context)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'RETURN-ADDRESS return-address context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (return-address/name return-address) context*))))
+(define (unparse/assignment assignment context)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'ASSIGNMENT assignment context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (assignment-name assignment) context*))))
-(define (unparse/definition definition)
+(define (unparse/definition definition context)
(*unparse-with-brackets 'DEFINITION definition
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (definition-name definition)))))
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (definition-name definition) context*))))
-(define (unparse/lambda lambda-object)
+(define (unparse/lambda lambda-object context)
(*unparse-with-brackets 'LAMBDA lambda-object
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (lambda-name lambda-object)))))
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (lambda-name lambda-object) context*))))
-(define (unparse/variable variable)
+(define (unparse/variable variable context)
(*unparse-with-brackets 'VARIABLE variable
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (variable-name variable)))))
-(define (unparse/number object)
- (*unparse-string
- (number->string
- object
- (let ((prefix
- (lambda (prefix limit radix)
- (if (exact-rational? object)
- (begin
- (if (not (and (exact-integer? object)
- (< (abs object) limit)))
- (*unparse-string prefix))
- radix)
- 10))))
- (case (get-param:unparser-radix)
- ((2) (prefix "#b" 2 2))
- ((8) (prefix "#o" 8 8))
- ((16) (prefix "#x" 10 16))
- (else 10))))))
-(define (unparse/flonum flonum)
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (variable-name variable) context*))))
+(define (unparse/number object context)
+ (*unparse-string (number->string
+ object
+ (let ((prefix
+ (lambda (prefix limit radix)
+ (if (exact-rational? object)
+ (begin
+ (if (not (and (exact-integer? object)
+ (< (abs object) limit)))
+ (*unparse-string prefix context))
+ radix)
+ 10))))
+ (case (get-param:unparser-radix)
+ ((2) (prefix "#b" 2 2))
+ ((8) (prefix "#o" 8 8))
+ ((16) (prefix "#x" 10 16))
+ (else 10))))
+ context))
+(define (unparse/flonum flonum context)
(if (= (system-vector-length flonum) (system-vector-length 0.0))
- (unparse/number flonum)
- (unparse/floating-vector flonum)))
+ (unparse/number flonum context)
+ (unparse/floating-vector flonum context)))
-(define (unparse/floating-vector v)
+(define (unparse/floating-vector v context)
(let ((length ((ucode-primitive floating-vector-length) v)))
- (*unparse-with-brackets "floating-vector" v
+ (*unparse-with-brackets "floating-vector" v context
(and (not (zero? length))
- (lambda ()
- (let ((limit (let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
- (if (not limit)
- length
- (min length limit)))))
- (unparse/flonum ((ucode-primitive floating-vector-ref) v 0))
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (let ((limit
+ (let ((limit (get-param:unparser-list-breadth-limit)))
+ (if limit
+ (min length limit)
+ length))))
+ (unparse/flonum ((ucode-primitive floating-vector-ref) v 0)
+ context)
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((>= i limit))
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (unparse/flonum ((ucode-primitive floating-vector-ref) v i)))
+ (*unparse-char #\space context)
+ (unparse/flonum ((ucode-primitive floating-vector-ref) v i)
+ context))
(if (< limit length)
- (*unparse-string " ..."))))))))
+ (*unparse-string " ..." context))))))))
-(define (unparse/entity entity)
+(define (unparse/entity entity context)
(define (plain name)
- (*unparse-with-brackets name entity #f))
+ (*unparse-with-brackets name entity context #f))
(define (named-arity-dispatched-procedure name)
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'ARITY-DISPATCHED-PROCEDURE entity
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-string name))))
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'ARITY-DISPATCHED-PROCEDURE entity context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-string name context*))))
(cond ((continuation? entity)
=> named-arity-dispatched-procedure)
- (*unparse-readable-hash entity))
+ (*unparse-readable-hash entity context))
((record? (%entity-extra entity))
;; Kludge to make the generic dispatch mechanism work.
(lambda (state entity)
((record-entity-unparser (%entity-extra entity)) state entity))
- entity))
+ entity
+ context))
((or (and (vector? (%entity-extra entity))
(unparse-vector/entity-unparser (%entity-extra entity)))
(and (pair? (%entity-extra entity))
(unparse-list/entity-unparser (%entity-extra entity))))
=> (lambda (method)
- (invoke-user-method method entity)))
+ (invoke-user-method method entity context)))
(else (plain 'ENTITY))))
-(define (unparse/promise promise)
- (*unparse-with-brackets
- 'PROMISE promise
- (if (promise-forced? promise)
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-string "(evaluated) ")
- (*unparse-object (promise-value promise)))
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-string "(unevaluated)")
- (if (get-param:unparse-with-datum?)
- (begin
- (*unparse-char #\space)
- (*unparse-datum promise)))))))
+(define (unparse/promise promise context)
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'PROMISE promise context
+ (if (promise-forced? promise)
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-string "(evaluated) " context*)
+ (*unparse-object (promise-value promise) context*))
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-string "(unevaluated)" context*)
+ (if (get-param:unparse-with-datum?)
+ (begin
+ (*unparse-char #\space context*)
+ (*unparse-datum promise context*)))))))
-(define (unparse/tagged-object object)
+(define (unparse/tagged-object object context)
(cond ((get-tagged-object-unparser-method object)
=> (lambda (method)
- (invoke-user-method method object)))
+ (invoke-user-method method object context)))
- (*unparse-with-brackets 'tagged-object object
- (lambda ()
- (*unparse-object (tagged-object-tag object)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (*unparse-with-brackets 'tagged-object object context
+ (lambda (context*)
+ (*unparse-object (tagged-object-tag object) context*))))))
\ No newline at end of file