--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: pwedit.scm,v 1.1 1999/01/14 21:30:55 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;;; Password-Database Editor
+;;; This program provides editing capabilities for a text-format
+;;; password database. The primary capability of this program is to
+;;; permit editing a database of passwords without having all of the
+;;; passwords visible on the screen at once. Instead, the program
+;;; displays a set of key names, and the user selectively reveals the
+;;; password information hidden behind those keys.
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-command view-password-file
+ "Read in a password file and show it in password-view mode."
+ "fView password file"
+ (lambda (pathname)
+ (let ((forms
+ (call-with-temporary-buffer " view-pw-file"
+ (lambda (buffer)
+ (read-buffer buffer pathname #f)
+ (read-pw-forms
+ (make-buffer-input-port (buffer-start buffer)
+ (buffer-end buffer)))))))
+ (let ((buffer (new-buffer (pathname->buffer-name pathname))))
+ (insert-pw-forms forms (buffer-start buffer))
+ (set-buffer-major-mode! buffer (ref-mode-object password-view))
+ (set-buffer-point! buffer (buffer-start buffer))
+ (select-buffer buffer)))))
+(define-major-mode password-view read-only "Password-View"
+ "Major mode specialized for viewing password files."
+ (lambda (buffer)
+ (set-buffer-read-only! buffer)
+ unspecific))
+(define-key 'password-view #\space 'toggle-pw-form)
+(define-key 'password-view button1-down 'mouse-toggle-pw-form)
+(define-command toggle-pw-form
+ "Toggle the body of the password form under point."
+ "d"
+ (lambda (point)
+ (if (get-pw-form point)
+ (toggle-pw-body point)
+ (message "No form under point."))))
+(define-command mouse-toggle-pw-form
+ "Toggle the body of the password form under mouse."
+ ()
+ (lambda ()
+ ((ref-command toggle-pw-form)
+ (let ((button-event (current-button-event)))
+ (let ((window (button-event/window button-event)))
+ (select-window window)
+ (or (window-coordinates->mark window
+ (button-event/x button-event)
+ (button-event/y button-event))
+ (buffer-end (window-buffer window))))))))
+(define (insert-pw-forms pw-forms point)
+ (let ((point (mark-left-inserting-copy point)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (form)
+ (let ((type (car form))
+ (body (cdr form))
+ (start (mark-right-inserting-copy point)))
+ (case type
+ ((BLANK)
+ (insert-newline point))
+ (for-each (lambda (line)
+ (insert-string ";" point)
+ (insert-string line point)
+ (insert-newline point))
+ body))
+ (insert-string (car body) point)
+ (insert-string ":" point)
+ (insert-newline point))
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown form type:" type)))
+ (region-put! start point 'PW-FORM form)
+ (mark-temporary! start)))
+ pw-forms)
+ (mark-temporary! point)))
+(define (get-pw-form point)
+ (let ((form (region-get point 'PW-FORM #f)))
+ (and form
+ (memq (car form) '(SHORT LONG))
+ form)))
+(define (toggle-pw-body point) (modify-pw-body point 'TOGGLE))
+(define (insert-pw-body point) (modify-pw-body point 'INSERT))
+(define (delete-pw-body point) (modify-pw-body point 'DELETE))
+(define (modify-pw-body point operation)
+ (with-buffer-open (mark-buffer point)
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((form
+ (or (get-pw-form point)
+ (error:bad-range-argument point 'INSERT-PW-BODY)))
+ (le (line-end point 0)))
+ (if (eq? 'SHORT (car form))
+ (let ((region (short-pw-body-region point)))
+ (if region
+ (region-delete! region))
+ (if (or (eq? 'INSERT operation)
+ (and (eq? 'TOGGLE operation)
+ (not region)))
+ (let ((end (mark-left-inserting-copy (line-end point 0))))
+ (insert-pw-body-spacer end)
+ (insert-string (cddr form) end)
+ (mark-temporary! end))))
+ (let ((region (long-pw-body-region point)))
+ (if region
+ (region-delete! region))
+ (if (or (eq? 'INSERT operation)
+ (and (eq? 'TOGGLE operation)
+ (not region)))
+ (let ((end (mark-left-inserting-copy (line-end point 0))))
+ (for-each (lambda (line)
+ (insert-newline end)
+ (if (pair? line)
+ (begin
+ (insert-string (car line) end)
+ (insert-string ":" end)
+ (insert-pw-body-spacer end)
+ (insert-string (cdr line) end))
+ (insert-string line end)))
+ (cddr form))
+ (mark-temporary! end)))))))))
+(define (short-pw-body-region point)
+ (let ((end (line-end point 0)))
+ (let ((start (next-specific-property-change* point end 'PW-FORM)))
+ (and start
+ (mark< start end)
+ (make-region start end)))))
+(define (long-pw-body-region point)
+ (let ((start (line-end point 0)))
+ (let ((end
+ (let loop ((m start))
+ (let ((m* (mark1+ m)))
+ (if m*
+ (if (line-blank? m*)
+ m
+ (loop (line-end m* 0)))
+ m)))))
+ (and (mark< start end)
+ (make-region start end)))))
+(define (insert-pw-body-spacer point)
+ (insert-string (let ((column (mark-column point)))
+ (cond ((< column 8) "\t\t")
+ ((< column 16) "\t")
+ (else " ")))
+ point))
+(define (next-specific-property-change* start end key)
+ (let ((index
+ (next-specific-property-change (mark-group start)
+ (mark-index start)
+ (mark-index end)
+ key)))
+ (and index
+ (make-mark (mark-group start) index))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: pwparse.scm,v 1.1 1999/01/14 21:30:45 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;;; Password-Database Parser
+;;; This program implements I/O for a text-format password database.
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (read-pw-forms port)
+ (parse/neutral port '()))
+(define (parse/neutral port forms)
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ (finish-parsing forms)
+ (dispatch/neutral port line forms))))
+(define (finish-parsing forms)
+ (reverse! forms))
+(define (dispatch/neutral port line forms)
+ ((dispatch line
+ parse-neutral/blank
+ parse-neutral/comment
+ parse-neutral/short-form
+ parse-neutral/long-form)
+ port line forms))
+(define (dispatch line
+ parse-blank
+ parse-comment
+ parse-short-form
+ parse-long-form)
+ (let ((start (string-find-next-char-in-set line char-set:not-whitespace))
+ (end (string-length line)))
+ (cond ((not start)
+ parse-blank)
+ ((char=? #\; (string-ref line start))
+ parse-comment)
+ (else
+ (let ((colon (substring-find-previous-char line start end #\:)))
+ (if colon
+ (if (substring-find-next-char-in-set line (+ colon 1) end
+ char-set:not-whitespace)
+ parse-short-form
+ parse-long-form)
+ parse-long-form))))))
+(define (comment-line? line)
+ (let ((start (string-find-next-char-in-set line char-set:not-whitespace)))
+ (and start
+ (char=? #\; (string-ref line start)))))
+(define (long-form-separator-line? line)
+ ;; blank
+ (not (string-find-next-char-in-set line char-set:not-whitespace)))
+(define (split-colon-line line)
+ (let ((colon (string-find-next-char line #\:)))
+ (if colon
+ (cons (string-trim (string-head line colon))
+ (string-trim (string-tail line (+ colon 1))))
+ (strip-semicolons line))))
+(define strip-semicolons
+ (let ((char-set (char-set-invert (char-set #\;))))
+ (lambda (line)
+ (string-trim-left (string-trim line) char-set))))
+(define (parse-neutral/blank port line forms)
+ line
+ (parse/neutral port (cons '(BLANK) forms)))
+(define (parse-neutral/comment port line forms)
+ (let ((finish-comment
+ (lambda (accumulator)
+ (cons (cons 'COMMENT (reverse! (map strip-semicolons accumulator)))
+ forms))))
+ (let loop ((accumulator (list line)))
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? line)
+ (finish-parsing (finish-comment accumulator)))
+ ((comment-line? line)
+ (loop (cons line accumulator)))
+ (else
+ (dispatch/neutral port
+ line
+ (finish-comment accumulator))))))))
+(define (parse-neutral/short-form port line forms)
+ (parse/neutral port (cons (cons 'SHORT (split-colon-line line)) forms)))
+(define (parse-neutral/long-form port line forms)
+ (let* ((header
+ (string-trim
+ (let ((colon (string-find-previous-char line #\:)))
+ (if colon
+ (string-head line colon)
+ line))))
+ (finish-long-form
+ (lambda (accumulator)
+ (cons (cons* 'LONG
+ header
+ (reverse! (map split-colon-line accumulator)))
+ forms))))
+ (let loop ((accumulator '()))
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? line)
+ (finish-parsing (finish-long-form accumulator)))
+ ((long-form-separator-line? line)
+ (dispatch/neutral port
+ line
+ (finish-long-form accumulator)))
+ (else
+ (loop (cons line accumulator))))))))
+(define (write-pw-forms forms port)
+ (let ((write-two-part
+ (lambda (line)
+ (write-string (car line) port)
+ (write-char #\: port)
+ (let ((n
+ (+ (string-length (car line))
+ 1)))
+ (if (< n 8)
+ (write-string "\t\t" port)
+ (write-char (if (< n 16) #\tab #\space) port)))
+ (write-string (cdr line) port))))
+ (for-each (lambda (form)
+ (let ((type (car form))
+ (body (cdr form)))
+ (case type
+ ((BLANK)
+ (newline port))
+ (for-each (lambda (line)
+ (write-char #\; port)
+ (write-string line port)
+ (newline port))
+ body))
+ ((SHORT)
+ (write-two-part body)
+ (newline port))
+ ((LONG)
+ (write-string (car body) port)
+ (write-char #\: port)
+ (newline port)
+ (for-each (lambda (line)
+ (if (pair? line)
+ (write-two-part line)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\; port)
+ (write-string line port)))
+ (newline port))
+ (cdr body)))
+ (else
+ (error "Illegal form type:" form)))))
+ forms)))
\ No newline at end of file