echo ' (lambda () (load "runtime.sf")))') \
+runtime/runtime-unx.pkd: $(RUNTIME_CREF_TARGETS)
# SF
bundle-sf: compile-sf
bundle-sf: sf/sf-unx.c
+(cd sf && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+sf/sf-unx.pkd: $(SF_CREF_TARGETS)
# Compiler (LIAR)
bundle-compiler: compile-compiler
bundle-compiler: compiler/compiler-unx.c
+(cd compiler && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+compiler/compiler-unx.pkd: $(COMPILER_CREF_TARGETS)
compiler/machines/svm/svm1-defns.h: \
compiler/machines/svm/assembler-rules.scm \
bundle-cref: compile-cref
bundle-cref: cref/cref-unx.c
+(cd cref && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+cref/cref-unx.pkd: $(CREF_CREF_TARGETS)
bundle-star-parser: compile-star-parser
bundle-star-parser: star-parser/parser-unx.c
+(cd star-parser && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+star-parser/parser-unx.pkd: $(STAR_PARSER_CREF_TARGETS)
### More stuff we build with tools. We could build it with the newly
### built compiler in the native case, but we want to avoid having to
bundle-ffi: compile-ffi
bundle-ffi: ffi/ffi-unx.c
+(cd ffi && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+ffi/ffi-unx.pkd: $(FFI_CREF_TARGETS)
bundle-sos: compile-sos
bundle-sos: sos/sos-unx.c
+(cd sos && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+sos/sos-unx.pkd: $(SOS_CREF_TARGETS)
# Windows FFI
bundle-xml: compile-xml
bundle-xml: xml/xml-unx.c
+(cd xml && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+xml/xml-unx.pkd: $(XML_CREF_TARGETS)
bundle-ssp: compile-ssp
bundle-ssp: ssp/ssp-unx.c
+(cd ssp && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+ssp/ssp-unx.pkd: $(SSP_CREF_TARGETS)
### Targets built on the target by the native compiler because we don't
### have a way to load macro definitions of an object-program into a