#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: url.scm,v 1.9 2001/10/05 15:57:43 cph Exp $
+$Id: url.scm,v 1.10 2001/10/10 04:52:12 cph Exp $
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;;;; URL Encoding
(declare (usual-integrations))
-(load-option 'REGULAR-EXPRESSION)
+(load-option '*PARSER)
(define url:char-set:safe (string->char-set "$-_.+"))
(define url:char-set:extra (string->char-set "!*'(),"))
(define url:char-set:national (string->char-set "{}|\\^~[]`"))
(define url:char-set:punctuation (string->char-set "<>#%\""))
(define url:char-set:reserved (string->char-set ";/?:@&="))
+(define url:char-set:hex (string->char-set "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"))
(define url:char-set:unreserved
(char-set-union char-set:alphanumeric
(define url:char-set:escaped
(char-set-invert url:char-set:unescaped))
-(define url:rexp:escape
- (let ((char-set:hex (string->char-set "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")))
- (rexp-sequence "%" char-set:hex char-set:hex)))
-(define url:rexp:uchar
- (rexp-alternatives url:char-set:unreserved url:rexp:escape))
-(define url:rexp:xchar
- (rexp-alternatives url:char-set:unescaped url:rexp:escape))
-(define url:rexp:hostname
- (let ((tail
- (rexp-optional
- (rexp*
- (char-set-union char-set:alphanumeric (string->char-set "-")))
- char-set:alphanumeric)))
- (rexp-sequence (rexp* char-set:alphanumeric tail ".")
- char-set:alphabetic
- tail)))
-(define url:rexp:hostnumber
- (let ((n (rexp+ char-set:numeric)))
- (rexp-sequence n "." n "." n "." n)))
-(define url:rexp:host
- (rexp-alternatives url:rexp:hostname url:rexp:hostnumber))
-(define url:rexp:hostport
- (rexp-sequence url:rexp:host (rexp-optional ":" (rexp+ char-set:numeric))))
+(define url:match:escape
+ (*matcher
+ (seq "%"
+ (char-set url:char-set:hex)
+ (char-set url:char-set:hex))))
+(define url:match:uchar
+ (*matcher
+ (alt (char-set url:char-set:unreserved)
+ url:match:escape)))
+(define url:match:xchar
+ (*matcher
+ (alt (char-set url:char-set:unescaped)
+ url:match:escape)))
+(define url:parse:hostport
+ (*parser
+ (seq (match url:match:host)
+ (alt (map string->number
+ (seq (noise ":")
+ (match (+ (char-set char-set:numeric)))))
+ (values #f)))))
+(define url:match:host
+ (*matcher (alt url:match:hostname url:match:hostnumber)))
+(define url:match:hostname
+ (let ((match-tail
+ (*matcher
+ (* (alt (char-set char-set:alphanumeric)
+ (seq (+ #\-)
+ (char-set char-set:alphanumeric)))))))
+ (*matcher
+ (seq (* (seq (char-set char-set:alphanumeric)
+ match-tail
+ "."))
+ (char-set char-set:alphabetic)
+ match-tail))))
+(define url:match:hostnumber
+ (*matcher
+ (seq (+ (char-set char-set:numeric))
+ "."
+ (+ (char-set char-set:numeric))
+ "."
+ (+ (char-set char-set:numeric))
+ "."
+ (+ (char-set char-set:numeric)))))
(define (url:string-encoded? string)
(url:substring-encoded? string 0 (string-length string)))
-(define (url:encode-string string)
- (url:encode-substring string 0 (string-length string)))
-(define (url:decode-string string)
- (url:decode-substring string 0 (string-length string)))
(define url:substring-encoded?
- (let ((pattern (rexp-compile (rexp* url:rexp:xchar))))
+ (let ((matcher (*matcher (complete (* url:match:xchar)))))
(lambda (string start end)
- (let ((regs (re-substring-match pattern string start end)))
- (and regs
- (fix:= end (re-match-end-index 0 regs)))))))
+ (matcher (substring->parser-buffer string start end)))))
+(define (url:encode-string string)
+ (url:encode-substring string 0 (string-length string)))
(define (url:encode-substring string start end)
(let ((n-to-encode
(loop (fix:+ index 1) (fix:+ i 3))))
(substring-move! string start end encoded i))))
+(define (url:decode-string string)
+ (url:decode-substring string 0 (string-length string)))
(define (url:decode-substring string start end)
- (let ((patt (rexp-compile url:rexp:escape)))
- (let ((n-encoded
- (let loop ((start start) (n-encoded 0))
- (let ((regs (re-substring-search-forward patt string start end)))
- (if regs
- (loop (re-match-end-index 0 regs) (fix:+ n-encoded 1))
- n-encoded)))))
- (if (fix:= 0 n-encoded)
- (substring string start end)
- (let ((decoded
- (make-string (fix:- (fix:- end start) (fix:* 2 n-encoded)))))
- (let loop ((start start) (i 0))
- (let ((regs (re-substring-search-forward patt string start end)))
- (if regs
- (let ((index (re-match-start-index 0 regs)))
+ (let ((n-encoded
+ (let loop ((start start) (n-encoded 0))
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char string start end #\%)))
+ (if index
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1) (fix:+ n-encoded 1))
+ n-encoded))))
+ (lose
+ (lambda ()
+ (error "Malformed encoded URL string:"
+ (substring string start end)))))
+ (if (fix:= 0 n-encoded)
+ (substring string start end)
+ (let ((decoded
+ (make-string (fix:- (fix:- end start) (fix:* 2 n-encoded)))))
+ (let loop ((start start) (i 0))
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char string start end #\%)))
+ (if index
+ (begin
+ (if (not (fix:<= (fix:+ index 3) end))
+ (lose))
+ (let ((k
+ (substring->number string
+ (fix:+ index 1)
+ (fix:+ index 3)
+ 16))
+ (i* (fix:+ i (fix:- index start))))
+ (if (not k)
+ (lose))
(substring-move! string start index decoded i)
- (let ((i (fix:+ i (fix:- index start))))
- (vector-8b-set!
- decoded i
- (substring->number string
- (fix:+ index 1)
- (fix:+ index 3)
- 16))
- (loop (fix:+ index 3) (fix:+ i 1))))
- (substring-move! string start end decoded i))))
- decoded)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (vector-8b-set! decoded i* k)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 3) (fix:+ i* 1))))
+ (substring-move! string start end decoded i))))
+ decoded))))
\ No newline at end of file