--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; Unicode character database conversion
+;;; Parses the XML format UCD and generates code for interesting
+;;; tables.
+;;; Stage one, needs large stack (100000 works OK) and works better with
+;;; large-ish heap.
+;;; (load-option 'xml)
+;;; (define ucd (read-xml-file "path/to/ucd.all.grouped.xml"))
+;;; (write-standard-property-files ucd "tmp/path/XXX")
+;;; Stage two, uses normal sizes:
+;;; (load ".../src/etc/ucd-converter")
+;;; (generate-standard-property-tables "tmp/path/XXX")
+;;;; Raw UCD property tables
+(define ucd-prop-names
+ '("CI"
+ "CWCF"
+ "CWCM"
+ "CWL"
+ "CWT"
+ "CWU"
+ "Cased"
+ "Lower"
+ "OLower"
+ "OUpper"
+ "Upper"
+ "cf"
+ "gc"
+ "lc"
+ "scf"
+ "slc"
+ "stc"
+ "suc"
+ "tc"
+ "uc"))
+(define (write-standard-property-files document root-name)
+ (call-with-output-file (prop-file-name root-name "index")
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write (ucd-description document) port)
+ (for-each (lambda (prop-name)
+ (newline port)
+ (write prop-name port))
+ ucd-prop-names)))
+ (for-each (lambda (prop-name)
+ (let ((entries
+ (single-repertoire-property (string->symbol prop-name)
+ document)))
+ (call-with-output-file (prop-file-name root-name prop-name)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (for-each (lambda (p)
+ (write-line p port))
+ entries)))))
+ ucd-prop-names))
+(define (read-standard-property-files root-name)
+ (let ((index (read-file (prop-file-name root-name "index"))))
+ (cons (car index)
+ (map (lambda (prop-name)
+ (cons prop-name
+ (read-file (prop-file-name root-name prop-name))))
+ (cdr index)))))
+(define (prop-file-name root-name suffix)
+ (ustring-append (->namestring root-name)
+ "-"
+ (ustring-downcase suffix)
+ ".scm"))
+;;;; UCD property extraction
+(define (single-repertoire-property name document)
+ (define (walk-elts elts group-value alist k)
+ (if (pair? elts)
+ (walk-elt (car elts)
+ group-value
+ alist
+ (lambda (alist)
+ (walk-elts (cdr elts) group-value alist k)))
+ (k alist)))
+ (define (walk-elt elt group-value alist k)
+ (let ((elt-name (xml-name->symbol (xml-element-name elt))))
+ (case elt-name
+ ((group)
+ (walk-elts (xml-element-children elt)
+ (or (attribute-value name elt)
+ group-value)
+ alist
+ k))
+ ((char)
+ (k (cons (cons (cp-attribute elt)
+ (or (attribute-value name elt)
+ group-value))
+ alist)))
+ ((reserved noncharacter surrogate)
+ (k alist))
+ (else
+ (error "Unrecognized repertoire element:" elt)))))
+ (walk-elts (repertoire-elts document) #f '() merge-property-alist))
+(define (merge-property-alist alist)
+ (let ((sorted
+ (sort alist
+ (lambda (p1 p2)
+ (< (cpr-start (car p1))
+ (cpr-start (car p2)))))))
+ (let loop ((alist sorted))
+ (if (and (pair? alist)
+ (pair? (cdr alist)))
+ (let ((p1 (car alist))
+ (p2 (cadr alist)))
+ (if (and (cprs-adjacent? (car p1) (car p2))
+ (if (cdr p1)
+ (and (cdr p2)
+ (ustring=? (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))
+ (not (cdr p2))))
+ (begin
+ (set-car! alist
+ (cons (merge-cprs (car p1) (car p2))
+ (cdr p1)))
+ (set-cdr! alist (cddr alist))
+ (loop alist))
+ (loop (cdr alist))))))
+ (insert-undefined-ranges sorted)))
+(define (insert-undefined-ranges alist)
+ (let loop ((alist alist) (last-end 0))
+ (if (pair? alist)
+ (let* ((cpr (caar alist))
+ (tail (cons (car alist) (loop (cdr alist) (cpr-end cpr)))))
+ (if (< last-end (cpr-start cpr))
+ (cons (cons (make-cpr last-end (cpr-start cpr)) #f)
+ tail)
+ tail))
+ (if (< last-end char-code-limit)
+ (list (cons (make-cpr last-end char-code-limit) #f))
+ '()))))
+(define (repertoire-elts document)
+ (xml-element-children
+ (xml-element-child 'repertoire (xml-document-root document))))
+(define (xml-element-children elt)
+ (filter xml-element? (xml-element-content elt)))
+(define (attribute-value name elt)
+ (let ((attr
+ (find (lambda (attr)
+ (xml-name=? name (xml-attribute-name attr)))
+ (xml-element-attributes elt))))
+ (and attr
+ (let ((value (xml-attribute-value attr)))
+ (and (fix:> (ustring-length value) 0)
+ value)))))
+(define (cp-attribute elt)
+ (let ((cp (attribute-value 'cp elt)))
+ (if cp
+ (string->number cp 16 #t)
+ (cons (string->number (attribute-value 'first-cp elt) 16 #t)
+ (+ 1 (string->number (attribute-value 'last-cp elt) 16 #t))))))
+(define (ucd-description document)
+ (let ((content
+ (xml-element-content
+ (xml-element-child 'description (xml-document-root document)))))
+ (if (not (and (pair? content)
+ (ustring? (car content))
+ (null? (cdr content))))
+ (error "Unexpected description content:" content))
+ (car content)))
+(define (xml-element->sexp elt)
+ (cons (cons (xml-name->symbol (xml-element-name elt))
+ (map (lambda (attr)
+ (list (xml-name->symbol (xml-attribute-name attr))
+ (xml-attribute-value attr)))
+ (xml-element-attributes elt)))
+ (map xml-element->sexp
+ (filter xml-element?
+ (xml-element-content elt)))))
+;;;; Code-point ranges
+(define (make-cpr start end)
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? start)
+ (guarantee index-fixnum? end)
+ (if (not (fix:< start end))
+ (error "Start must be less than end:" start end))
+ (if (fix:= start (fix:- end 1))
+ start
+ (cons start end)))
+(define (cpr? object)
+ (or (index-fixnum? object)
+ (and (pair? object)
+ (index-fixnum? (car object))
+ (index-fixnum? (cdr object))
+ (fix:< (car object) (cdr object)))))
+(define (cpr-start cpr)
+ (guarantee cpr? cpr)
+ (if (pair? cpr)
+ (car cpr)
+ cpr))
+(define (cpr-end cpr)
+ (guarantee cpr? cpr)
+ (if (pair? cpr)
+ (cdr cpr)
+ (fix:+ cpr 1)))
+(define (cpr= cpr1 cpr2)
+ (and (fix:= (cpr-start cpr1) (cpr-start cpr2))
+ (fix:= (cpr-end cpr1) (cpr-end cpr2))))
+(define (cpr-size cpr)
+ (fix:- (cpr-end cpr) (cpr-start cpr)))
+(define (merge-cpr-list cprs)
+ (if (pair? cprs)
+ (if (and (pair? (cdr cprs))
+ (cprs-adjacent? (car cprs) (cadr cprs)))
+ (merge-cpr-list
+ (cons (merge-cprs (car cprs) (cadr cprs))
+ (cddr cprs)))
+ (cons (car cprs)
+ (merge-cpr-list (cdr cprs))))
+ '()))
+(define (cprs-adjacent? cpr1 cpr2)
+ (fix:= (cpr-end cpr1) (cpr-start cpr2)))
+(define (merge-cprs cpr1 cpr2)
+ (if (not (cprs-adjacent? cpr1 cpr2))
+ (error "Can't merge non-adjacent cprs:" cpr1 cpr2))
+ (make-cpr (cpr-start cpr1)
+ (cpr-end cpr2)))
+;;;; Code-point range prefix encoding
+(define (split-prop-alist-by-prefix alist)
+ (append-map (lambda (p)
+ (let ((value (cdr p)))
+ (map (lambda (cpr)
+ (cons (cpr->prefix cpr) value))
+ (split-cpr-by-prefix (car p)))))
+ alist))
+(define (cpr->prefix cpr)
+ (receive (p n) (compute-low-prefix (cpr-start cpr) (fix:- (cpr-end cpr) 1))
+ (unsigned-integer->bit-string (fix:- 21 n) p)))
+(define (split-cpr-by-prefix cpr)
+ (let loop ((low (cpr-start cpr)) (high (fix:- (cpr-end cpr) 1)))
+ (if (fix:<= low high)
+ (receive (ll lh) (low-bracket low high)
+ (receive (hl hh) (high-bracket low high)
+ (if (fix:< low hl)
+ (if (fix:< lh high)
+ (append (loop low lh)
+ (loop (fix:+ lh 1) (fix:- hl 1))
+ (loop hl high))
+ (append (loop low (fix:- hl 1))
+ (loop hl high)))
+ (if (fix:< lh high)
+ (append (loop low lh)
+ (loop (fix:+ lh 1) high))
+ (list (make-cpr low (fix:+ high 1)))))))
+ '())))
+(define (low-bracket low high)
+ (receive (p n) (compute-low-prefix low high)
+ (bracket p n)))
+(define (high-bracket low high)
+ (receive (p n) (compute-high-prefix low high)
+ (bracket p n)))
+(define (bracket p n)
+ (let ((low (fix:lsh p n)))
+ (values low
+ (fix:or low (fix:- (fix:lsh 1 n) 1)))))
+(define (compute-low-prefix low high)
+ (let loop
+ ((low low)
+ (high high)
+ (n 0))
+ (if (and (fix:< low high)
+ (fix:= 0 (fix:and 1 low)))
+ (loop (fix:lsh low -1)
+ (fix:lsh high -1)
+ (fix:+ n 1))
+ (values low n))))
+(define (compute-high-prefix low high)
+ (let loop
+ ((low low)
+ (high high)
+ (n 0))
+ (if (and (fix:< low high)
+ (fix:= 1 (fix:and 1 high)))
+ (loop (fix:lsh low -1)
+ (fix:lsh high -1)
+ (fix:+ n 1))
+ (values high n))))
+;;;; Stratification of dispatch tables
+(define (stratify-prop-alist alist slices)
+ (let loop ((alist alist) (slices slices))
+ (if (pair? slices)
+ (stratify-prop-alist-1 alist
+ (car slices)
+ (lambda (alist)
+ (loop alist (cdr slices))))
+ '())))
+(define (stratify-prop-alist-1 alist n-bits continue)
+ (cons n-bits
+ (let loop ((alist alist))
+ (if (pair? alist)
+ (if (< n-bits (bit-string-length (caar alist)))
+ (let ((p1 (prefix-head (caar alist) n-bits)))
+ (let gather
+ ((alist (cdr alist))
+ (tails
+ (list (cons (prefix-tail (caar alist) n-bits)
+ (cdar alist)))))
+ (if (and (pair? alist)
+ (prefix-match? p1 (caar alist)))
+ (gather (cdr alist)
+ (cons (cons (prefix-tail (caar alist) n-bits)
+ (cdar alist))
+ tails))
+ (cons (cons p1 (continue (reverse! tails)))
+ (loop alist)))))
+ (cons (car alist)
+ (loop (cdr alist))))
+ '()))))
+(define (prefix-match? p1 p2)
+ (let ((n1 (bit-string-length p1))
+ (n2 (bit-string-length p2)))
+ (if (<= n1 n2)
+ (bit-string=? p1 (prefix-head p2 n1))
+ (bit-string=? (prefix-head p1 n2) p2))))
+(define (prefix-head s n-bits)
+ (bit-substring s
+ (- (bit-string-length s) n-bits)
+ (bit-string-length s)))
+(define (prefix-tail s n-bits)
+ (bit-substring s 0 (- (bit-string-length s) n-bits)))
+(define (compute-stratification-costs alists slices)
+ (map (lambda (alist)
+ (cons (car alist)
+ (compute-stratification-cost
+ (split-prop-alist-by-prefix (cdr alist))
+ slices)))
+ alists))
+(define (compute-stratification-cost alist slices)
+ (let loop ((alist alist) (slices slices))
+ (if (pair? slices)
+ (compute-stratification-cost-1 alist
+ (car slices)
+ (lambda (alist)
+ (loop alist (cdr slices))))
+ 0)))
+(define (compute-stratification-cost-1 alist n-bits continue)
+ (+ (expt 2 n-bits)
+ (let loop ((alist alist))
+ (if (pair? alist)
+ (if (< n-bits (bit-string-length (caar alist)))
+ (let ((p1 (prefix-head (caar alist) n-bits)))
+ (let gather
+ ((alist (cdr alist))
+ (tails
+ (list (cons (prefix-tail (caar alist) n-bits)
+ (cdar alist)))))
+ (if (and (pair? alist)
+ (< n-bits (bit-string-length (caar alist)))
+ (bit-string=? p1
+ (prefix-head (caar alist) n-bits)))
+ (gather (cdr alist)
+ (cons (cons (prefix-tail (caar alist) n-bits)
+ (cdar alist))
+ tails))
+ (+ (continue (reverse! tails))
+ (loop alist)))))
+ (loop (cdr alist)))
+ 0))))
+(define (count-nodes stratified)
+ (fold (lambda (p1 p2)
+ (cons (+ (car p1) (car p2))
+ (+ (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))
+ '(1 . 0)
+ (map (lambda (entry)
+ (if (pair? (cdr entry))
+ (count-nodes (cdr entry))
+ '(0 . 1)))
+ (cdr stratified))))
+;;;; Code generator
+(define mit-scheme-root-pathname
+ (merge-pathnames "../../" (directory-pathname (current-load-pathname))))
+(define copyright-file-name
+ (merge-pathnames "dist/copyright.scm" mit-scheme-root-pathname))
+(define output-file-root
+ (merge-pathnames "src/runtime/ucd-table" mit-scheme-root-pathname))
+(define (generate-standard-property-tables prop-root)
+ (generate-property-tables (read-standard-property-files prop-root)
+ output-file-root))
+(define (generate-property-tables std-prop-alists root-name)
+ (for-each (lambda (p)
+ (let ((exprs (generate-property-table (car p) (cdr p))))
+ (call-with-output-file (prop-file-name root-name (car p))
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write-table-header (car p)
+ (car std-prop-alists)
+ port)
+ (pp (car exprs) port)
+ (for-each (lambda (exprs)
+ (newline port)
+ (pp exprs port))
+ (cdr exprs))))))
+ (cdr std-prop-alists)))
+(define (write-table-header prop-name ucd-version port)
+ (call-with-input-file copyright-file-name
+ (lambda (ip)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((char (read-char ip)))
+ (if (not (eof-object? char))
+ (begin
+ (write-char char port)
+ (loop)))))))
+ (write-string ";;;; UCD property: " port)
+ (write-string prop-name port)
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string ";;; Generated from " port)
+ (write-string ucd-version port)
+ (write-string " UCD at " port)
+ (write-string (universal-time->local-iso8601-string (get-universal-time))
+ port)
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string "(declare (usual-integrations))" port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-char #\page port)
+ (newline port))
+(define (generate-property-table prop-name prop-alist)
+ (let ((stratified-entries
+ (stratify-prop-alist (split-prop-alist-by-prefix prop-alist)
+ '(5 8 4 4)))
+ (maker (entries-maker))
+ (entry-count 0)
+ (unique-entry-count 0)
+ (byte-count 0))
+ (define (make-value-code value)
+ (lambda (sv-name table-name)
+ `(,sv-name ,table-name ,value)))
+ (define (make-node-code n-bits offset indexes)
+ (receive (bytes-per-entry coder)
+ (or (try-linear indexes)
+ (try-8-bit-direct indexes)
+ (try-8-bit-spread indexes)
+ (try-16-bit-direct indexes)
+ (try-16-bit-spread indexes)
+ (error "Dispatch won't fit in 16 bits:" indexes))
+ (count-entries! indexes bytes-per-entry)
+ (lambda (sv-name table-name)
+ `(((vector-ref ,table-name
+ ,(coder
+ `(fix:and ,(- (expt 2 n-bits) 1)
+ ,(code:rsh sv-name offset))))
+ ,sv-name
+ ,table-name)))))
+ (define (count-entries! indexes bytes-per-entry)
+ (let ((n (length indexes))
+ (u (length (delete-duplicates indexes eqv?))))
+ (set! entry-count (+ entry-count n))
+ (set! unique-entry-count (+ unique-entry-count u))
+ (set! byte-count (+ byte-count (* n bytes-per-entry))))
+ unspecific)
+ (let ((make-entry (maker 'make-entry)))
+ (generate-code stratified-entries
+ (lambda (n-bits offset indexes)
+ (make-entry (make-node-code n-bits offset indexes)))
+ (lambda (value)
+ (make-entry (make-value-code value)))))
+ (let ((root-entry ((maker 'get-root-entry)))
+ (table-entries ((maker 'get-table-entries))))
+ (report-table-statistics prop-name
+ entry-count
+ unique-entry-count
+ byte-count
+ (length table-entries))
+ (generate-top-level (ustring-downcase prop-name)
+ root-entry
+ table-entries))))
+(define (report-table-statistics prop-name entry-count unique-entry-count
+ byte-count n-entries)
+ (with-notification
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write-string "UCD property " port)
+ (write-string prop-name port)
+ (write-string ": dispatch tables = " port)
+ (write entry-count port)
+ (write-string " entries (" port)
+ (write unique-entry-count port)
+ (write-string " unique), " port)
+ (write byte-count port)
+ (write-string " bytes; object table = " port)
+ (write n-entries port)
+ (write-string " words" port))))
+(define (generate-top-level prop-name root-entry table-entries)
+ (let ((table-name (symbol "ucd-" prop-name "-entries"))
+ (entry-names
+ (map (lambda (index)
+ (symbol "ucd-" prop-name "-entry-" index))
+ (iota (length table-entries)))))
+ `((define (,(symbol "ucd-" prop-name "-value") sv)
+ ,@(root-entry 'sv table-name))
+ (define ,table-name)
+ ,@(generate-table-initializers table-name entry-names)
+ ,@(map (lambda (name entry)
+ `(define (,name sv table)
+ ,@(entry 'sv 'table)))
+ entry-names
+ table-entries))))
+(define (generate-table-initializers table-name entries)
+ (let ((root-name (symbol "initialize-" table-name))
+ (groups
+ (let split-items
+ ((items
+ (map cons
+ (iota (length entries))
+ entries)))
+ (let ((n-items (length items)))
+ (if (<= n-items 100)
+ (list items)
+ (let ((split (quotient n-items 2)))
+ (append (split-items (list-head items split))
+ (split-items (list-tail items split)))))))))
+ (let ((group-names
+ (map (lambda (index)
+ (symbol root-name "-" index))
+ (iota (length groups)))))
+ `((define (,root-name)
+ (set! ,table-name (make-vector ,(length entries)))
+ ,@(map (lambda (name)
+ `(,name))
+ group-names))
+ ,@(map (lambda (name group)
+ `(define (,name)
+ ,@(map (lambda (p)
+ `(vector-set! ,table-name ,(car p) ,(cdr p)))
+ group)))
+ group-names
+ groups)))))
+(define (try-linear indexes)
+ (and (pair? indexes)
+ (pair? (cdr indexes))
+ (let ((slope (- (cadr indexes) (car indexes))))
+ (let loop ((indexes (cdr indexes)))
+ (if (pair? (cdr indexes))
+ (and (= slope (- (cadr indexes) (car indexes)))
+ (loop (cdr indexes)))
+ (linear-coder slope indexes))))))
+(define (linear-coder slope indexes)
+ (values 0
+ (lambda (index-code)
+ (if (< slope 0)
+ (code:+ (last indexes) (code:* (- slope) index-code))
+ (code:+ (car indexes) (code:* slope index-code))))))
+(define (try-8-bit-direct indexes)
+ (and (< (apply max indexes) #x100)
+ (8-bit-spread-coder 0 indexes)))
+(define (try-8-bit-spread indexes)
+ (let ((base (apply min indexes)))
+ (and (< (- (apply max indexes) base) #x100)
+ (8-bit-spread-coder base indexes))))
+(define (8-bit-spread-coder base indexes)
+ (values 1
+ (lambda (index-code)
+ (code:+ base
+ `(bytevector-u8-ref ',(apply bytevector
+ (map (lambda (index)
+ (- index base))
+ indexes))
+ ,index-code)))))
+(define (try-16-bit-direct indexes)
+ (and (< (apply max indexes) #x10000)
+ (16-bit-spread-coder 0 indexes)))
+(define (try-16-bit-spread indexes)
+ (let ((base (apply min indexes)))
+ (and (< (- (apply max indexes) base) #x10000)
+ (16-bit-spread-coder base indexes))))
+(define (16-bit-spread-coder base indexes)
+ (values 2
+ (lambda (index-code)
+ (code:+ base
+ `(bytevector-u16le-ref ',(make-u16-vector
+ (map (lambda (index)
+ (- index base))
+ indexes))
+ ,index-code)))))
+(define (make-u16-vector u16s)
+ (let ((bv (make-bytevector (* 2 (length u16s)))))
+ (for-each (lambda (u16 index)
+ (bytevector-u16le-set! bv (* 2 index) u16))
+ u16s
+ (iota (length u16s)))
+ bv))
+(define (code:+ a b)
+ (cond ((eqv? 0 a) b)
+ ((eqv? 0 b) a)
+ (else `(fix:+ ,a ,b))))
+(define (code:* a b)
+ (cond ((or (eqv? 0 a) (eqv? 0 b)) 0)
+ ((eqv? 1 a) b)
+ ((eqv? 1 b) a)
+ (else `(fix:* ,a ,b))))
+(define (code:rsh a n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ a
+ `(fix:lsh ,a ,(- n))))
+(define (entries-maker)
+ (let ((next-index 0)
+ (entries '()))
+ (define (make-entry entry)
+ (let ((index next-index))
+ (set! next-index (+ next-index 1))
+ (set! entries (cons entry entries))
+ index))
+ (lambda (operator)
+ (case operator
+ ((make-entry) make-entry)
+ ((get-table-entries) (lambda () (reverse (cdr entries))))
+ ((get-root-entry) (lambda () (car entries)))
+ (else (error "Unknown operator:" operator))))))
+(define (generate-code stratified-entries make-node make-value)
+ (let ((value-table (make-equal-hash-table)))
+ (define (intern-value value)
+ (hash-table-intern! value-table value (lambda () (make-value value))))
+ (let loop ((entries stratified-entries) (n-max 21))
+ (let ((n-bits (car entries)))
+ (make-node n-bits (- n-max n-bits)
+ (append-map (lambda (entry)
+ (make-list (expt 2
+ (- n-bits
+ (bit-string-length (car entry))))
+ (if (pair? (cdr entry))
+ (loop (cdr entry) (- n-max n-bits))
+ (intern-value (cdr entry)))))
+ (cdr entries)))))))
\ No newline at end of file