Stephen Adams, Implemeting Sets Efficiently in a Functional
Language, CSTR 92-10, Department of Electronics and Computer
Science, University of Southampton, 1992.
+ <>
The data structure was originally introduced in
balance', Proceedings of the fourth ACM Symposium on Theory of
Computing, pp. 137--142, 1972.
-The balance parameters, Delta and Gamma, proposed by Nievergelt and
-Reingold were irrational, making the balance condition complicated to
-express exactly. In his paper, Adams used a different definition of a
-node's weight, which introduced more complicated edge cases, and used
-Delta = 4 and Gamma = 1, which do not preserve balance for deletion.
-This implementation formerly used Delta = 5 and Gamma = 1, which was
-also buggy.
+The algorithm proposed by Nievergelt & Reingold requires the ratio of
+sizes of the two subtrees of each node to be bounded by an irrational
+factor, which is slow to evaluate in integer arithmetic. Adams
+proposed a simpler balance condition involvig only a single integer
+multiplication, but it turns out to be wrong, as explained in
-Yoichi Hirai and Kazuhiko Yamamoto proposed, in `Balance Conditions on
-Weight-Balanced Trees' (to appear in the Journal of Functional
-Programming), Nievergelt and Reingold's definition of a node's weight,
-with Delta = 3 and Gamma = 2, based on analysis of the algorithms and
-parameters assisted by Coq. This is what we use here now.
+ Yoichi Hirai and Kazuhiko Yamamoto, `Balancing weight-balanced
+ trees', Journal of Functional Programming 21(3), pp. 287--307,
+ 2011.
+ <>
+We previously used Hirai & Yamamoto's proposed parameters, but there is
+a much simpler balancing condition, with much simpler analysis, which
+we adopt here, described in
+ Salvador Roura, `A new method for balancing binary search trees',
+ Automata, Languages, and Programming, Orejas, F., Spirakis, P.,
+ & van Leeuwen, J. (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2076,
+ pp. 469--480, Springer, 2001.
(if (empty? node) 0 (node/w node)))
(define-integrable (node/weight node)
- (+ 1 (node/size node)))
+ (node/size node))
-(define-integrable wt-tree-delta 3)
-(define-integrable wt-tree-gamma 2)
+(define-integrable (log2< a b)
+ (and (fix:< a b) (fix:< (fix:lsh (fix:and a b) 1) b)))
(define-integrable (overweight? a b)
- (< (* wt-tree-delta a) b))
+ (log2< a (fix:lsh b -11)))
(define-integrable (single? a b)
- (< a (* wt-tree-gamma b)))
+ (not (log2< b a)))
(define-integrable (node/singleton k v) (make-node k v empty empty 1))