;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: process.scm,v 1.47 1996/05/14 01:52:11 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: process.scm,v 1.48 1996/05/14 23:35:22 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1991-96 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(and (ref-variable translate-file-data-on-output mark)
(mark-translation mark)))
- (call-with-input-copier process input-region
+ (call-with-input-copier process input-region output-mark 512
(lambda (copy-input)
- (call-with-output-copier process output-mark
+ (call-with-output-copier process output-mark input-region
+ ;; The 16 here is a heuristic that
+ ;; seems to work provide reasonable
+ ;; feedback for the popclient program,
+ ;; which at present is the only
+ ;; subprocess that uses this feature.
+ (if allow-redisplay? 16 512)
(lambda (copy-output)
- (if allow-redisplay? (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))
- (let loop ()
- (copy-input)
- (if (and (> (copy-output) 0) allow-redisplay?)
- (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))
- (let ((status (subprocess-status process)))
- (if (eq? status 'RUNNING)
- (loop)
- status))))))))
+ (if copy-input
+ (if copy-output
+ (begin
+ (if allow-redisplay? (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (copy-input)
+ (let ((n (copy-output)))
+ (cond ((not n)
+ (loop))
+ ((> n 0)
+ (if allow-redisplay?
+ (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))
+ (loop))))))
+ (do () ((= (copy-input) 0))))
+ (if copy-output
+ (begin
+ (if allow-redisplay? (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))
+ (do ()
+ ((= (copy-output) 0))
+ (if allow-redisplay?
+ (update-screens! '(IGNORE-INPUT)))))))))))
+ (subprocess-wait process))
-(define (call-with-input-copier process input-region receiver)
- (if input-region
- (handle-broken-pipe process
- (lambda ()
- (let ((group (region-group input-region))
- (start-index (region-start-index input-region))
- (end-index (region-end-index input-region))
- (port (subprocess-output-port process))
- (buffer (make-string 512)))
- (let ((output-port/set-blocking-mode
- (port/operation port 'SET-OUTPUT-BLOCKING-MODE))
- (output-port/write-chars (port/operation port 'WRITE-CHARS))
- (output-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-OUTPUT)))
- (output-port/set-blocking-mode port 'NONBLOCKING)
- (receiver
- (lambda ()
- (if (< start-index end-index)
- (let ((index (min (+ start-index 512) end-index)))
- (group-copy-substring! group start-index index
- buffer 0)
- (let ((n-written
- (output-port/write-chars
- port buffer 0 (- index start-index))))
- (set! start-index (+ start-index n-written))
- n-written))
- (output-port/close port))))))))
- (receiver (lambda () 0))))
+(define (call-with-input-copier process input-region nonblock? bsize receiver)
+ (let ((port (subprocess-output-port process)))
+ (let ((output-port/set-blocking-mode
+ (port/operation port 'SET-OUTPUT-BLOCKING-MODE))
+ (output-port/write-chars (port/operation port 'WRITE-CHARS))
+ (output-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-OUTPUT)))
+ (if input-region
+ (handle-broken-pipe process
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((group (region-group input-region))
+ (start-index (region-start-index input-region))
+ (end-index (region-end-index input-region))
+ (buffer (make-string bsize)))
+ (if nonblock?
+ (output-port/set-blocking-mode port 'NONBLOCKING))
+ (receiver
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (< start-index end-index)
+ (let ((index (min (+ start-index bsize) end-index)))
+ (group-copy-substring! group start-index index
+ buffer 0)
+ (let ((n-written
+ (output-port/write-chars
+ port buffer 0 (- index start-index))))
+ (set! start-index (+ start-index n-written))
+ n-written))
+ (output-port/close port)))))))
+ (begin
+ (output-port/close port)
+ (receiver #f))))))
(define (handle-broken-pipe process thunk)
(define system-call-error
(condition-accessor condition-type:system-call-error 'ERROR-TYPE))
-(define (call-with-output-copier process output-mark receiver)
- (if output-mark
- (let ((port (subprocess-input-port process))
- (buffer (make-string 512)))
- (let ((input-port/set-blocking-mode
- (port/operation port 'SET-INPUT-BLOCKING-MODE))
- (input-port/read-chars (port/operation port 'READ-CHARS))
- (input-port/open? (port/operation port 'INPUT-OPEN?))
- (input-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-INPUT)))
- (let ((copy-output
- (lambda ()
- (let ((n (input-port/read-chars port buffer)))
- (if n
- (begin
- (if (> n 0)
- (insert-substring buffer 0 n output-mark))
- n)
- 0)))))
- (input-port/set-blocking-mode port 'NONBLOCKING)
- (let ((status (receiver copy-output)))
- (if (input-port/open? port)
- (begin
- (input-port/set-blocking-mode port 'BLOCKING)
- (do () ((= (copy-output) 0)))
- (input-port/close port)))
- status))))
- (receiver (lambda () 0))))
+(define (call-with-output-copier process output-mark nonblock? bsize receiver)
+ (let ((port (subprocess-input-port process)))
+ (let ((input-port/set-blocking-mode
+ (port/operation port 'SET-INPUT-BLOCKING-MODE))
+ (input-port/read-chars (port/operation port 'READ-CHARS))
+ (input-port/open? (port/operation port 'INPUT-OPEN?))
+ (input-port/close (port/operation port 'CLOSE-INPUT)))
+ (if output-mark
+ (let ((buffer (make-string bsize)))
+ (let ((copy-output
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n (input-port/read-chars port buffer)))
+ (if (and n (> n 0))
+ (insert-substring buffer 0 n output-mark))
+ n))))
+ (if nonblock? (input-port/set-blocking-mode port 'NONBLOCKING))
+ (let ((status (receiver copy-output)))
+ (if (and nonblock? (input-port/open? port))
+ (begin
+ (input-port/set-blocking-mode port 'BLOCKING)
+ (do () ((= (copy-output) 0)))
+ (input-port/close port)))
+ status)))
+ (receiver #f)))))
(define-command shell-command
"Execute string COMMAND in inferior shell; display output, if any.