** Install 1-Wire Server
-The following task installs the 1-Wire server and shell commands. The
+This next task installs the 1-Wire server and shell commands. The
abbey uses the Dallas Semiconductor DS9490R, a USB to 1-Wire adapter,
on all its weather hosts, so it also configures the server to use the
USB adapter (rather than a test "fake" adapter).
executed during the initial phase of configuration, allowing the
administrator to login on the new weather host as ~monkey~ and thus to
test access to the 1-Wire adapter and devices. To facilitate
-debugging the ~sysadm~ account is included in the ~monkey~ group.
+debugging, the ~sysadm~ account is included in the ~monkey~ group.
#+CAPTION: [[file:roles_t/abbey-weather/tasks/main.yml][=roles_t/abbey-weather/tasks/main.yml=]]
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-weather/tasks/main.yml
command: timedatectl set-timezone {{ city }}
when: ansible_date_time.tz != zone
register: new_tz
- - debug: msg={{ new_tz }}
- hosts: dvrs