(declare (usual-integrations))
-;;; This rudimentary stack sampler periodically interrupts the program
-;;; and records two numbers for each interrupted compiled[*] entry
-;;; found on the stack:
-;;; 1. The `sampled' count, which is the number of times that the
-;;; compiled entry was the interrupted one. This tells you how
-;;; often a particular part of the code is hit, which approximately
-;;; tells you how important it is for that code to be fast.
-;;; 2. The `waiting' count, which is the number of times that the
-;;; compiled entry was found on the stack as the return address of a
-;;; continuation. This tells you how much often the sampler hit
-;;; something involved in computing a particular expression, which
-;;; approximately tells you how much time is spent computing that
-;;; expression.
+;;; This rudimentary stack sampler periodically interrupts the program and
+;;; records a histogram of return address stacks.
;;; To sample the evaluation an expression <expression>, interrupting
;;; at every <sample-interval> millisceonds, and then to display the
(define-structure (profile
(conc-name profile.)
- (constructor make-profile ()))
- (entries (make-strong-eq-hash-table) read-only #t))
+ (constructor %make-profile (histogram)))
+ (histogram #f read-only #t)
+ (pframes (make-strong-eq-hash-table) read-only #t))
+(define (make-profile)
+ (let* ((n 33554393)
+ (r (random-integer n))
+ (s (random-integer n)))
+ (define (hash pframes modulus)
+ ;; Horner's rule
+ (let loop ((pframes pframes) (h 0))
+ (if (pair? pframes)
+ (loop (cdr pframes)
+ (let ((key (pframe.return-address (car pframes))))
+ (modulo (* r (+ h (eq-hash-mod key n))) n)))
+ (modulo (modulo (+ h s) n) modulus))))
+ (define (= x y)
+ (list= eq? x y))
+ (%make-profile (make-hash-table = hash 'rehash-after-gc? #t))))
-(define-structure (entry
- (conc-name entry.)
- (constructor make-entry
- (return-address
- expression
- subexpression
- environment-names)))
- (sampled-count 0)
- (waiting-count 0)
- (time-stamp #f)
+(define-structure (pframe
+ (conc-name pframe.)
+ (constructor make-pframe
+ (return-address expression subexpression
+ environment-names)))
(return-address #f read-only #t)
(expression #f read-only #t)
(subexpression #f read-only #t)
(environment-names #f read-only #t))
(define (record-sample profile continuation)
- (let ((time-stamp (real-time-clock))
- (stack-frame
+ (let ((pframes (continuation->pframes continuation profile)))
+ (if pframes
+ (hash-table-update! (profile.histogram profile) pframes
+ (lambda (n) (+ n 1))
+ (lambda () 0)))))
+(define (continuation->pframes continuation profile)
+ (let ((stack-frame
(find-first-subproblem (continuation->stack-frame continuation))))
- (if stack-frame
- (begin
- (record-sampled profile stack-frame time-stamp)
- (let loop ((stack-frame stack-frame))
- (let ((stack-frame (find-next-subproblem stack-frame)))
- (if (and stack-frame
- (not (stack-sampling-stack-frame? stack-frame)))
- (begin (record-waiting profile stack-frame time-stamp)
- (loop stack-frame)))))))))
+ (and stack-frame
+ (let loop ((stack-frame stack-frame) (pframes '()))
+ (let* ((pframe (intern-pframe stack-frame profile))
+ ;; XXX Stick in a dummy record?
+ (pframes (if pframe (cons pframe pframes) pframes)))
+ (let ((stack-frame (find-next-subproblem stack-frame)))
+ (if (and stack-frame
+ (not (stack-sampling-stack-frame? stack-frame)))
+ (loop stack-frame pframes)
+ pframes)))))))
+(define (intern-pframe stack-frame profile)
+ (let ((return-address (stack-frame/return-address stack-frame)))
+ (if (compiled-code-address? return-address)
+ (let ((return-address
+ (if (compiled-closure? return-address)
+ (compiled-closure->entry return-address)
+ return-address)))
+ (hash-table-intern! (profile.pframes profile) return-address
+ (lambda ()
+ (receive (expression environment subexpression)
+ (stack-frame/debugging-info stack-frame)
+ (make-pframe return-address
+ expression
+ subexpression
+ (environment-ancestry-names environment))))))
+ ;; What to do for interpreted code? Fetch the debugging
+ ;; information and use the expression, subexpression, and
+ ;; environment ancestry names as the key?
+ #f)))
(define (find-first-subproblem stack-frame)
(let loop ((next (stack-frame/skip-non-subproblems stack-frame)))
(cond ((stack-frame/next-subproblem stack-frame) => find-subproblem)
(else #f)))
-(define (record-sampled profile stack-frame time-stamp)
- time-stamp ;ignore
- (let ((entry (intern-entry profile stack-frame)))
- (if entry
- (set-entry.sampled-count! entry (+ 1 (entry.sampled-count entry))))))
-(define (record-waiting profile stack-frame time-stamp)
- (let ((entry (intern-entry profile stack-frame)))
- (if entry
- (begin
- (set-entry.waiting-count! entry (+ 1 (entry.waiting-count entry)))
- (set-entry.time-stamp! entry time-stamp)))))
-(define (intern-entry profile stack-frame)
- (let ((return-address (stack-frame/return-address stack-frame)))
- (if (compiled-code-address? return-address)
- (let ((return-address
- (if (compiled-closure? return-address)
- (compiled-closure->entry return-address)
- return-address)))
- (hash-table-intern! (profile.entries profile) return-address
- (lambda ()
- (receive (expression environment subexpression)
- (stack-frame/debugging-info stack-frame)
- (make-entry return-address
- expression
- subexpression
- (environment-ancestry-names environment))))))
- ;; What to do for interpreted code? Fetch the debugging
- ;; information and use the expression, subexpression, and
- ;; environment ancestry names as the key?
- #f)))
;;;; Display
(define (with-stack-sampling sample-interval thunk)
(define (display-profile profile output-port)
- (let ((entries (hash-table-values (profile.entries profile))))
- (define (sortem entry.count)
- (sort (remove (lambda (e) (zero? (entry.count e)))
- entries)
- (lambda (a b) (< (entry.count a) (entry.count b)))))
- (let ((sampled (sortem entry.sampled-count))
- (waiting (sortem entry.waiting-count)))
- (let ((total-sampled (reduce + 0 (map entry.sampled-count sampled)))
- (total-waiting (reduce + 0 (map entry.waiting-count waiting))))
- (define (d title entries total selector)
- (display-profile-entries title entries total selector output-port))
- (write total-sampled output-port)
- (display " samples" output-port)
- (newline output-port)
- (d "Waiting" waiting total-waiting entry.waiting-count)
- (d "Sampled" sampled total-sampled entry.sampled-count)))))
-(define (display-profile-entries title entries total entry.count output-port)
- total ;ignore
- (newline output-port)
- (display "*** " output-port)
- (display title output-port)
- (newline output-port)
- (newline output-port)
- (for-each (lambda (count-string entry)
- (write-string count-string output-port)
- (write-string " sample" output-port)
- (if (not (= 1 (entry.count entry)))
- (write-char #\s output-port))
- (write-string " in " output-port)
- (let ((environment-names (entry.environment-names entry)))
- (if (pair? environment-names)
- (show-environment-names environment-names output-port)
- (write (entry.return-address entry) output-port)))
- (if stack-sampler:show-expressions?
- (begin
- (write-char #\: output-port)
- (newline output-port)
- (show-expression (entry.expression entry)
- (entry.subexpression entry)
- output-port)))
- (newline output-port))
- (entry-count-strings entries entry.count)
- entries))
+ (for-each (lambda (pframes.count)
+ (let ((pframes (car pframes.count))
+ (count (cdr pframes.count)))
+ (newline output-port)
+ (assert (pair? pframes))
+ (let loop ((pframes pframes))
+ (let ((pframe (car pframes)))
+ (display-pframe pframe output-port)
+ (if (pair? (cdr pframes))
+ (loop (cdr pframes))
+ (show-expression (pframe.expression pframe)
+ (pframe.subexpression pframe)
+ output-port))))
+ (write count output-port)
+ (newline output-port)))
+ (sort (hash-table->alist (profile.histogram profile))
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (< (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
-(define (entry-count-strings entries entry.count)
- (let ((count-strings
- (map (lambda (entry) (number->string (entry.count entry))) entries)))
- (map (let ((width (reduce max 0 (map string-length count-strings))))
- (lambda (count-string)
- (string-pad-left count-string width #\space)))
- count-strings)))
+(define (display-pframe pframe output-port)
+ (let ((environment-names (pframe.environment-names pframe)))
+ (if (pair? environment-names)
+ (show-environment-names environment-names output-port)
+ (write (pframe.return-address pframe) output-port)))
+ (newline output-port))
(define (environment-ancestry-names environment)
(let recur ((environment environment))
(define (show-environment-names environment-names output-port)
- (if (pair? environment-names)
- (write-string
- (decorated-string-append "" ", " ""
- (map write-to-string (reverse environment-names)))
- output-port)))
+ (assert (pair? environment-names))
+ (write-string
+ (decorated-string-append "" ", " ""
+ (map write-to-string (reverse environment-names)))
+ output-port))
(define (show-expression expression subexpression output-port)
(write-string " evaluating" output-port)