#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: ntprm.scm,v 1.11 1997/01/05 23:43:59 cph Exp $
+$Id: ntprm.scm,v 1.12 1997/10/22 05:18:00 cph Exp $
Copyright (c) 1992-97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- (add-event-receiver! event:after-restart reset!)))
+ (add-event-receiver! event:after-restart reset!))
+ (set! nt/hide-subprocess-windows? #t)
+ (set! nt/subprocess-argument-quote-char #f)
+ (set! nt/subprocess-argument-escape-char #f)
+ unspecific)
(define (dos/fs-drive-type pathname)
;; (system-name . [nfs-]mount-point)
(set! port #f)
-(define-structure (nt-select-registry
- (conc-name nt-select-registry/)
- (constructor nt-select-registry/make))
- console
+(define-structure (nt-select-registry (conc-name nt-select-registry/))
-(define-integrable (find-descriptor df dl)
- (list-search-positive dl
- (lambda (d)
- (= d df))))
(define (make-select-registry . descriptors)
- (cond ((find-descriptor console-channel-descriptor descriptors)
- => (lambda (ccd)
- (nt-select-registry/make console-channel-descriptor
- (delq! ccd descriptors))))
- (else
- (nt-select-registry/make false descriptors))))
+ (make-nt-select-registry descriptors))
(define (add-to-select-registry! registry descriptor)
- (cond ((= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
- (set-nt-select-registry/console! registry console-channel-descriptor))
- ((not (find-descriptor descriptor
- (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))
- (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
- registry
- (cons descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))))))
+ (if (not (memv descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))
+ (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
+ registry
+ (cons descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))))
(define (remove-from-select-registry! registry descriptor)
- (cond ((= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
- (set-nt-select-registry/console! registry false))
- ((find-descriptor descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))
- => (lambda (dr)
- (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
- registry
- (delq! dr (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))))))
+ (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
+ registry
+ (delv! descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))))
(define (select-registry-test registry block?)
- (let ((handles (list->vector (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))))
- (let ((nhand (vector-length handles))
- (result
- (select-internal (nt-select-registry/console registry)
- handles
- block?)))
- (cond ((fix:< result 0)
- (error "Illegal result from select-internal:" result))
- ((fix:= result 0) #f)
- ((fix:<= result nhand)
- (list (vector-ref handles (fix:- result 1))))
- ((fix:= result (fix:+ nhand 1))
- (list (nt-select-registry/console registry)))
- (else 'INTERRUPT)))))
+ (let ((descriptors (list->vector (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))))
+ (let ((result
+ ((ucode-primitive nt:waitformultipleobjects 3)
+ descriptors #f block?)))
+ (cond ((and (fix:<= 0 result) (fix:< result (vector-length descriptors)))
+ (list (vector-ref descriptors result)))
+ ((fix:= result -1) #f)
+ ((fix:= result -2) 'INTERRUPT)
+ ((fix:= result -3) 'PROCESS-STATUS-CHANGE)
+ (else (error "Illegal result from select-internal:" result))))))
(define (select-descriptor descriptor block?)
(let ((result
- (if (= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
- (select-internal #t '#() block?)
- (select-internal #f (vector descriptor) block?))))
+ ((ucode-primitive nt:waitformultipleobjects 3)
+ (vector descriptor) #f block?)))
(case result
- ((0) #f)
- ((2 3) 'INTERRUPT)
+ ((-1) #f)
+ ((-2) 'INTERRUPT)
(else (error "Illegal result from select-internal:" result)))))
-(define (select-internal console? handles block?)
- (let ((nt/QS_ALLINPUT #xFF)
- (let ((timeout (if block? nt/INFINITE 0)))
- (if console?
- ((ucode-primitive nt:msgwaitformultipleobjects 4)
- handles #f timeout nt/QS_ALLINPUT)
- ((ucode-primitive nt:waitformultipleobjects 3)
- handles #f timeout)))))
(define console-channel-descriptor)
(define (cache-console-channel-descriptor!)
- (set! console-channel-descriptor ((ucode-primitive get-handle 1) 1))
- unspecific)
\ No newline at end of file
+ (set! console-channel-descriptor
+ (channel-descriptor-for-select (tty-input-channel)))
+ unspecific)
+(define nt/hide-subprocess-windows?)
+(define nt/subprocess-argument-quote-char)
+(define nt/subprocess-argument-escape-char)
+(define (os/make-subprocess filename arguments environment working-directory
+ ctty stdin stdout stderr)
+ (if ctty
+ (error "Can't manipulate controlling terminal of subprocess:" ctty))
+ ((ucode-primitive nt-make-subprocess 8)
+ filename
+ (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments filename (vector->list arguments))
+ (and environment
+ (nt/rewrite-subprocess-environment (vector->list environment)))
+ working-directory
+ stdin
+ stdout
+ stderr
+ (vector nt/hide-subprocess-windows?)))
+(define (nt/rewrite-subprocess-environment strings)
+ (let ((strings
+ (map car
+ (sort (map (lambda (binding)
+ (cons binding
+ (or (string-find-next-char binding #\=)
+ (string-length binding))))
+ strings)
+ (lambda (s1 s2)
+ (substring<? (car s1) 0 (cdr s1)
+ (car s2) 0 (cdr s2)))))))
+ (let ((result
+ (make-string
+ (reduce +
+ 0
+ (map (lambda (s) (fix:+ (string-length s) 1))
+ strings)))))
+ (let loop ((strings strings) (index 0))
+ (if (not (null? strings))
+ (let ((n (string-length (car strings))))
+ (substring-move-left! (car strings) 0 n result index)
+ (let ((index* (fix:+ index n)))
+ (string-set! result index* #\NUL)
+ (loop (cdr strings) (fix:+ index* 1))))))
+ result)))
+(define (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments program strings)
+ ;; PROGRAM will eventually be used to determine the appropriate
+ ;; escape character -- strangely enough, this depends on what
+ ;; runtime library PROGRAM is linked with.
+ program
+ (let ((quote-char nt/subprocess-argument-quote-char)
+ (escape-char nt/subprocess-argument-escape-char))
+ (if (not quote-char)
+ (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments/no-quoting strings)
+ (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments/quoting strings
+ quote-char escape-char))))
+(define (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments/no-quoting strings)
+ (if (null? strings)
+ ""
+ (let ((result
+ (make-string
+ (fix:+ (reduce +
+ 0
+ (map (lambda (s) (string-length s)) strings))
+ (fix:- (length strings) 1)))))
+ (let ((n (string-length (car strings))))
+ (substring-move-left! (car strings) 0 n result 0)
+ (let loop ((strings (cdr strings)) (index n))
+ (if (not (null? strings))
+ (let ((n (string-length (car strings))))
+ (string-set! result index #\space)
+ (substring-move-left! (car strings) 0 n
+ result (fix:+ index 1))
+ (loop (cdr strings) (fix:+ (fix:+ index 1) n))))))
+ result)))
+(define (nt/rewrite-subprocess-arguments/quoting strings
+ quote-char escape-char)
+ (define (analyze-arg s)
+ (let ((need-quotes? #f)
+ (n (string-length s)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1))
+ (j 0
+ (fix:+ j
+ (let ((c (string-ref s i)))
+ (if (or (char=? quote-char c)
+ (char=? escape-char c))
+ (begin
+ (set! need-quotes? #t)
+ 2)
+ (begin
+ (if (or (char=? #\space c)
+ (char=? #\tab c))
+ (set! need-quotes? #t))
+ 1))))))
+ ((fix:= i n)
+ (cons (if need-quotes? (fix:+ j 2) j)
+ need-quotes?)))))
+ (let ((analyses (map analyze-arg strings)))
+ (let ((result (make-string (reduce + 0 (map car analyses)))))
+ (define (do-arg index s analysis)
+ (if (cdr analysis)
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! result index quote-char)
+ (let ((index (do-arg-1 index s)))
+ (vector-set! result index quote-char)
+ (fix:+ index 1)))
+ (do-arg-1 index s)))
+ (define (do-arg-1 index s)
+ (let ((n (string-length s)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1))
+ (index index
+ (let ((c (string-ref s i)))
+ (if (or (char=? quote-char c)
+ (char=? escape-char c))
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! result index escape-char)
+ (vector-set! result (fix:+ index 1) c)
+ (fix:+ index 2))
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! result index c)
+ (fix:+ index 1))))))
+ ((fix:= i n) index))))
+ (let loop ((index 0) (strings strings) (analyses analyses))
+ (if (not (null? strings))
+ (loop (do-arg index (car strings) (car analyses))
+ (cdr strings)
+ (cdr analyses))))
+ result)))
\ No newline at end of file