packages. The administrator temporarily plugged Core into a cable
modem and installed them as shown below.
-: $ sudo apt install openssh-server rsync isc-dhcp-server \
-: _ bind9 fetchmail openvpn apache2
+: $ sudo apt install systemd-resolved unattended-upgrades \
+: _ ntp isc-dhcp-server bind9 apache2 openvpn \
+: _ postfix dovecot-imapd fetchmail expect rsync \
+: _ gnupg openssh-server
The Nextcloud configuration requires Apache2, MariaDB and a number of
PHP modules. Installing them while Core was on a cable modem sped up
final configuration "in position" (on a frontier).
-: $ sudo apt install mariadb-server php php-{bcmath,curl,gd,gmp,json}\
-: _ php-{mysql,mbstring,intl,imagick,xml,zip} \
+: $ sudo apt install mariadb-server php php-{apcu,bcmath,curl,gd,gmp}\
+: _ php-{json,mysql,mbstring,intl,imagick,xml,zip} \
: _ libapache2-mod-php
+Similarly, the NAGIOS configuration requires a handful of packages
+that were pre-loaded via cable modem (to test a frontier deployment).
+: $ sudo apt install nagios4 monitoring-plugins-basic lm-sensors \
+: _ nagios-nrpe-plugin
Next, the administrator concatenated a personal public ssh key and the
key found in [[file:Secret/ssh_admin/][=Secret/ssh_admin/=]] (created by [[*The CA Command][The CA Command]]) into an
=admin_keys= file, copied it to Core, and installed it as the
software packages. The administrator temporarily plugged Gate into a
cable modem and installed them as shown below.
-: $ sudo apt install openssh-server isc-dhcp-server
+: $ sudo apt install systemd-resolved unattended-upgrades \
+: _ ufw isc-dhcp-server postfix openvpn \
+: _ openssh-server
Next, the administrator concatenated a personal public ssh key and the
key found in [[file:Secret/ssh_admin/][=Secret/ssh_admin/=]] (created by [[*The CA Command][The CA Command]]) into an
machine rebooted, the administrator logs in and installs several
additional software packages.
+# Similar lists are given in "The Gate Machine" and should be
+# kept up-to-date.
-sudo apt install ufw unattended-upgrades postfix \
- isc-dhcp-server openvpn
+sudo apt install systemd-resolved unattended-upgrades \
+ ufw isc-dhcp-server postfix openvpn
Again, the Postfix installation prompts for a couple settings. The
machine rebooted, the administrator logs in and installs several
additional software packages.
-sudo apt install unattended-upgrades postfix \
- isc-dhcp-server bind9 fetchmail gnupg \
- expect dovecot-imapd apache2 openvpn
+# Similar lists are given in "The Core Machine" and should be
+# kept up-to-date.
-Again, the Postfix installation prompts for a couple settings. The
+sudo apt install systemd-resolved unattended-upgrades \
+ ntp isc-dhcp-server bind9 apache2 openvpn \
+ postfix dovecot-imapd fetchmail expect rsync \
+ gnupg
+sudo apt install mariadb-server php php-{apcu,bcmath,curl,gd,gmp}\
+ php-{json,mysql,mbstring,intl,imagick,xml,zip} \
+ libapache2-mod-php
+sudo apt install nagios4 monitoring-plugins-basic lm-sensors \
+ nagios-nrpe-plugin
+Again the Postfix installation prompts for a couple settings. The
defaults, listed below, are fine.
- General type of mail configuration: Internet Site