;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: dos.scm,v 1.25 1995/05/05 22:32:23 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: dos.scm,v 1.26 1995/07/11 23:10:41 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1992-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(define os/directory-char-set (char-set #\\ #\/))
(define os/expand-char-set (char-set #\$ #\~))
-(define (os/trim-pathname-string string)
- ;; Trim a filename with false starts to a unique name
- (define (trim-for-duplicate-top-level-directory string)
- (let ((end (string-length string)))
- (let loop ((index end))
- (let ((slash
- (substring-find-previous-char-in-set string 0 index
- os/directory-char-set)))
- (cond ((not slash) string)
- ((and (fix:< (fix:1+ slash) end)
- (char-set-member? os/expand-char-set
- (string-ref string (fix:1+ slash))))
- (string-tail string (fix:1+ slash)))
- ((zero? slash)
- string)
- ((char-set-member? os/directory-char-set
- (string-ref string (fix:-1+ slash)))
- (string-tail string slash))
- (else
- (loop (fix:-1+ slash))))))))
- (define (trim-for-duplicate-device string)
- (let ((end (string-length string))
- (sep (char-set-union (char-set #\:)
- (char-set-union
- os/expand-char-set
- os/directory-char-set))))
- (let ((colon
- (substring-find-previous-char string 0 end #\:)))
- (cond ((or (not colon) (zero? colon))
- string)
- ((and (fix:< (fix:1+ colon) end)
- (char-set-member? os/expand-char-set
- (string-ref string (fix:1+ colon))))
- (string-tail string (fix:1+ colon)))
- ((substring-find-previous-char-in-set string 0 colon sep)
- =>
- (lambda (before)
- (string-tail string
- (if (char-set-member? os/expand-char-set
- (string-ref string before))
- before
- (fix:1+ before)))))
- (else
- string)))))
- (trim-for-duplicate-device (trim-for-duplicate-top-level-directory string)))
+(define (os/trim-pathname-string string prefix)
+ (let ((index (string-match-forward prefix string)))
+ (if (and index
+ (re-match-substring-forward
+ (re-compile-pattern "[\\/$~]\\|[a-zA-Z]:" #t)
+ #t #f string index (string-length string)))
+ (string-tail string index)
+ string)))
(define os/pathname->display-string
(define (file-type->version type version)
(let ((version-string
(and (fix:fixnum? version)
;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: os2.scm,v 1.18 1995/05/19 18:52:49 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: os2.scm,v 1.19 1995/07/11 23:10:34 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1994-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;;;; Filename I/O
-(define (os/trim-pathname-string string)
- (let ((end (string-length string))
- (pattern (re-compile-pattern "[\\/]\\([\\/$~]\\|[a-zA-Z]:\\)" #t)))
- (let loop ((start 0))
- (cond ((re-search-substring-forward pattern #t #f string start end)
- (loop (re-match-start-index 1)))
- ((fix:= start 0) string)
- (else (string-tail string start))))))
+(define (os/trim-pathname-string string prefix)
+ (let ((index (string-match-forward prefix string)))
+ (if (and index
+ (re-match-substring-forward
+ (re-compile-pattern "[\\/$~]\\|[a-zA-Z]:" #t)
+ #t #f string index (string-length string)))
+ (string-tail string index)
+ string)))
(define (os/pathname->display-string pathname)
(or (let ((relative (enough-pathname pathname (user-homedir-pathname))))
;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: unix.scm,v 1.51 1995/06/28 19:56:43 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: unix.scm,v 1.52 1995/07/11 23:10:49 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1989-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(lambda (n) (and (exact-integer? n) (> n 0))))
-(define (os/trim-pathname-string string)
- (let ((end (string-length string)))
- (let loop ((index end))
- (let ((slash (substring-find-previous-char string 0 index #\/)))
- (cond ((not slash)
- string)
- ((and (< (1+ slash) end)
- (memv (string-ref string (1+ slash)) '(#\~ #\$)))
- (string-tail string (1+ slash)))
- ((zero? slash)
- string)
- ((char=? #\/ (string-ref string (-1+ slash)))
- (string-tail string slash))
- (else
- (loop (-1+ slash))))))))
+(define (os/trim-pathname-string string prefix)
+ (let ((index (string-match-forward prefix string)))
+ (if (and index
+ (re-match-substring-forward (re-compile-pattern "[/$~]" #t)
+ #t #f string index
+ (string-length string)))
+ (string-tail string index)
+ string)))
(define (os/pathname->display-string pathname)
(let ((pathname (enough-pathname pathname (user-homedir-pathname))))