#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Header: /Users/cph/tmp/foo/mit-scheme/mit-scheme/v7/src/runtime/datime.scm,v 14.4 1993/01/12 19:52:14 gjr Exp $
+$Id: datime.scm,v 14.5 1995/04/15 06:09:46 cph Exp $
-Copyright (c) 1988-1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Copyright (c) 1988-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
(type vector)
(named decoded-time-structure-tag)
(conc-name decoded-time/)
- (constructor make-decoded-time ()))
+ (constructor %make-decoded-time
+ (second minute hour day month year))
+ (constructor allocate-decoded-time ()))
(second false read-only true)
(minute false read-only true)
(hour false read-only true)
(year false read-only true)
(day-of-week false read-only true))
-(define (decode-time time)
- (let ((result (make-decoded-time)))
+(define (make-decoded-time second minute hour day month year)
+ (let ((limit
+ (lambda (low number high)
+ (cond ((< number low) low)
+ ((> number high) high)
+ (else number)))))
+ (let ((month (limit 1 month 12)))
+ (make-decoded-time
+ (limit 0 second 59)
+ (limit 0 minute 59)
+ (limit 0 hour 23)
+ (limit 1 day (vector-ref days-per-month (- month 1)))
+ month
+ (if (< year 0) 0 year)))))
+(define (month/max-days month)
+ (guarantee-month month 'MONTH/MAX-DAYS)
+ (vector-ref '#(31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) (- month 1)))
+(define (month/short-string month)
+ (guarantee-month month 'MONTH/SHORT-STRING)
+ (vector-ref '#("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
+ "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")
+ (- month 1)))
+(define (month/long-string month)
+ (guarantee-month month 'MONTH/LONG-STRING)
+ (vector-ref '#("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
+ "July" "August" "September" "October"
+ "November" "December")
+ (- month 1)))
+(define (guarantee-month month name)
+ (if (not (exact-integer? month))
+ (error:wrong-type-argument month "month integer" name))
+ (if (not (<= 1 month 12))
+ (error:bad-range-argument month name)))
+(define (decode-universal-time time)
+ (let ((result (allocate-decoded-time)))
((ucode-primitive decode-time 2) result time)
-(define (encode-time dt)
+(define (encode-universal-time dt)
((ucode-primitive encode-time 1) dt))
-(define (get-time)
+(define (get-universal-time)
((ucode-primitive encoded-time 0)))
(define (get-decoded-time)
- (decode-time (get-time)))
+ (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))
(define (decoded-time/date-string time)
- (vector-ref '#("Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
- "Saturday" "Sunday")
- (decoded-time/day-of-week time))
- " "
- (vector-ref '#("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
- "July" "August" "September" "October"
- "November" "December")
- (-1+ (decoded-time/month time)))
+ (if (decoded-time/day-of-week time)
+ (string-append
+ (vector-ref '#("Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
+ "Saturday" "Sunday")
+ (decoded-time/day-of-week time))
+ " ")
+ "")
+ (month/long-string (decoded-time/month time))
" "
- (write-to-string (decoded-time/day time))
+ (number->string (decoded-time/day time))
", "
- (write-to-string (decoded-time/year time))))
+ (number->string (decoded-time/year time))))
(define (decoded-time/time-string time)
(let ((second (decoded-time/second time))
(minute (decoded-time/minute time))
(hour (decoded-time/hour time)))
- (string-append (write-to-string
+ (string-append (number->string
(cond ((zero? hour) 12)
((< hour 13) hour)
(else (- hour 12))))
(if (< minute 10) ":0" ":")
- (write-to-string minute)
+ (number->string minute)
(if (< second 10) ":0" ":")
- (write-to-string second)
+ (number->string second)
" "
(if (< hour 12) "AM" "PM"))))
\ No newline at end of file