user: monkey
+** Install Samba
+The abbey core provides NAS (Network Attached Storage) service to the
+cloister network. It also provides writable shares for a Home
+Assistant appliance (Raspberry Pi).
+- Install ~samba~.
+- Create system user ~hass~.
+- Create =/home/hass/{media,backup,share}/= with appropriate
+ permissions.
+#+CAPTION: [[file:roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml][=roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml=]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml
+- name: Install Samba.
+ become: yes
+ apt: pkg=samba
+- name: Add system user hass.
+ become: yes
+ user:
+ name: hass
+ system: yes
+- name: Add {{ ansible_user }} to hass group.
+ become: yes
+ user:
+ name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
+ append: yes
+ groups: hass
+- name: Configure shares.
+ become: yes
+ blockinfile:
+ block: |
+ [Shared]
+ path = /Shared
+ guest ok = yes
+ read only = yes
+ [HASS-backup]
+ comment = Home Assistant backup
+ path = /home/hass/backup
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = no
+ [HASS-media]
+ comment = Home Assistant media
+ path = /home/hass/media
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = yes
+ [HASS-share]
+ comment = Home Assistant share
+ path = /home/hass/share
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = no
+ dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
+ marker: "# {mark} ABBEY MANAGED BLOCK"
+ notify: New shares.
+#+CAPTION: [[file:roles_t/abbey-core/handlers/main.yml][=roles_t/abbey-core/handlers/main.yml=]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/handlers/main.yml
+- name: New shares.
+ become: yes
+ systemd:
+ service: smbd
+ state: reloaded
* The Abbey Gate Role
- name: Install netpbm.
become: yes
apt: pkg=netpbm
+- name: Install Samba.
+ become: yes
+ apt: pkg=samba
+- name: Add system user hass.
+ become: yes
+ user:
+ name: hass
+ system: yes
+- name: Add {{ ansible_user }} to hass group.
+ become: yes
+ user:
+ name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
+ append: yes
+ groups: hass
+- name: Configure shares.
+ become: yes
+ blockinfile:
+ block: |
+ [Shared]
+ path = /Shared
+ guest ok = yes
+ read only = yes
+ [HASS-backup]
+ comment = Home Assistant backup
+ path = /home/hass/backup
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = no
+ [HASS-media]
+ comment = Home Assistant media
+ path = /home/hass/media
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = yes
+ [HASS-share]
+ comment = Home Assistant share
+ path = /home/hass/share
+ valid users = hass
+ read only = no
+ dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
+ marker: "# {mark} ABBEY MANAGED BLOCK"
+ notify: New shares.