--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: ntprm.scm,v 1.1 1995/10/28 01:14:05 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1992-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
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+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Miscellaneous Win32 Primitives
+;;; package: ()
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (file-directory? filename)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-directory? 1)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))))
+(define (file-symbolic-link? filename)
+ filename ; ignored
+ false)
+(define (file-modes filename)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-modes 1)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))))
+(define (set-file-modes! filename modes)
+ ((ucode-primitive set-file-modes! 2)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))
+ modes))
+(define (file-access filename amode)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-access 2)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))
+ amode))
+;; upwards compatability
+(define dos/file-access file-access)
+(define (file-readable? filename)
+ (file-access filename 4))
+(define (file-writable? filename)
+ (let ((pathname (merge-pathnames filename)))
+ (let ((filename (->namestring pathname)))
+ (or ((ucode-primitive file-access 2) filename 2)
+ (and (not ((ucode-primitive file-exists? 1) filename))
+ ((ucode-primitive file-access 2)
+ (directory-namestring pathname)
+ 2))))))
+(define (temporary-file-pathname)
+ (let ((root (merge-pathnames "_scm_tmp" (temporary-directory-pathname))))
+ (let loop ((ext 0))
+ (let ((pathname (pathname-new-type root (number->string ext))))
+ (if (allocate-temporary-file pathname)
+ pathname
+ (begin
+ (if (> ext 999)
+ (error "Can't find unique temporary pathname:" root))
+ (loop (+ ext 1))))))))
+(define (temporary-directory-pathname)
+ (let ((try-directory
+ (lambda (directory)
+ (let ((directory
+ (pathname-as-directory (merge-pathnames directory))))
+ (and (file-directory? directory)
+ (file-writable? directory)
+ directory)))))
+ (let ((try-variable
+ (lambda (name)
+ (let ((value (get-environment-variable name)))
+ (and value
+ (try-directory value))))))
+ (or (try-variable "TEMP")
+ (try-variable "TMP")
+ (try-directory "/tmp")
+ (try-directory "c:/")
+ (try-directory ".")
+ (try-directory "/")
+ (error "Can't find temporary directory.")))))
+(define (file-attributes filename)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-attributes 1)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))))
+(define file-attributes-direct
+ file-attributes)
+(define file-attributes-indirect
+ file-attributes)
+(define-structure (file-attributes
+ (type vector)
+ (constructor false)
+ (conc-name file-attributes/))
+ (type false read-only true)
+ (n-links false read-only true)
+ (uid false read-only true)
+ (gid false read-only true)
+ (access-time false read-only true)
+ (modification-time false read-only true)
+ (change-time false read-only true)
+ (length false read-only true)
+ (mode-string false read-only true)
+ (inode-number false read-only true))
+(define (file-length filename)
+ (file-attributes/length (file-attributes filename)))
+(define (file-modification-time filename)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-mod-time 1)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))))
+(define file-modification-time-direct
+ file-modification-time)
+(define file-modification-time-indirect
+ file-modification-time)
+;; These are obviously incorrect, but there is no alternative.
+;; DOS only keeps track of modification times.
+(define file-access-time-direct
+ file-modification-time-direct)
+(define file-access-time-indirect
+ file-modification-time-indirect)
+(define file-access-time
+ file-modification-time)
+(define (set-file-times! filename access-time modification-time)
+ (let ((filename (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename)))
+ (time (or modification-time
+ access-time
+ (file-modification-time-direct filename))))
+ ((ucode-primitive set-file-times! 3)
+ filename
+ (or access-time time)
+ (or modification-time time))))
+(define get-environment-variable)
+(define set-environment-variable!)
+(define set-environment-variable-default!)
+(define delete-environment-variable!)
+(define reset-environment-variables!)
+(let ((environment-variables '())
+ (environment-defaults '()))
+ ;; Kludge: since getenv returns false for unbound,
+ ;; that can also be the marker for a deleted variable
+ (define-integrable *variable-deleted* false)
+ (define (env-error proc var)
+ (error "Variable must be a string:" var proc))
+ (define (default-variable! var val)
+ (if (and (not (assoc var environment-variables))
+ (not ((ucode-primitive get-environment-variable 1) var)))
+ (set! environment-variables
+ (cons (cons var (if (procedure? val) (val) val))
+ environment-variables)))
+ unspecific)
+ (set! get-environment-variable
+ (lambda (variable)
+ (if (not (string? variable))
+ (env-error 'GET-ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE variable))
+ (let ((variable (string-upcase variable)))
+ (cond ((assoc variable environment-variables)
+ => cdr)
+ (else
+ ((ucode-primitive get-environment-variable 1) variable))))))
+ (set! set-environment-variable!
+ (lambda (variable value)
+ (if (not (string? variable))
+ (env-error 'SET-ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE! variable))
+ (let ((variable (string-upcase variable)))
+ (cond ((assoc variable environment-variables)
+ => (lambda (pair) (set-cdr! pair value)))
+ (else
+ (set! environment-variables
+ (cons (cons variable value) environment-variables)))))
+ unspecific))
+ (set! delete-environment-variable!
+ (lambda (variable)
+ (if (not (string? variable))
+ (env-error 'DELETE-ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE! variable))
+ (set-environment-variable! variable *variable-deleted*)))
+ (set! reset-environment-variables!
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! environment-variables '())
+ (for-each (lambda (def) (default-variable! (car def) (cdr def)))
+ environment-defaults)))
+ (set! set-environment-variable-default!
+ (lambda (var val)
+ (if (not (string? var))
+ (let ((var (string-upcase var)))
+ (cond ((assoc var environment-defaults)
+ => (lambda (pair) (set-cdr! pair val)))
+ (else
+ (set! environment-defaults
+ (cons (cons var val) environment-defaults))))
+ (default-variable! var val))))
+) ; End LET
+(define (current-home-directory)
+ (let ((home (get-environment-variable "HOME")))
+ (if home
+ (pathname-as-directory (merge-pathnames home))
+ (user-home-directory (current-user-name)))))
+(define (current-user-name)
+ (or (get-environment-variable "USER")
+ "nouser"))
+(define (user-home-directory user-name)
+ (or (and user-name
+ (let ((directory (get-environment-variable "USERDIR")))
+ (and directory
+ (pathname-as-directory
+ (pathname-new-name
+ (pathname-as-directory (merge-pathnames directory))
+ user-name)))))
+ (merge-pathnames "\\")))
+(define file-time->string
+ (ucode-primitive file-time->string 1))
+(define (decode-file-time time) (decode-universal-time time))
+(define (encode-file-time dt) (encode-universal-time dt))
+(define (file-time->universal-time time) time)
+(define (universal-time->file-time time) time)
+(define dos/user-home-directory user-home-directory)
+(define dos/current-user-name current-user-name)
+(define dos/current-home-directory current-home-directory)
+(define dos/file-time->string file-time->string)
+(define (file-touch filename)
+ ((ucode-primitive file-touch 1)
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames filename))))
+(define (make-directory name)
+ ((ucode-primitive directory-make 1)
+ (->namestring (directory-pathname-as-file (merge-pathnames name)))))
+(define (delete-directory name)
+ ((ucode-primitive directory-delete 1)
+ (->namestring (directory-pathname-as-file (merge-pathnames name)))))
+(define (os/file-end-of-line-translation pathname)
+ pathname
+ "\r\n")
+(define (os/default-end-of-line-translation)
+ "\r\n")
+(define (initialize-system-primitives!)
+ (let ((reset!
+ (lambda ()
+ (reset-environment-variables!)
+ (cache-console-channel-descriptor!))))
+ (reset!)
+ (add-event-receiver! event:after-restart reset!)))
+(define (dos/fs-drive-type pathname)
+ (cons (nt-volume-info/file-system-name (nt-volume-info pathname)) ""))
+(define (dos/fs-long-filenames? pathname)
+ ;; 32 is random -- FAT is 12 and everything else is much larger.
+ (> (nt-volume-info/max-component-length (nt-volume-info pathname)) 32))
+(define (nt-volume-info pathname)
+ (let ((root
+ (pathname-new-directory
+ (directory-pathname (merge-pathnames pathname))
+ '(ABSOLUTE))))
+ (let ((info
+ ((ucode-primitive nt-get-volume-information 1)
+ (->namestring root))))
+ (if (not info)
+ (error "Error reading volume information:" root))
+ info)))
+(define-structure (nt-volume-info (type vector)
+ (constructor #f)
+ (conc-name nt-volume-info/))
+ (name #f read-only #t)
+ (serial-number #f read-only #t)
+ (max-component-length #f read-only #t)
+ (file-system-flags #f read-only #t)
+ (file-system-name #f read-only #t))
+(define (copy-file from to)
+ ((ucode-primitive nt-copy-file 2) (->namestring (merge-pathnames from))
+ (->namestring (merge-pathnames to))))
+(define (select-internal console? handles block?)
+ (let* ((nt/qs-allinput #xff)
+ (select
+ (if console?
+ (lambda (period)
+ ((ucode-primitive nt:msgwaitformultipleobjects 4)
+ handles #f period nt/qs-allinput))
+ (lambda (period)
+ ((ucode-primitive nt:waitformultipleobjects 3)
+ handles #f period)))))
+ (if (not block?)
+ (select 0)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((res (select 20)))
+ (if (zero? res)
+ (loop)
+ res))))))
+(define console-channel-descriptor)
+(define (cache-console-channel-descriptor!)
+ (set! console-channel-descriptor ((ucode-primitive get-handle 1) 1))
+ unspecific)
+(define (select-descriptor descriptor block?)
+ (define (select-result result)
+ (cond ((fix:> result 0)
+ ((fix:< result 0)
+ (error "Illegal result from select-internal" result))
+ (else
+ #f)))
+ (select-result
+ (if (= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
+ (select-internal true '#() block?)
+ (select-internal false (vector descriptor) block?))))
+(define-structure (nt-select-registry
+ (conc-name nt-select-registry/)
+ (constructor nt-select-registry/make))
+ console
+ descriptors)
+(define-integrable (find-descriptor df dl)
+ (list-search-positive dl
+ (lambda (d)
+ (= d df))))
+(define (make-select-registry . descriptors)
+ (cond ((find-descriptor console-channel-descriptor descriptors)
+ => (lambda (ccd)
+ (nt-select-registry/make console-channel-descriptor
+ (delq! ccd descriptors))))
+ (else
+ (nt-select-registry/make false descriptors))))
+(define (add-to-select-registry! registry descriptor)
+ (cond ((= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
+ (set-nt-select-registry/console! registry console-channel-descriptor))
+ ((not (find-descriptor descriptor
+ (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))
+ (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
+ registry
+ (cons descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))))))
+(define (remove-from-select-registry! registry descriptor)
+ (cond ((= descriptor console-channel-descriptor)
+ (set-nt-select-registry/console! registry false))
+ ((find-descriptor descriptor (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry))
+ => (lambda (dr)
+ (set-nt-select-registry/descriptors!
+ registry
+ (delq! dr (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))))))
+(define (select-registry-test registry block?)
+ (let* ((handles (list->vector (nt-select-registry/descriptors registry)))
+ (result (select-internal (nt-select-registry/console registry)
+ handles
+ block?)))
+ (cond ((fix:< result 0)
+ (error "Illegal result from select-internal" result))
+ ((fix:= result 0)
+ #f)
+ ((fix:> result (vector-length handles))
+ (list (nt-select-registry/console registry)))
+ (else
+ (list (vector-ref handles (fix:- result 1)))))))
\ No newline at end of file