;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: filcom.scm,v 1.190 1997/07/21 04:38:48 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: filcom.scm,v 1.191 1997/07/25 07:07:24 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1986, 1989-97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(define-command encrypt-file
"Encrypt a file with the blowfish encryption algorithm.
-Prompts for a filename; the encrypted file is written with a \".bf\" suffix.
+Prompts for the plaintext and ciphertext filenames.
+Prefix arg means treat the plaintext file as binary data.
Deletes the plaintext file after encryption."
- "fEncrypt File"
- (lambda (filename)
+ (lambda ()
(if (not (blowfish-available?))
(editor-error "Blowfish encryption not supported on this system"))
- (if (equal? "bf" (pathname-type filename))
- (editor-error (->namestring filename) " is already encrypted"))
- (if (copy-file-through-buffer filename
- (string-append (->namestring filename)
- ".bf"))
- (delete-file filename))))
+ (let ((from (prompt-for-existing-file "Encrypt file (plaintext)" #f)))
+ (let ((to
+ (prompt-for-file
+ "Encrypt file to (ciphertext)"
+ (list (string-append (->namestring from) ".bf")))))
+ (list from to (command-argument)))))
+ (lambda (from to binary?)
+ (if (or (not (file-exists? to))
+ (prompt-for-yes-or-no?
+ (string-append "File "
+ (->namestring to)
+ " already exists; overwrite")))
+ (begin
+ (let ((password (prompt-for-confirmed-password)))
+ ((if binary?
+ call-with-binary-input-file
+ call-with-input-file)
+ from
+ (lambda (input)
+ (call-with-binary-output-file to
+ (lambda (output)
+ (write-blowfish-file-header output)
+ (blowfish-encrypt-port input output password #t))))))
+ (delete-file from)))))
(define-command decrypt-file
"Decrypt a file with the blowfish encryption algorithm.
-Prompts for a filename, which must end with a \".bf\" suffix."
- "fDecrypt File"
- (lambda (filename)
+Prompts for the ciphertext and plaintext filenames.
+Prefix arg means treat the plaintext file as binary data."
+ (lambda ()
(if (not (blowfish-available?))
(editor-error "Blowfish encryption not supported on this system"))
- (if (not (equal? "bf" (pathname-type filename)))
- (editor-error (->namestring filename) " does not have \".bf\" suffix"))
- (copy-file-through-buffer filename (pathname-new-type filename #f))))
-(define (copy-file-through-buffer input output)
- (if (or (not (file-exists? output))
- (prompt-for-yes-or-no?
- (string-append "File "
- (->namestring output)
- " already exists; overwrite")))
- (begin
- (call-with-temporary-buffer " *copy-file*"
- (lambda (buffer)
- (local-set-variable! translate-file-data-on-input #f buffer)
- (insert-file (buffer-start buffer) input)
- (write-region (buffer-region buffer) output #t #f)))
- #t)
- #f))
+ (let ((from (prompt-for-existing-file "Decrypt file (ciphertext)" #f)))
+ (let ((to
+ (prompt-for-file
+ "Decrypt file to (plaintext)"
+ (and (pathname-type from)
+ (list (pathname-new-type from #f))))))
+ (list from to (command-argument)))))
+ (lambda (from to binary?)
+ (if (or (not (file-exists? to))
+ (prompt-for-yes-or-no?
+ (string-append "File "
+ (->namestring to)
+ " already exists; overwrite")))
+ (let ((password (prompt-for-password "Password")))
+ (call-with-binary-input-file from
+ (lambda (input)
+ (read-blowfish-file-header input)
+ ((if binary?
+ call-with-binary-output-file
+ call-with-output-file)
+ to
+ (lambda (output)
+ (blowfish-encrypt-port input output password #f)))))))))
;;;; Prompting
(define-integrable (prompt-for-pathname prompt default require-match?)
(prompt-for-pathname* prompt default file-exists? require-match?))
-(define (prompt-for-pathname* prompt directory
+(define (prompt-for-pathname* prompt default
verify-final-value? require-match?)
(let* ((directory
- (if directory
- (directory-pathname directory)
+ (if default
+ (directory-pathname
+ (if (pair? default)
+ (car default)
+ default))
(buffer-default-directory (current-buffer))))
- (insertion (os/pathname->display-string directory)))
+ (insertion
+ (os/pathname->display-string
+ (if (pair? default)
+ (car default)
+ directory))))