--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: http-client.scm,v 14.1 2006/08/02 16:27:09 riastradh Exp $
+Copyright 2006 Taylor R. Campbell
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; HTTP 1.0 Client Abstraction
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (call-with-http-response:entity-request method request-uri
+ header-fields content
+ receiver)
+ (receive (request-uri host port) (decompose-http-request-uri request-uri)
+ (call-with-http-connection host port
+ (lambda (connection)
+ (send-http-request connection method request-uri header-fields content)
+ (receiver (receive-http-response connection)
+ (http-connection/socket connection))))))
+(define (default-http-uri-authority)
+ ;++ implement a nice hook here
+ #f)
+(define (decompose-http-request-uri request-uri)
+ (cond ((or (uri-authority request-uri)
+ (default-http-uri-authority))
+ => (lambda (authority)
+ (values (make-uri #f ;No scheme
+ #f ;No authority
+ (uri-path request-uri)
+ (uri-query request-uri)
+ (uri-fragment request-uri))
+ (uri-authority-host authority)
+ (or (uri-authority-port authority)
+ "www"))))
+ (else
+ (error "Can't figure out what host to send HTTP request to:"
+ request-uri))))
+(define (call-with-http-response:get request-uri header-fields receiver)
+ (call-with-http-response:entity-request 'GET request-uri header-fields #f
+ receiver))
+(define (call-with-http-response:post request-uri header-fields content
+ receiver)
+ (call-with-http-response:entity-request 'POST request-uri header-fields
+ content
+ receiver))
+(define (http-head request-uri header-fields)
+ (call-with-http-response:entity-request 'HEAD request-uri header-fields #f
+ (lambda (http-response input-port)
+ input-port ;ignore
+ http-response)))
+(define (http-get request-uri header-fields)
+ (call-with-http-response:get request-uri header-fields
+ (lambda (http-response input-port)
+ (values http-response (read-http-entity http-response input-port)))))
+(define (http-post request-uri header-fields content)
+ (call-with-http-response:post request-uri header-fields content
+ (lambda (http-response input-port)
+ (values http-response (read-http-entity http-response input-port)))))
+(define (read-http-entity http-response port)
+ (or (let ((header-fields (http-response/header-fields http-response)))
+ (cond ((rfc822:first-header-field 'CONNECTION header-fields)
+ => (lambda (header-field)
+ (and (string-ci=? (rfc822:header-field-value header-field)
+ "close")
+ (read-all port))))
+ ((rfc822:first-header-field 'CONTENT-LENGTH header-fields)
+ => (lambda (header-field)
+ (cond ((number->string
+ (rfc822:header-field-value header-field)
+ 10)
+ => (lambda (content-length)
+ (read-string-of-length content-length port)))
+ (else #f))))
+ (else #f)))
+ (begin
+ (warn "Unable to determine entity length of response:" http-response)
+ #f)))
+;;;; HTTP Connections
+;++ implement persistent connection pool
+(define-structure (http-connection
+ (conc-name http-connection/))
+ host
+ port
+ socket
+ ;; marked-for-close? ; set to true if `Connection: close'
+ )
+(define (call-with-http-connection host port receiver)
+ (let* ((connection (open-http-connection host port))
+ (value (receiver connection)))
+ (close-http-connection connection)
+ value))
+(define (open-http-connection host port)
+ (guarantee-string host 'OPEN-HTTP-CONNECTION)
+ ;++ We'd like to be able to handle other named ports, but we can't.
+ (if (not (or (equal? port "www")
+ (and (integer? port)
+ (exact? port)
+ (<= 0 port 65535))))
+ (error:wrong-type-argument port
+ "Internet port number"
+ (make-http-connection host port (open-tcp-stream-socket host port)))
+(define (http-connection-open? connection)
+ (let ((socket (http-connection/socket connection)))
+ (and (channel-open? (port/input-channel socket))
+ (channel-open? (port/output-channel socket)))))
+(define (close-http-connection connection)
+ (close-port (http-connection/socket connection)))
+(define (http-connection/host-string connection)
+ (let ((host (http-connection/host connection))
+ (port (http-connection/port connection)))
+ (if (equal? port "www")
+ host
+ (string-append host ":" (number->string port 10)))))
+(define (send-http-request connection method request-uri header-fields content)
+ (write-http-request method
+ request-uri
+ (rfc822:adjoin-header-fields
+ `((HOST ,(http-connection/host-string connection)))
+ header-fields
+ (if (string? content)
+ ,(number->string (string-length content)
+ 10)))
+ '()))
+ content
+ (http-connection/socket connection)))
+(define (receive-http-response connection)
+ (read-http-response (http-connection/socket connection)))
+;;;; HTTP Requests
+(define (write-http-request method request-uri header-fields content port)
+ (write-http-request-line method request-uri port)
+ (rfc822:write-header-fields header-fields port)
+ (write-http-content content port)
+ (flush-output port))
+(define (write-http-request-line method request-uri port)
+ (write-http-method method port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write-http-request-uri request-uri port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write-string "HTTP/" port)
+ (write-http-version http-version port)
+ (newline port))
+(define (write-http-method method port)
+ (write-string (cond ((symbol? method) (string-upcase (symbol-name method)))
+ ((string? method) method)
+ (else
+ (error:wrong-type-datum method "HTTP request method")))
+ port))
+(define (write-http-request-uri request-uri port)
+ (cond ((eq? '* request-uri) (write-char #\* port))
+ ((uri? request-uri) (write-uri request-uri port))
+ ((string? request-uri) (write-string request-uri port))
+ ((and (pair? request-uri)
+ (list-of-type? request-uri string?))
+ (for-each (lambda (path-component)
+ (write-char #\/ port)
+ (write-string path-component port))
+ request-uri))
+ (else
+ (error:wrong-type-datum request-uri "HTTP request URI"))))
+(define (write-http-content content port)
+ (cond ((procedure? content) (content port))
+ ((string? content) (write-string content port))
+ ((not content) unspecific)
+ (else (error:wrong-type-datum content "HTTP content"))))
+;;;; HTTP Responses
+(define-structure (http-response
+ (conc-name http-response/))
+ version
+ status-type
+ status-code
+ reason
+ header-fields
+ )
+(define (http-response/first-header-field http-response name)
+ (rfc822:first-header-field (http-response/header-fields http-response)
+ name))
+(define (http-response/all-header-fields http-response name)
+ (rfc822:all-header-fields (http-response/header-fields http-response)
+ name))
+(define (read-http-response port)
+ (receive (http-version status-type status-code reason)
+ (read-http-status-line port)
+ (let ((header-fields (rfc822:read-header-fields port)))
+ (make-http-response http-version
+ status-type
+ status-code
+ reason
+ header-fields))))
+(define (read-http-status-line port)
+ (let ((vector (http-parser:status-line (input-port->parser-buffer port))))
+ (let ((http-version (vector-ref vector 0))
+ (status-code (vector-ref vector 1))
+ (reason (vector-ref vector 2)))
+ (values http-version
+ (case (quotient status-code 100)
+ ((2) 'SUCCESS)
+ (else #f))
+ status-code
+ reason))))
+(define http-parser:status-line
+ (*parser
+ (seq "HTTP/"
+ http-parser:version
+ #\space
+ http-parser:status-code
+ #\space
+ (match (* (not-char #\newline)))
+ ;; This is optional for the bizarre potential usage of this
+ ;; parser outside of the HTTP client.
+ (? #\newline))))
+(define http-parser:version
+ (*parser
+ (encapsulate (lambda (vector)
+ (make-http-version
+ (string->number (vector-ref vector 0) 10)
+ (string->number (vector-ref vector 1) 10)))
+ (seq (match (+ (char-set char-set:numeric)))
+ "."
+ (match (+ (char-set char-set:numeric)))))))
+(define http-parser:status-code
+ (*parser
+ (map (lambda (status-code)
+ (string->number status-code 10))
+ (match (n*n 3 (char-set char-set:numeric))))))
+;;;; HTTP Version
+(define (make-http-version major minor)
+ (guarantee-exact-nonnegative-integer major 'MAKE-HTTP-VERSION)
+ (guarantee-exact-nonnegative-integer minor 'MAKE-HTTP-VERSION)
+ (cons major minor))
+(define (http-version? object)
+ (and (pair? object)
+ (exact-nonnegative-integer? (car object))
+ (exact-nonnegative-integer? (cdr object))))
+(define-guarantee http-version "HTTP version")
+(define (http-version=? a b)
+ (guarantee-http-version a 'HTTP-VERSION=?)
+ (guarantee-http-version b 'HTTP-VERSION=?)
+ (and (= (car a) (car b))
+ (= (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+(define (http-version<? a b)
+ (guarantee-http-version a 'HTTP-VERSION<?)
+ (guarantee-http-version b 'HTTP-VERSION<?)
+ (or (< (car a) (car b))
+ (and (= (car a) (car b))
+ (< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
+(define (write-http-version version port)
+ (write (car version) port)
+ (write-char #\. port)
+ (write (cdr version) port))
+(define http-version (make-http-version 1 0))
+;;;; Random Utilities
+(define (read-all input-port)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (output-port)
+ (let ((buffer (string-allocate #x100)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((octets (read-string! buffer input-port)))
+ (if (fix:> octets 0)
+ (begin
+ (write-substring buffer 0 octets output-port)
+ (loop)))))))))
+(define (read-string-of-length length input-port)
+ (let* ((string (string-allocate length))
+ (octets (read-substring! string 0 length input-port)))
+ (if (fix:< octets length)
+ (string-prefix string octets)
+ string)))
+;;;; RFC 822 Header Fields
+;;; This should be moved into the run-time library along with Edwin's
+;;; RFC 822 support, and something ought to be done about RFC 2822.
+;;; Some day.
+(define (rfc822:header-field? obj)
+ (and (pair? obj)
+ (symbol? (car obj))
+ (let* ((name (symbol-name (car obj)))
+ (length (string-length name)))
+ (and (> length 0)
+ (rfc822:header-field-name? name 0 length)))
+ (pair? (cdr obj))
+ (string? (cadr obj))
+ (null? (cddr obj))))
+(define-guarantee rfc822:header-field "RFC 822 header field")
+(define (rfc822:make-header-field name value) (list name value))
+(define (rfc822:header-field-name header) (car header))
+(define (rfc822:header-field-value header) (cadr header))
+(define (rfc822:first-header-field name header-fields)
+ (assq name header-fields))
+(define (rfc822:all-header-fields name header-fields)
+ (keep-matching-items header-fields
+ (lambda (header-field)
+ (eq? (rfc822:header-field-name header-field)
+ name))))
+(define (rfc822:adjoin-header-fields left header-fields right)
+ (let ((clean (lambda (other-header-fields)
+ (delete-matching-items other-header-fields
+ (lambda (header-field)
+ (and (rfc822:first-header-field
+ (rfc822:header-field-name header-field)
+ header-fields)
+ #t))))))
+ (append (clean left) header-fields (clean right))))
+;;;;; RFC 822 Header Field Output
+(define (rfc822:header-field->string header-field)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (rfc822:write-header-field header-field port))))
+(define (rfc822:header-fields->string header-fields)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda ()
+ (rfc822:write-header-fields header-fields port))))
+(define (rfc822:write-header-field header-field port)
+ (rfc822:write-header-field-name (rfc822:header-field-name header-field) port)
+ (write-string ": " port)
+ (let* ((value (rfc822:header-field-value header-field))
+ (end (string-length value)))
+ (let loop ((start 0))
+ (cond ((substring-find-next-char value start end #\newline)
+ => (lambda (index)
+ (write-substring value start index port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1))))
+ (else
+ (write-substring value start end port)
+ (newline port))))))
+(define (rfc822:write-header-field-name name port)
+ (let* ((name (if (symbol? name)
+ (symbol-name name)
+ name))
+ (end (string-length name)))
+ (if (not (char-alphabetic? (string-ref name 0)))
+ (write-string name port)
+ (let loop ((start 0))
+ (write-char (char-upcase (string-ref name start)) port)
+ (cond ((substring-find-next-char name (fix:+ start 1) end #\-)
+ => (lambda (index)
+ (write-substring name
+ (fix:+ start 1)
+ (fix:+ index 1)
+ port)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1))))
+ (else
+ (write-substring name (fix:+ start 1) end port)))))))
+(define (rfc822:write-header-fields header-fields port)
+ (for-each (lambda (header-field)
+ (rfc822:write-header-field header-field port))
+ header-fields)
+ (newline port))
+;;;;; RFC 822 Header Field Input
+(define (rfc822:string->header-fields string)
+ (vector->list
+ (rfc822:parser:header-fields
+ (string->parser-buffer string))))
+(define (rfc822:read-header-fields input-port)
+ (vector->list
+ (rfc822:parser:header-fields
+ (input-port->parser-buffer input-port))))
+(define rfc822:parser:header-fields
+ (*parser
+ (seq (* (seq rfc822:parser:header-field #\newline))
+ #\newline)))
+(define rfc822:parser:header-field
+ (*parser
+ (encapsulate (lambda (vector)
+ (rfc822:make-header-field
+ (vector-ref vector 0)
+ (decorated-string-append
+ "" (string #\newline) ""
+ (map string-trim
+ (subvector->list vector 1 (vector-length vector))))))
+ (seq (map intern (match rfc822:matcher:header-field-name))
+ ":"
+ (match rfc822:matcher:header-field-line-content)
+ (* (match rfc822:matcher:header-field-continuation-line))))))
+(define rfc822:matcher:header-field-name
+ (*matcher (* (char-set rfc822:char-set:header-constituents))))
+(define rfc822:char-set:header-constituents
+ (char-set-difference (ascii-range->char-set 33 127)
+ (char-set #\:)))
+(define rfc822:matcher:header-field-line-content
+ (*matcher (* (not-char #\newline))))
+(define rfc822:matcher:header-field-continuation-line
+ (*matcher
+ (seq #\newline
+ (+ (char-set rfc822:char-set:lwsp))
+ rfc822:matcher:header-field-line-content)))
+(define rfc822:char-set:lwsp (char-set #\space #\tab))