;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: intmod.scm,v 1.105 1999/10/31 15:04:23 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: intmod.scm,v 1.106 1999/11/05 05:48:19 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1986, 1989-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
or creates a new one if there is none.
With one C-u, creates a new REPL buffer unconditionally.
With two C-u's, creates a new REPL buffer with a new evaluation environment.
- (Otherwise USER-INITIAL-ENVIRONMENT is used.)
-If a new REPL buffer is created, it automatically becomes the REPL buffer
- for the current buffer."
+ (Otherwise USER-INITIAL-ENVIRONMENT is used.)"
(lambda (argument)
(environment-syntax-table environment)
- ;; Wait for the buffer's thread to start up and
- ;; attach its interface port.
- (let loop ()
- (if (not (repl-buffer? repl-buffer))
- (loop)))
- ;; If there is already a global REPL buffer, make
- ;; this one the local REPL buffer for this buffer.
- (if (pair? (repl-buffer-list))
- (set-local-repl-buffer! buffer repl-buffer))
(if (>= argument 16)
(make-new (extend-ic-environment system-global-environment))