--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: errcont.scm,v 1.1 1996/07/30 19:00:42 adams Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
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+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
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+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Error continuations.
+;;; package: (compiler midend)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;; Replace a continuation to known error operators which never returns by
+;; a bogus continuations which simply `halts'. This breaks the
+;; `diamond' control flow into branching control flow. It is up to
+;; rtlgen to generate interesting code for `halt'.
+(define (errcont/rewrite program)
+ (define (rewrite-bindings bs)
+ (for-each (lambda (b) (rewrite (second b))) bs))
+ (define (rewrite expr)
+ (if (not (pair? expr))
+ (illegal expr))
+ (case (car expr)
+ ((QUOTE))
+ ((LOOKUP))
+ (rewrite (lambda/body expr)))
+ ((LET)
+ (rewrite-bindings (let/bindings expr))
+ (rewrite (let/body expr)))
+ ((CALL)
+ (for-each rewrite (cdr expr))
+ (let ((operator (call/operator expr)))
+ (define (select-on name)
+ (define (--> token)
+ (errcont/make-error-continuation (call/continuation expr) token))
+ (case name
+ (else unspecific)))
+ (if (QUOTE/? operator)
+ (let ((rator (quote/text operator)))
+ (cond ((eq? rator %invoke-remote-cache)
+ (let ((name+arity
+ (quote/text (first (call/operands expr)))))
+ (select-on (first name+arity)))))))))
+ ((BEGIN)
+ (for-each rewrite (begin/exprs expr)))
+ ((IF)
+ (rewrite (if/predicate expr))
+ (rewrite (if/consequent expr))
+ (rewrite (if/alternative expr)))
+ (rewrite-bindings (letrec/bindings expr))
+ (rewrite (letrec/body expr)))
+ (else
+ (illegal expr))))
+ (rewrite program))
+;;(define (errcont/top-level program)
+;; (let ((program* (copier/top-level program code-rewrite/remember)))
+;; (errcont/rewrite program*)
+;; program*))
+(define errcont/make-error-continuation
+ (let ((<ignored-continuation> (->pattern-variable 'IGNORED-CONTINUATION))
+ (<results> (->pattern-variable 'RESULTS))
+ (<frame> (->pattern-variable 'FRAME))
+ (<vector> (->pattern-variable 'VECTOR))
+ (<continuation-body> (->pattern-variable 'CONTINUATION-BODY))
+ (<stuff> (->pattern-variable 'STUFF)))
+ (define pattern
+ `(CALL
+ ',%make-stack-closure
+ '#f
+ (LAMBDA (,<ignored-continuation> . ,<results>)
+ (LET ((,<frame> (CALL ',%fetch-stack-closure '#f ',<vector>)))
+ ,<continuation-body>))
+ . ,<stuff>))
+ (lambda (cont token)
+ (cond ((LOOKUP/? cont)
+ (sample/1 '(errcont/LOOKUP count) 1)
+ 'ok)
+ ((call/%stack-closure-ref? cont)
+ ;; we could generate a new continuation with the same stack frame
+ ;; format as the extand frame. This would give us better dbg info.
+ ;; Another way to do this is to explicitly code the error case as
+ ;; a sequence.
+ (sample/1 '(errcont/%stack-closure-ref count) 1)
+ 'ok)
+ ((form/match pattern cont)
+ => (lambda (match)
+ (sample/1 '(errcont/%make-stack-closure/%halt count) 1)
+ (let ((body (cadr (assq <continuation-body> match)))
+ (frame (cadr (assq <frame> match)))
+ (vector (cadr (assq <vector> match))))
+ (form/rewrite! body
+ `(CALL ',%halt
+ (CALL ',%stack-closure-ref
+ '#F
+ (LOOKUP ,frame)
+ (QUOTE ,vector)
+ (QUOTE ,(vector-ref vector 0)))
+ ',token)))))
+ (else
+ (sample/1 '(errcont/other count) 1))))))