;; Subsequently move the graphics cursor to those coordinates.
(C-call "x_graphics_draw_point" window x y))
-(define (x-graphics-draw-arc window x y start-angle sweep-angle fill?)
+(define (x-graphics-draw-arc window x y radius-x radius-y
+ start-angle sweep-angle fill?)
;; Draw an arc at the given coordinates, with given X and Y radii.
;; START-ANGLE and SWEEP-ANGLE are in degrees, anti-clocwise.
;; START-ANGLE is from 3 o'clock, and SWEEP-ANGLE is relative to the
;; START-ANGLE. If FILL? is true, the arc is filled.
(C-call "x_graphics_draw_arc" window
- x y start-angle sweep-angle (if fill? 1 0)))
+ x y radius-x radius-y start-angle sweep-angle (if fill? 1 0)))
(define (x-graphics-draw-string window x y string)
;; Draw characters in the current font at the given coordinates, with