--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011 Matthew Birkholz
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; Thread-blocking Queues
+;;; package: (runtime thread-queue)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;; These queues are like the simple queues provided by the (runtime
+;;; simple-queue) package, EXCEPT that they will, when empty, block a
+;;; thread attempting to dequeue an item. Also, a maximum size can be
+;;; specified so that the queue will, when full, block a thread
+;;; attempting to queue an item. Note that #F should not be used as
+;;; an item. Thread-queue/peek-no-hang returns #F if the queue is
+;;; empty.
+;;; If multiple threads block on a thread-queue, bad mojo is afoot.
+;;; They are ALL restarted whenever an item becomes available and,
+;;; depending on the thread timer interrupts, ANY ONE of them may be
+;;; able to dequeue the item.
+(define-structure (thread-queue (constructor %make-thread-queue)
+ (conc-name %thread-queue/)
+ (print-procedure
+ (standard-unparser-method
+ 'thread-queue
+ (lambda (queue port)
+ (print-thread-queue queue port)))))
+ first-pair
+ last-pair
+ element-count
+ max-elements
+ waiting-queuers
+ waiting-dequeuers)
+(define-guarantee thread-queue "a thread-queue")
+(define (print-thread-queue queue port)
+ (write-string " elements:" port)
+ (write-string (number->string
+ (%thread-queue/element-count queue)) port)
+ (let ((max (%thread-queue/max-elements queue)))
+ (if max
+ (begin
+ (write-string " max:" port)
+ (write-string (number->string max) port)))))
+(define (make-thread-queue #!optional max-size)
+ (let ((max (cond ((default-object? max-size) #f)
+ ((integer? max-size) max-size)
+ (else (error "Max-size must be an integer:" max-size)))))
+ (%make-thread-queue #f #f 0 max '() '())))
+(define (thread-queue/empty? queue)
+ (%empty? queue))
+(define-integrable (%empty? queue)
+ (zero? (%thread-queue/element-count queue)))
+(define (thread-queue/empty! queue)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not (%empty? queue))
+ (begin
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue #f)
+ (set-%thread-queue/last-pair! queue #f)
+ (set-%thread-queue/element-count! queue 0)
+ (%resume-queuers queue)))))
+ unspecific)
+(define (thread-queue/queue! queue item)
+ (if (not item) (error "Cannot queue #F:" queue))
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (do ()
+ ((%queue-no-hang! queue item))
+ (set-%thread-queue/waiting-queuers!
+ queue (append! (%thread-queue/waiting-queuers queue)
+ (list (current-thread))))
+ (suspend-current-thread)))))
+(define (thread-queue/queue-no-hang! queue item)
+ ;; Returns #F when QUEUE is maxed out.
+ (if (not item) (error "Cannot queue #F:" queue))
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (%queue-no-hang! queue item))))
+(define (%queue-no-hang! queue item)
+ (let ((max (%thread-queue/max-elements queue)))
+ (if max
+ (if (< (%thread-queue/element-count queue) max)
+ (%queue! queue item)
+ #f)
+ (%queue! queue item))))
+(define (thread-queue/dequeue-no-hang queue timeout)
+ (guarantee-thread-queue queue 'thread-queue/dequeue-no-hang)
+ (guarantee-non-negative-fixnum timeout 'thread-queue/dequeue-no-hang)
+ (thread-queue/dequeue-until queue (+ (real-time-clock) timeout)))
+(define (thread-queue/dequeue-until queue time)
+ (guarantee-thread-queue queue 'thread-queue/dequeue-until)
+ (guarantee-integer time 'thread-queue/dequeue-until)
+ (when-non-empty-before time queue %dequeue!))
+(declare (integrate-operator when-non-empty-before))
+(define (when-non-empty-before time queue operation)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ()
+ (if (not (%empty? queue))
+ (operation queue)
+ (let ((now (real-time-clock)))
+ (if (<= time now)
+ #f
+ (begin
+ (register-timer-event (- time now) (lambda () unspecific))
+ (suspend-current-thread)
+ (loop)))))))))
+(define (thread-queue/dequeue! queue)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (do ()
+ ((and (not (%empty? queue))
+ (%dequeue! queue)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers!
+ queue (append! (%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers queue)
+ (list (current-thread))))
+ (suspend-current-thread)))))
+(define (thread-queue/peek-no-hang queue timeout)
+ (guarantee-thread-queue queue 'thread-queue/peek-no-hang)
+ (guarantee-non-negative-fixnum timeout 'thread-queue/peek-no-hang)
+ (thread-queue/peek-until queue (+ (real-time-clock) timeout)))
+(define (thread-queue/peek-until queue time)
+ (guarantee-thread-queue queue 'thread-queue/peek-until)
+ (guarantee-integer time 'thread-queue/peek-until)
+ (when-non-empty-before time queue %peek))
+(define (thread-queue/peek queue)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (do ()
+ ((and (not (%empty? queue))
+ (%peek queue)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers!
+ queue (append! (%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers queue)
+ (list (current-thread))))
+ (suspend-current-thread)))))
+(define-integrable (%peek queue)
+ (car (%thread-queue/first-pair queue)))
+(define (%queue! queue item)
+ (let ((last (%thread-queue/last-pair queue))
+ (new (cons item '())))
+ (if last (set-cdr! last new))
+ (set-%thread-queue/last-pair! queue new)
+ (if (not (%thread-queue/first-pair queue))
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue new)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/element-count!
+ queue (1+ (%thread-queue/element-count queue)))
+ (%resume-dequeuers queue)
+ item)
+(define (%dequeue! queue)
+ (let* ((first (%thread-queue/first-pair queue))
+ (item (car first)))
+ (if (eq? first (%thread-queue/last-pair queue))
+ (begin
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue #f)
+ (set-%thread-queue/last-pair! queue #f))
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue (cdr first)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/element-count!
+ queue (-1+ (%thread-queue/element-count queue)))
+ (%resume-queuers queue)
+ item))
+(define (%resume-queuers queue)
+ (do ((queuers (%thread-queue/waiting-queuers queue)
+ (cdr queuers)))
+ ((null? queuers)
+ unspecific)
+ (signal-thread-event (car queuers) (lambda () unspecific)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/waiting-queuers! queue '()))
+(define (%resume-dequeuers queue)
+ (do ((dequeuers (%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers queue)
+ (cdr dequeuers)))
+ ((null? dequeuers)
+ unspecific)
+ (signal-thread-event (car dequeuers) (lambda () unspecific)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/waiting-dequeuers! queue '()))
+(define (thread-queue/push! queue item)
+ ;; Place ITEM at the head of the queue, instead of the end.
+ (if (not item) (error "Cannot queue #F:" queue))
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((max (%thread-queue/max-elements queue)))
+ (if max
+ (if (< (%thread-queue/element-count queue) max)
+ (%push! queue item)
+ (let ((last (%thread-queue/last-pair queue))
+ (first (%thread-queue/first-pair queue)))
+ (let ((new-last
+ (let before-last ((list first))
+ ;; Assume LIST is always a pair, thus that
+ ;; max > 0, and LAST is in FIRST.
+ (if (eq? (cdr list) last)
+ list
+ (before-last (cdr list))))))
+ (set-cdr! new-last '())
+ (set-%thread-queue/last-pair! queue new-last)
+ (set-car! last item) ;Clobber most recently queued item!
+ (set-cdr! last first)
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue last))
+ item))
+ (%push! queue item))))))
+(define (%push! queue item)
+ (let* ((first (%thread-queue/first-pair queue))
+ (new (cons item first)))
+ (set-%thread-queue/first-pair! queue new)
+ (if (not (%thread-queue/last-pair queue))
+ (set-%thread-queue/last-pair! queue new))
+ (set-%thread-queue/element-count! queue
+ (1+ (%thread-queue/element-count queue)))
+ (%resume-dequeuers queue)
+ item))
+(define (test)
+ ;; Sets up a "producer" thread that puts the letters of the alphabet
+ ;; into a thread-queue, one each 2-3 seconds. A "consumer" thread
+ ;; waits on the queue, printing what it reads.
+ (outf-error ";Thread Queue Test\n")
+ (let ((queue (make-thread-queue)))
+ (create-thread
+ #f
+ (lambda ()
+ (outf-error "; Consumer: "(current-thread)"\n")
+ (let loop ()
+ (outf-error "; Consumer reads.\n")
+ (let ((item (thread-queue/dequeue! queue)))
+ (outf-error "; Consumer read "item"\n")
+ (loop)))))
+ (create-thread
+ #f
+ (lambda ()
+ (outf-error "; Producer: "(current-thread)"\n")
+ (for-each (lambda (item)
+ (outf-error "; Producer: sleeping...\n")
+ (sleep-current-thread 2000)
+ (outf-error "; Producer: queuing "item"...\n")
+ (thread-queue/queue! queue item)
+ (outf-error "; Producer: queued "item"\n"))
+ '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+ (outf-error "; Producer done.\n")))))
\ No newline at end of file