cairo/cairo.h |#
+(typedef cairo_matrix_t
+ (struct _cairo_matrix
+ (xx double) (yx double)
+ (xy double) (yy double)
+ (x0 double) (y0 double)))
(typedef cairo_status_t
(enum _cairo_status
+(typedef cairo_rectangle_int_t
+ (struct _cairo_rectangle_int
+ (x int)
+ (y int)
+ (width int)
+ (height int)))
(extern (* cairo_t) cairo_create (target (* cairo_surface_t)))
(extern void cairo_destroy (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern void cairo_restore (cr (* cairo_t)))
-(extern void cairo_set_source_rgba
- (cr (* cairo_t)) (red double)(green double)(blue double)(alpha double))
+(extern void cairo_set_source (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (source (* cairo_pattern_t)))
+(extern void cairo_set_source_rgba (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (red double)(green double)(blue double)(alpha double))
+(extern void cairo_set_source_surface (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (surface (* cairo_surface_t)) (x double) (y double))
(extern void cairo_set_line_width (cr (* cairo_t)) (width double))
-(extern void cairo_set_dash
- (cr (* cairo_t))
- (dashes (* (const double)))
+(extern void cairo_set_dash (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (dashes (* (const double)))
(num_dashes int)
- (offset double))
+ (offset double))
(extern void cairo_translate (cr (* cairo_t)) (tx double) (ty double))
(extern void cairo_rel_line_to (cr (* cairo_t)) (dx double) (dy double))
-(extern void cairo_rectangle
- (cr (* cairo_t)) (x double) (y double) (width double) (height double))
+(extern void cairo_rectangle (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (x double) (y double) (width double) (height double))
+(extern void cairo_close_path (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern void cairo_paint (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern void cairo_fill_preserve (cr (* cairo_t)))
+(extern void cairo_reset_clip (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern void cairo_clip (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern void cairo_clip_extents (cr (* cairo_t))
(x1 (* double)) (y1 (* double))
(x2 (* double)) (y2 (* double)))
+(extern void cairo_set_font_matrix (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (matrix (* cairo_matrix_t)))
+(extern void cairo_show_text (cr (* cairo_t))
+ (utf8 (* (const char))))
(extern cairo_status_t cairo_status (cr (* cairo_t)))
(extern (* (const char)) cairo_status_to_string (status cairo_status_t))
(extern void cairo_surface_destroy (surface (* cairo_surface_t)))
+(extern cairo_status_t cairo_surface_status (surface (* cairo_surface_t)))
(extern cairo_status_t cairo_surface_write_to_png
(surface (* cairo_surface_t))
(filename (* (const char))))
+(extern void cairo_surface_flush (surface (* cairo_surface_t)))
(typedef cairo_format_t
(enum _cairo_format
- (extern (* cairo_surface_t)
+(extern (* cairo_surface_t)
(format cairo_format_t)
(width int)(height int))
-(typedef cairo_rectangle_int_t (struct _cairo_rectangle_int))
+(extern (* cairo_pattern_t)
+ cairo_pattern_create_linear
+ (x0 double) (y0 double)
+ (x1 double) (y1 double))
+(extern (* cairo_pattern_t)
+ cairo_pattern_create_radial
+ (cx0 double) (cy0 double) (radius0 double)
+ (cx1 double) (cy1 double) (radius1 double))
+(extern void cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern (* cairo_pattern_t)))
+(extern cairo_status_t cairo_pattern_status (pattern (* cairo_pattern_t)))
-(struct _cairo_rectangle_int
- (x int)
- (y int)
- (width int)
- (height int))
\ No newline at end of file
+(extern void
+ cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba
+ (pattern (* cairo_pattern_t))
+ (offset double) (red double)(green double)(blue double)(alpha double))
\ No newline at end of file
#| -*-Scheme-*-
-Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Birkholz
+Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Matthew Birkholz
This file is part of an extension to MIT/GNU Scheme.
;;;; Cairo interface.
;;; package: (gtk cairo)
+(define (cairo-image-surface-create width height)
+ (let ((surface (make-alien '|cairo_surface_t|))
+ (copy (make-alien '|cairo_surface_t|)))
+ (add-gc-cleanup surface (make-cairo-surface-cleanup copy))
+ (C-call "cairo_image_surface_create" copy
+ (C-enum "CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24") width height)
+ (copy-alien-address! surface copy)
+ (check-cairo-surface-status surface)
+ surface))
+(define (make-cairo-surface-cleanup alien)
+ (named-lambda (cairo-surface-cleanup)
+ ;;without-interrupts
+ (if (not (alien-null? alien))
+ (begin
+ (C-call "cairo_surface_destroy" alien)
+ (alien-null! alien)))))
+(define (cairo-surface-destroy surface)
+ (check-cairo-surface-status surface)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not (alien-null? surface))
+ (begin
+ (C-call "cairo_surface_destroy" surface)
+ (alien-null! surface)))))
+ (punt-gc-cleanup surface))
+(define (check-cairo-surface-status surface)
+ (let ((status (C-call "cairo_surface_status" surface)))
+ (if (not (= status (C-enum "CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS")))
+ (let ((msg (C-call "cairo_status_to_string"
+ (make-alien '(* (const char)))
+ status)))
+ (error msg surface)))))
+(define (guarantee-cairo-surface object operator)
+ (if (and (alien? object) (eq? (alien/ctype object) '|cairo_surface_t|))
+ object
+ (error:wrong-type-argument object "a cairo_surface_t alien" operator)))
+(define (cairo-surface-flush surface)
+ (guarantee-cairo-surface surface 'cairo-surface-flush)
+ (C-call "cairo_surface_flush" surface))
+(define (cairo-pattern-create-linear x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (let ((pattern (make-alien '|cairo_pattern_t|))
+ (copy (make-alien '|cairo_pattern_t|)))
+ (add-gc-cleanup pattern (make-cairo-pattern-cleanup copy))
+ (C-call "cairo_pattern_create_linear" copy
+ (->flonum x1) (->flonum y1) (->flonum x2) (->flonum y2))
+ (copy-alien-address! pattern copy)
+ (check-cairo-pattern-status pattern)
+ pattern))
+(define (cairo-pattern-create-radial cx0 cy0 radius0 cx1 cy1 radius1)
+ (let ((pattern (make-alien '|cairo_pattern_t|))
+ (copy (make-alien '|cairo_pattern_t|)))
+ (add-gc-cleanup pattern (make-cairo-pattern-cleanup copy))
+ (C-call "cairo_pattern_create_radial" copy
+ (->flonum cx0) (->flonum cy0) (->flonum radius0)
+ (->flonum cx1) (->flonum cy1) (->flonum radius1))
+ (copy-alien-address! pattern copy)
+ (check-cairo-pattern-status pattern)
+ pattern))
+(define (make-cairo-pattern-cleanup alien)
+ (named-lambda (cairo-pattern-cleanup)
+ ;;without-interrupts
+ (if (not (alien-null? alien))
+ (begin
+ (C-call "cairo_pattern_destroy" alien)
+ (alien-null! alien)))))
+(define (cairo-pattern-destroy pattern)
+ (check-cairo-pattern-status pattern)
+ (without-interrupts
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not (alien-null? pattern))
+ (begin
+ (C-call "cairo_pattern_destroy" pattern)
+ (alien-null! pattern)))))
+ (punt-gc-cleanup pattern))
+(define (check-cairo-pattern-status pattern)
+ (let ((status (C-call "cairo_pattern_status" pattern)))
+ (if (not (= status (C-enum "CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS")))
+ (let ((msg (C-call "cairo_status_to_string"
+ (make-alien '(* (const char)))
+ status)))
+ (error msg pattern)))))
+(define (guarantee-cairo-pattern object operator)
+ (if (and (alien? object) (eq? (alien/ctype object) '|cairo_pattern_t|))
+ object
+ (error:wrong-type-argument object "a cairo_pattern_t alien" operator)))
+(define (cairo-pattern-add-color-stop pattern offset color)
+ (guarantee-cairo-pattern pattern 'cairo-pattern-add-color-stop)
+ (let ((c (->color color 'cairo-pattern-add-color-stop)))
+ (C-call "cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba" pattern (->flonum offset)
+ (color-red c) (color-green c) (color-blue c) (color-alpha c))))
+(define (cairo-create surface)
+ (guarantee-cairo-surface surface 'cairo-create)
+ (let ((cairo (make-alien '|cairo_t|))
+ (copy (make-alien '|cairo_t|)))
+ (add-gc-cleanup cairo (make-cairo-cleanup copy))
+ (C-call "cairo_create" copy surface)
+ (copy-alien-address! cairo copy)
+ (check-cairo-status cairo)
+ cairo))
(define (gdk-cairo-create GdkWindow)
(let ((cairo (make-alien '|cairo_t|))
(copy (make-alien '|cairo_t|)))
(if (not (= status (C-enum "CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS")))
(let ((msg (C-call "cairo_status_to_string"
(make-alien '(* (const char)))
- cairo)))
+ status)))
(error msg cairo)))))
+(define (guarantee-cairo object operator)
+ (if (and (alien? object) (eq? (alien/ctype object) '|cairo_t|))
+ object
+ (error:wrong-type-argument object "a cairo_t alien" operator)))
+(define (cairo-translate cairo dx dy)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-source)
+ (C-call "cairo_translate" cairo (->flonum dx) (->flonum dy)))
+(define (cairo-scale cairo sx sy)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-source)
+ (C-call "cairo_scale" cairo (->flonum sx) (->flonum sy)))
+(define (cairo-set-source-color cairo color)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-source-color)
+ (let ((c (->color color 'cairo-set-source-color)))
+ (C-call "cairo_set_source_rgba" cairo
+ (color-red c) (color-green c) (color-blue c) (color-alpha c))))
+(define (cairo-set-source cairo pattern)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-source)
+ (guarantee-cairo-pattern pattern 'cairo-set-source)
+ (C-call "cairo_set_source" cairo pattern))
(define-integrable (cairo-clip-extents cairo receiver)
(let ((doubles (malloc (fix:* 4 (C-sizeof "double")) 'double)))
(let ((y1 (C-array-loc doubles "double" 1))
(let ((x1. (C-> doubles "double")) (y1. (C-> y1 "double"))
(x2. (C-> x2 "double")) (y2. (C-> y2 "double")))
(free doubles)
- (receiver x1. y1. x2. y2.)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (receiver x1. y1. x2. y2.)))))
+(define (cairo-arc cairo xc yc radius start-angle end-angle)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-source)
+ (C-call "cairo_arc" cairo (->flonum xc) (->flonum yc) (->flonum radius)
+ (->flonum start-angle) (->flonum end-angle)))
+(define (cairo-paint cairo)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-paint)
+ (C-call "cairo_paint" cairo))
+(define (cairo-fill cairo)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-fill)
+ (C-call "cairo_fill" cairo))
+(define (cairo-stroke cairo)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-stroke)
+ (C-call "cairo_stroke" cairo))
+(define (cairo-set-font-matrix cairo matrix)
+ (guarantee-cairo cairo 'cairo-set-font-matrix)
+ (guarantee-cairo-matrix matrix 'cairo-set-font-matrix)
+ #;(C-call "scm_cairo_set_font_matrix" cairo matrix)
+ (let ((cairo-matrix (malloc (C-sizeof "cairo_matrix_t") '|cairo_matrix_t|)))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t xx" (flo:vector-ref matrix 0))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t yx" (flo:vector-ref matrix 1))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t x0" (flo:vector-ref matrix 2))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t xy" (flo:vector-ref matrix 3))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t yy" (flo:vector-ref matrix 4))
+ (C->= cairo-matrix "cairo_matrix_t y0" (flo:vector-ref matrix 5))
+ (C-call "cairo_set_font_matrix" cairo cairo-matrix)
+ (free cairo-matrix)))
+(define (guarantee-cairo-matrix object operator)
+ (if (and (flo:flonum? object)
+ (= (flo:vector-length object) 6))
+ object
+ (error:wrong-type-argument object "a cairo matrix" operator)))
+(define (cairo-matrix xx yx x0
+ xy yy y0)
+ (let ((v (flo:vector-cons 6)))
+ (flo:vector-set! v 0 xx)
+ (flo:vector-set! v 1 yx)
+ (flo:vector-set! v 2 x0)
+ (flo:vector-set! v 3 xy)
+ (flo:vector-set! v 4 yy)
+ (flo:vector-set! v 5 y0)
+ v))
\ No newline at end of file