--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: dirw32.scm,v 1.1 1996/12/07 22:23:52 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
+;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
+;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;;; understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
+;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
+;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
+;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
+;;; this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with
+;;; the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
+;;; research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
+;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
+;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
+;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
+;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;; NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+;;; from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+;;; the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+;;; of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; Directory Editor (Win32 Customizations)
+;;; package: (edwin dired)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-key 'dired #\S 'dired-hidden-toggle)
+(define-key 'dired #\M 'dired-chmod)
+(define-command dired-hidden-toggle
+ "Toggle display of hidden/system files on and off."
+ ()
+ (lambda () (dired-toggle-switch #\a)))
+(define (win32/parse-attributes-spec spec)
+ (let ((end (string-length spec))
+ (plus '())
+ (minus '()))
+ (let loop ((index 0) (state #f))
+ (if (< index end)
+ (let ((char (char-downcase (string-ref spec index)))
+ (index (+ index 1)))
+ (case char
+ ((#\+ #\-)
+ (loop index char))
+ ((#\a #\c #\h #\r #\s)
+ (set! plus (delv! char plus))
+ (set! minus (delv! char minus))
+ (case state
+ ((#\+)
+ (set! plus (cons char plus))
+ (loop index state))
+ ((#\-)
+ (set! minus (cons char minus))
+ (loop index state))
+ (else #f)))
+ (else #f)))
+ (values (win32/attribute-letters-to-mask plus)
+ (win32/attribute-letters-to-mask minus))))))
+(define-command dired-chmod
+ "Change mode of this file."
+ "sChange to Mode\nP"
+ (lambda (spec argument)
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (win32/parse-attributes-spec spec))
+ (lambda (plus minus)
+ (dired-change-files "change attributes of" argument
+ (lambda (pathname lstart)
+ (set-file-modes! pathname
+ (fix:or (fix:andc (file-modes pathname)
+ minus)
+ plus))
+ (dired-redisplay pathname lstart)))))))
+(define (win32/attribute-letters-to-mask letters)
+ (let ((mask 0))
+ (for-each (lambda (letter)
+ (set! mask
+ (fix:or (case letter
+ ((#\a) nt-file-mode/archive)
+ ((#\c) nt-file-mode/compressed)
+ ((#\d) nt-file-mode/directory)
+ ((#\h) nt-file-mode/hidden)
+ ((#\r) nt-file-mode/read-only)
+ ((#\s) nt-file-mode/system)
+ (else (error "Unknown mode letter:" letter)))
+ mask))
+ unspecific)
+ letters)
+ mask))
\ No newline at end of file