#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: blowfish.scm,v 1.2 1997/06/09 08:08:00 cph Exp $
+$Id: blowfish.scm,v 1.3 1997/06/17 04:59:30 cph Exp $
Copyright (c) 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(md5 1)
+ (md5-init 0)
+ (md5-update 4)
+ (md5-final 1)
(blowfish-set-key 1)
(blowfish-cbc 4)
- (blowfish-cfb64 5))
+ (blowfish-cfb64 5)
+ (blowfish-cfb64-substring 7))
(define (blowfish-available?)
- (and (implemented-primitive-procedure? md5)
- (implemented-primitive-procedure? blowfish-set-key)))
+ (and (implemented-primitive-procedure? md5-init)
+ (implemented-primitive-procedure? blowfish-cfb64-substring)))
(define (blowfish-encrypt-string plaintext key-string encrypt?)
- (blowfish-cfb64 plaintext
- (blowfish-set-key (md5 key-string))
- (make-string 8 #\NUL)
- 0
- encrypt?))
+ (blowfish-encrypt-substring plaintext 0 (string-length plaintext)
+ key-string encrypt?))
+(define (blowfish-encrypt-substring plaintext start end key-string encrypt?)
+ (blowfish-cfb64-substring plaintext start end
+ (blowfish-set-key (md5 key-string))
+ (make-string 8 #\NUL)
+ 0
+ encrypt?))
(define (blowfish-encrypt-port input output key-string encrypt?)
;; Assumes that INPUT is in blocking mode.
(let ((key (blowfish-set-key (md5 key-string)))
- (buffer (make-string 512))
+ (buffer (make-string 4096))
(init-vector (make-string 8 #\NUL)))
(let loop ((m 0))
(let ((n (input-port/read-string! input buffer)))
(if (not (fix:= 0 n))
- (write-string (blowfish-cfb64 (if (fix:= 512 n)
- buffer
- (string-head buffer n))
- key
- init-vector
- m
- encrypt?)
+ (write-string (blowfish-cfb64-substring buffer 0 n
+ key init-vector m
+ encrypt?)
- (loop (fix:and #x7 (fix:+ m (fix:and #x7 n))))))))))
+ (loop (fix:and #x7 (fix:+ m n)))))))))
(define (write-blowfish-file-header port)
(write-string blowfish-file-header port)
(error "Not a Blowfish file:" port)))
(define blowfish-file-header
- "Blowfish, 16 rounds")
\ No newline at end of file
+ "Blowfish, 16 rounds")
+(define (md5-file filename)
+ (call-with-binary-input-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((buffer (make-string 4096))
+ (context (md5-init)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((n (read-string! buffer 0 4096 port)))
+ (if (fix:= 0 n)
+ (md5-final context)
+ (begin
+ (md5-update context buffer 0 n)
+ (loop)))))))))
+(define (md5-sum->number sum)
+ (let ((l (string-length sum)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1))
+ (n 0 (+ (* n #x100) (vector-8b-ref sum i))))
+ ((fix:= i l) n))))
+(define (md5-sum->hexadecimal sum)
+ (let ((s (number->string (md5-sum->number sum) 16)))
+ (string-downcase! s)
+ (let ((d (fix:- 32 (string-length s))))
+ (if (fix:> d 0)
+ (string-append (make-string d #\0) s)
+ s))))
\ No newline at end of file