;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: mime-codec.scm,v 14.3 2000/06/15 15:11:29 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: mime-codec.scm,v 14.4 2000/06/22 03:45:16 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(do-char (char->integer #\/) 63)
(set! base64-char-table char-table)
(set! base64-digit-table digit-table)
- unspecific)
\ No newline at end of file
+ unspecific)
+;;;; Decode BinHex 4.0
+(define-structure (binhex40-decoding-context
+ (conc-name binhex40-decoding-context/)
+ (constructor make-binhex40-decoding-context (port)))
+ (port #f read-only #t)
+ (line-buffer "")
+ (input-buffer (make-string 4) read-only #t)
+ (input-index 0)
+ (output-buffer (make-string 3) read-only #t))
+(define (decode-binhex40:initialize port text?)
+ text? ;ignored
+ (make-binhex40-decoding-context port))
+(define (decode-binhex40:finalize context)
+ (let ((state (binhex40-decoding-context/state context)))
+ (case (binhex40-decoding-context/state context)
+ (error "Missing BinHex 4.0 initial comment line."))
+ (error "Missing BinHex 4.0 starting character."))
+ (error "Missing BinHex 4.0 terminating character."))
+ unspecific)
+ (else
+ (error "Illegal decoder state:" state)))))
+(define (decode-binhex40:update context string start end)
+ (let ((state (binhex40-decoding-context/state context)))
+ (case (binhex40-decoding-context/state context)
+ (decode-binhex40-seeking-comment context string start end))
+ (decode-binhex40-seeking-colon context string start end))
+ (decode-binhex40-decoding context string start end))
+ unspecific)
+ (else
+ (error "Illegal decoder state:" state)))))
+(define (decode-binhex40-seeking-comment context string start end)
+ (let loop
+ ((s
+ (string-append (binhex40-decoding-context/line-buffer context)
+ (substring string start end))))
+ (let ((index (string-find-next-char s #\newline)))
+ (cond ((not index)
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/line-buffer! context s))
+ ((re-substring-match binhex40-initial-comment s 0 index)
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/state! context
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/line-buffer! context #f)
+ (decode-binhex40:update context s
+ (fix:+ index 1)
+ (string-length s)))
+ (else
+ (loop (string-tail s (fix:+ index 1))))))))
+(define (decode-binhex40-seeking-colon context string start end)
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char string start end #\:)))
+ (if index
+ (begin
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/state! context 'DECODING)
+ (decode-binhex40:update context string (fix:+ index 1) end)))))
+(define (decode-binhex40-decoding context string start end)
+ (let ((buffer (binhex40-decoding-context/input-buffer context)))
+ (let loop
+ ((start start)
+ (index (binhex40-decoding-context/input-index context)))
+ (if (fix:< start end)
+ (let ((char (string-ref string start))
+ (start (fix:+ start 1)))
+ (cond ((char=? char #\:)
+ (if (fix:> index 0)
+ (begin
+ (string-set! buffer index char)
+ (decode-binhex40-quantum context)))
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/state! context 'IGNORING))
+ ((fix:< (vector-8b-ref binhex40-char-table
+ (char->integer char))
+ #x40)
+ (string-set! buffer index char)
+ (if (fix:< index 3)
+ (loop start (fix:+ index 1))
+ (begin
+ (decode-binhex40-quantum context)
+ (loop start 0))))
+ (else
+ (loop start index))))
+ (set-binhex40-decoding-context/input-index! context index)))))
+(define (decode-binhex40-quantum context)
+ (let ((input (binhex40-decoding-context/input-buffer context))
+ (output (binhex40-decoding-context/output-buffer context))
+ (port (binhex40-decoding-context/port context)))
+ (write-substring output 0
+ (decode-binhex40-quantum-1 input output)
+ port)))
+(define (decode-binhex40-quantum-1 input output)
+ (let ((d1 (decode-binhex40-char input 0))
+ (d2 (decode-binhex40-char input 1)))
+ (cond ((char=? (string-ref input 2) #\:)
+ (vector-8b-set! output 0 (fix:+ (fix:lsh d1 2) (fix:lsh d2 -4)))
+ 1)
+ ((char=? (string-ref input 3) #\:)
+ (let ((n
+ (fix:+ (fix:+ (fix:lsh d1 10) (fix:lsh d2 4))
+ (fix:lsh (decode-binhex40-char input 2) -2))))
+ (vector-8b-set! output 0 (fix:lsh n -8))
+ (vector-8b-set! output 1 (fix:and #xFF n)))
+ 2)
+ (else
+ (let ((n
+ (fix:+ (fix:+ (fix:lsh d1 18)
+ (fix:lsh d2 12))
+ (fix:+ (fix:lsh (decode-binhex40-char input 2) 6)
+ (decode-binhex40-char input 3)))))
+ (vector-8b-set! output 0 (fix:lsh n -16))
+ (vector-8b-set! output 1 (fix:and #xFF (fix:lsh n -8)))
+ (vector-8b-set! output 2 (fix:and #xFF n))
+ 3)))))
+(define (decode-binhex40-char input index)
+ (let ((digit
+ (vector-8b-ref binhex40-char-table (vector-8b-ref input index))))
+ (if (fix:> digit #x40)
+ (error "Misplaced #\: in BinHex 4.0 input."))
+ digit))
+(define binhex40-initial-comment
+ "^(This file must be converted with BinHex 4\\.0)[ \t]*$")
+(define binhex40-digit-table
+ "!\"#$%&\'()*+,-012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr")
+(define binhex40-char-table
+ (make-string 256 (integer->char #xff)))
+(do ((code 0 (fix:+ code 1)))
+ ((fix:= code 64))
+ (vector-8b-set! binhex40-char-table
+ (vector-8b-ref binhex40-digit-table code)
+ code))
\ No newline at end of file