--- /dev/null
+/* -*-C-*-
+$Id: os2sock.c,v 1.1 1996/05/09 20:22:03 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1990-96 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
+standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. */
+/* This conditional encompasses the entire file. */
+#include "os2.h"
+#include "uxsock.h"
+#include <types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+static Tchannel initialize_stream_socket (int, enum channel_type);
+static msg_t * stream_socket_reader (LHANDLE, qid_t, msg_t *, int *);
+static void stream_socket_operator
+ (Tchannel, chop_t, choparg_t, choparg_t, choparg_t);
+#define VOID_SOCKET_CALL(proc, args) \
+{ \
+ while (1) \
+ { \
+ int rc = (proc args); \
+ if (rc >= 0) \
+ break; \
+ if ((sock_errno ()) != SOCEINTR) \
+ OS2_error_system_call ((sock_errno ()), syscall_ ## proc); \
+ } \
+#define VALUE_SOCKET_CALL(proc, args, var) \
+{ \
+ while (1) \
+ { \
+ int rc = (proc args); \
+ if (rc >= 0) \
+ { \
+ var = rc; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ if ((sock_errno ()) != SOCEINTR) \
+ OS2_error_system_call ((sock_errno ()), syscall_ ## proc); \
+ } \
+static void
+socket_close_on_abort_1 (void * sp)
+ (void) soclose (* ((int *) sp));
+static void
+socket_close_on_abort (int s)
+ int * sp = (dstack_alloc (sizeof (int)));
+ (*sp) = s;
+ transaction_record_action (tat_abort, socket_close_on_abort_1, sp);
+OS_open_tcp_stream_socket (char * host, int port)
+ int s;
+ struct sockaddr_in address;
+ memset ((&address), 0, (sizeof (address)));
+ (address . sin_family) = AF_INET;
+ memcpy ((& (address . sin_addr)), host, (sizeof (struct in_addr)));
+ (address . sin_port) = port;
+ (connect, (s,
+ ((struct sockaddr *) (&address)),
+ (sizeof (address))));
+ return (initialize_stream_socket (s, channel_type_tcp_stream_socket));
+OS_open_unix_stream_socket (const char * filename)
+ int s;
+ struct sockaddr_un address;
+ VALUE_SOCKET_CALL (socket, (PF_OS2, SOCK_STREAM, 0), s);
+ memset ((&address), 0, (sizeof (address)));
+ (address . sun_family) = AF_OS2;
+ strncpy ((address . sun_path), filename, (sizeof (address . sun_path)));
+ (connect, (s,
+ ((struct sockaddr *) (&address)),
+ (sizeof (address))));
+ return (initialize_stream_socket (s, channel_type_unix_stream_socket));
+OS_get_service_by_name (const char * service_name, const char * protocol_name)
+ struct servent * entry
+ = (getservbyname (((char *) service_name),
+ ((char *) protocol_name)));
+ return ((entry == 0) ? (-1) : (entry -> s_port));
+unsigned int
+OS_host_address_length (void)
+ return (sizeof (struct in_addr));
+char **
+OS_get_host_by_name (const char * host_name)
+ struct hostent * entry = (gethostbyname ((char *) host_name));
+ return ((entry == 0) ? 0 : (entry -> h_addr_list));
+OS_open_server_socket (unsigned int port, int arg_number)
+ int s;
+ struct sockaddr_in address;
+ {
+ unsigned int nb_port = (sizeof (((struct sockaddr_in *) 0) -> sin_port));
+ if (((sizeof (unsigned int)) > nb_port)
+ && (port >= (1 << (CHAR_BIT * nb_port))))
+ error_bad_range_arg (arg_number);
+ }
+ memset ((&address), 0, (sizeof (address)));
+ (address . sin_family) = AF_INET;
+ (address . sin_addr . s_addr) = INADDR_ANY;
+ (address . sin_port) = port;
+ (bind, (s,
+ ((struct sockaddr *) (& address)),
+ (sizeof (struct sockaddr_in))));
+ return (initialize_stream_socket (s, channel_type_tcp_server_socket));
+OS_server_connection_accept (Tchannel channel,
+ char * peer_host, int * peer_port)
+ static struct sockaddr_in address;
+ int s;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int address_length = (sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
+ s = (accept (((int) (CHANNEL_HANDLE (channel))),
+ ((struct sockaddr *) (&address)),
+ (&address_length)));
+ if (s >= 0)
+ break;
+ if ((sock_errno ()) == SOCEWOULDBLOCK)
+ return (NO_CHANNEL);
+ if ((sock_errno ()) != SOCEINTR)
+ OS2_error_system_call ((sock_errno ()), syscall_accept);
+ }
+ if (peer_host != 0)
+ memcpy (peer_host, (& (address . sin_addr)), (sizeof (struct in_addr)));
+ if (peer_port != 0)
+ (*peer_port) = (address . sin_port);
+ return (initialize_stream_socket (s, channel_type_tcp_stream_socket));
+static Tchannel
+initialize_stream_socket (int s, enum channel_type type)
+ transaction_begin ();
+ socket_close_on_abort (s);
+ {
+ Tchannel channel = (OS2_allocate_channel ());
+ OS2_initialize_channel (channel, s, (CHANNEL_READ | CHANNEL_WRITE), type);
+ OS2_start_channel_thread (channel,
+ stream_socket_reader,
+ stream_socket_operator);
+ transaction_commit ();
+ return (channel);
+ }
+static msg_t *
+stream_socket_reader (LHANDLE handle, qid_t qid, msg_t * message, int * eofp)
+ int nread
+ = (recv (((int) handle),
+ (SM_READAHEAD_DATA (message)),
+ (sizeof (SM_READAHEAD_DATA (message))),
+ 0));
+ if (nread >= 0)
+ {
+ (SM_READAHEAD_SIZE (message)) = nread;
+ (*eofp) = (nread == 0);
+ return (message);
+ }
+ OS2_destroy_message (message);
+ if ((sock_errno ()) == SOCENOTSOCK)
+ /* Socket was closed on us -- no need to do anything else. */
+ return (0);
+ (*eofp) = 0;
+ return (OS2_make_syscall_error ((sock_errno ()), syscall_recv));
+static void
+stream_socket_operator (Tchannel channel, chop_t operation,
+ choparg_t arg1, choparg_t arg2, choparg_t arg3)
+ switch (operation)
+ {
+ case chop_read:
+ OS2_channel_thread_read_op (channel, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ break;
+ case chop_write:
+ (send, (((int) (CHANNEL_HANDLE (channel))),
+ ((char *) arg1),
+ ((size_t) arg2),
+ 0),
+ (* ((long *) arg3)));
+ break;
+ case chop_close:
+ OS2_channel_thread_close (channel);
+ VOID_SOCKET_CALL (soclose, ((int) (CHANNEL_HANDLE (channel))));
+ break;
+ default:
+ OS2_logic_error ("Unknown operation for stream socket.");
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* not DISABLE_SOCKET_SUPPORT */