November 13th, 2004

Today we struck out on our own, using the city bus system.

A view of Big Ben & the Houses of Parliament from across the Thames at the London Eye.
And Matt & Erica were there too!
The Houses of Parliament.
The London Eye. We had tickets for 5pm Saturday night and there were fireworks for the Mayoral Inauguration. It was quite exciting.
A view of the gondolas on the London Eye.
More of a postcard shot of Big Ben.
The entrance to Westminster Abbey.
Buckingham Palace. No tours inside this time of year.
The fountain outside the gates of Buckingham Palace.
One of the entrances to Buckingham Palace.
Gates to Green Park and St. James Palace.
"The Mall"
St. James Park
Westminster Abbey. It was Remembrance Day (Veteran's Day).
The Horse Guard at St. James Palace.
Another shot of Trafalgar Square with Lord Nelson perched high.